The Biden Express

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Epilogue: Newt’s Song and Other Shorts


November 3, 1992
Los Angeles, CA

Congressman O.J. Simpson… he liked the sound of that.



November 30, 1992
Fresno, CA

When the haze settled, the ATF Special Response Team realized a mistake had been made. After the Waxman assassination attempt, to the Riverside raid, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had trailed the weapons to Fresno. But it turned out that it was more than just an arms cache. The white power gang that was running the guns had been using the warehouse as a home. So after the CS gas, after the flashbangs, after the firefight that wounded two agents, the Special Response Team realized that there were children living there.


December 7, 1992
Dallas, Texas

“George, phone!” Laura, cried from the other phone.

At this time of night? “Who is it Laura?”

“It’s Lee Atwater.” Lee Atwater! Been to long!”

“Hey Lee! it’s George, what’s up?”

“Well George, I’m here with Karl Rove and Dick Thornburgh and we’ve got a question for ya… I’ll let the President-elect ask.” George Bush wasn’t a stranger to politics, but he had to admit his heart was racing to be speaking with the President-elect.

“George? Dick here, like Lee said I’ve got a question… how’d you like to be Secretary of Energy?”


January 5, 1993
Washington, D.C.

When you worked in the halls and offices of the United States Capitol complex, no place else lived up to the standards. Newt Gingrich loved Georgia, but this was really his home. “Hey Newt, wait up!” he heard from behind. Running up behind him was Rick Santorum, a young gun from Pennsylvania. He had made friends fast on the Hill, including the newly-minted Minority Leader. And Santorum’s profile was raised even higher with a fellow Keystoner elected to the White House.

“Hey Newt, it was great to vote for your leadership again. Just don’t know why you didn’t stand for leader.” How could Gingrich explain that? Well, it wasn’t too long ago that in quite whispers and not-so quite grumbles voices around Washington blamed him for the Cheney’s death and causing a Constitutional crisis. But he still had friends and by dropping out of the limelight, and letting others take some punches.

After months of glad-handing the bankrollers, helping line his colleague’s pockets, and letting others, he had worked back into the inner circle. “One step at a time, Rick, one step at a time. You got time to talk about the EITC bill?”



January 12, 1993
New York City

“Three years ago today, the Reverend Al Sharpton was stabbed to death while attempting to bring the community of New Yorkers closer together. After the protests and marches, cries and shouts, some wounds have healed, but Mayor Ron Lauder has done little to bring this community closer together,” David Dinkins paused to let the crowd decry the Mayor of New York. “That’s why I stand on this stage today, to support our next Mayor, Elizabeth Holtzman!”


Geraldine Ferraro (left), Borough President Dinkens (center), Comptroller Holtzman (right)


January 18, 1993
Lansing, MI

Stacks of photocopied colored flyers were piled on the folding table, next to the military surplus. “Remember the Fresno Fourteen,” Tim McVeigh said as he held out copies for people to pick up. A few people stopped to pick them up. A bearded man lingered as he passed by, shared a few words, “Shame what those fuckin’ Feds did to them women and kids… they deserve what’s comin’ to them.”

McVeigh nodded, “Agree completely.”


January 20, 1993
Washington, D.C.

Jill Biden woke up in bed alone. It was still early, almost four. She put on her robe and went looking for her husband. She knew where he’d be. She opened the door to the Oval Office. Joe was looking out the window. “Hey honey,” he said turning to her, with a smile.

“You ready for today?”

“Feels weird, doesn’t it? Only eight hours left…”

“You didn’t answer my question, but I’ll let it slide this time, Mr. President,” the First Lady whispered as she strolled up to the Resolute desk. “Any final… executive decisions?”

With his election-winning smile, President Biden walked up to his wife, placed his hands on her hips and confessed, “Well… I’ve got one idea…”


The Biden-Jacobs Wedding, June 17, 1977

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Interesting. W. has the Secretary of Energy before becoming Baseball Commish?

Sad that the Rev. Sharpton died ITTL.

I wonder how Congressman O.J is gonna fall. With that temper and his domestic abuse issues.... Be interesting to see what the long trial that ends in an acquittal of the 90s will be?

And intrigue with McVeigh. I have a feeling that Thornburgh will have a difficult time with the domino effect the Fresno thing has.


Wait... wasn't McVeigh a vet of Desert Storm IOTL (unless I'm misremembering)? Isn't that what drove him to his terrorism, partly?
Jimmy Carter (1977 - 1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981 - 1989)
Joe Biden (1989 - 1993) [first term]
Richard Thornburgh (1993 - 1997)
Joe Biden (1997 - 2001) [second term]

My guesses for now.

Forgot about this post. Have a feeling you may be right.
Joe and Jill giving the Oval a late christening. Really the perfect ending. Bravo, sir.

So, any predictions/expectations for the Thornburgh presidency?

I realize he's likely to stay miles away from anything that looks like it violates state's rights, but I'd love to see him do something to tackle certain higher ed problems. Streamlined accreditation would be great; more money for community colleges and technical schools; maybe extend his support for college-bound high schoolers with more summer programs.

I was interested to see what he might do with energy policy as the Three Mile Island president. But now that we know W's in charge of Energy, I'm nervous.

I'd bet we'll see the drug war ramped up; lots of other legal avenues taken by the White House. An activist justice department.

Foreign policy, who knows? Should be a fairly stable term, all things considered. Compared to the term before and the term after, that is. Though I suppose there's something similar to the first WTC bombing in the works.
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