The second battle of Stalingrad.
  • POV is the head of army, the guy above our alternate Hannibal Barca.

    I exclaimed, “they are coming?”

    He nodded meekly,

    “Again with just as many men?”

    He nodded again.

    “We can barely afford to garrison the oil field, we have no airforce at Stalingard lest the British destroy the oil fields. What will we do?” My hand was on my chin, I truly didn’t fear the soviet army but the Air Force they might bring with them. Unlike the last time we can’t use our own.
    He loudly proclaimed, “We still have two weeks to dig trenches and soften the ground.”
    I laughed and said, “In the middle of winter, you will have our men dig trenches and our tanks run circles on the frozen river.”
    “They can wear the fur caps from red army.”
    “We barely have enough to cover a third of our men.” He grinned and said, “That’s all we will need.”

    Two weeks of men working double shifts to build the trenches while he tried to break the freezing river. Finally we have settled on an artillery to ensure that the river stays liquid. Our best artillery would not support us in the fight but protect our flanks.

    By the end of second week, Erich had taken a vanguard of our best men to face and lure the enemy in our terrain. With any luck, we would only face broken men without an army. He had also taken the last of air power to cover his head, so air defenses had to be manned at all times for a surprise attack on the city of ruins.

    After three days, a roll of tanks was heard. It was soviets who come first not our own, I was disheartened to know that our best men were dead. Yet a slick of doubt remained, the enemies were an intact force. I could barely believe that they had taken out a force of 50,000 men in the last three days.

    The only other possiblity was that they had not faced Erich’s fourth panzer army in battle. I prepared the defenses, ordered a full shelling on the river. Not a shitty chance, I don’t think I will let myself get outmanoeuvred by these fucking cunts.

    Our second artillery battalion launched a full assualt on the coming waves of soldiers. They must have lost thousands of men, and then they launched another assault and kept launching failed assaults on our trenches. After fifth Attacks, our men were battered and we looked at the horizon as the soviet army melted against an assualt on their rear.

    Our reinforcements have arrived.

    obviously I am not smart enough of know how Erich would defeat the soviets but just assume that he does. By the way, Soviets were launching human waves attack to figure out German defenses. It was a very common soviet and Chinese tactic. Also this is happening in February of 1942, Stalin thought that the winter would give the advantage to the Russians.
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