Reformed Sparta Under Cleomenes III


This is a revision for the Sparta - Roman assistance ;

As the clashes and consolidations of Philips victories and the Spartan victories on either end of Greece continued both groups started the recruitment of mercenaries. Prime recruiting areas for Philip were Anatolia, Syria, the northern tribes, and the Caucasus. For Sparta they received financial support from Egypt, Cav recruits from Anatolia and Armenia, but primarily they were allowed to recruit from the Italian mainland with Roman permission. Towards the end of 218 after the tremendous successes of the Allies, the Athenian navy 500 Spartans, 2,000 Athenians, 3500 mercs, and 300 cav. sailed on a daring raid the met the Epirus navy on the beach of Corfu.

The 120 Athenian ships (30 war ships and 90 transports) came out of the early morning fog to see the enemy navy nicely pulled up on the beach. The 60 Epirus navy had everyone sitting in around their breakfast fires. As the ships appeared out of he fog the sentries let out late calls, since in Oct their was no expectations of anyone stupid enough to sail and what enemy was there to fight? The majority of the crews and the marines were back home, at brothels, or drunk in the various towns. In fact only 20% of the crews were at hand working on repairs on the ships. The Athenians landed and quickly overwhelmed the defenders and captured the fleet. The local populace quickly came over to the side of the Allies (news of the redistribution of the land of the reforms had spread wide throughout Greece). By Dec the island was in the secure grip of the Allies. Of the captives 3500 merc resigned with the Athenians.

IN the mean time the Italian recruits that were being recruited as Merc by the Sparta were centered in Bari and Naples. The Spartans had 1100 troops in place for training the new recruits in the integrated combat system they were using. So far at Naples 3,800 recruits had been mustered, while at Bari 4,000 more had been recruited. As the war news rolled across the nation Rome sent two senators to the General for the Allies in Italy saying that depending on the military situation some or all of he merc might have to be mustered in the Roman army, however for now the recruitment could continue at a much reduced rate and those troops currently mustered could continue to Greece.

In December one of the two Roman army's in Italy was was destroyed at Trebia. The Roman senators in discussions asked for assistance in possibly moving the Merc army closer to Rome in support. The Allied general was in preparation of having the fleet sail from Corfu to pick up the Merc army. Considering the situation he instead ordered the 500 Spartans, 1000 Athenians, and 2500 mercs to come to Italy. By March the army had been combined into a force of 500 Spartans, 1000 Athenians, 12,000 mercs for a total force of 13,500 all centered around Naples. At the end of the May the Romans felt that their situation was in hand as they were closing in on Hannibal's force. The allied force begin to prepare to depart Italy. In June the battle of Lake Trasimene destroyed the only other Roman army in Italy.

Acting quickly the Allied general marched north with the two panicked Senators and arrived in Rome one week later. As it turned out Hannibal had decided to march south and never marched on Rome. However in June panic was in total control in Rome, by the end of the 2nd week the Spartan army arrived to defend Rome. The relief in the city, the relief in the Senate, and the overwhelming appreciation of the populace would create a long and enduring alliance between the two nations.

So i think this might be a more realistic approach to the "roman support force". Thanks for your input


As it became clear that Hannibal would not attack Rome, 5000 troops departed for Corfu. Originally these troops were scheduled to sail for Sparta. However it was decided that force with the additional 6500 would be used to raid the Epirus shorline. In effect this force ended up pinning the Epirus army to their homefront. Of the 30,000 army available to help Philip only 3,000 was available.

Philip had spent the preceding year tearing down forts and city walls in the captured land, being more concerned with revolts then Sparta.

Philip marashled his 33,000 grand phlanx, 25,000 merc,8000 light inf and archers, and 9000 cav.
The Great battle


The Macedonian army marched south west towards the waiting Allied line. The field of battle was on a rolling plain with two rocky treed hills, one to the left of center of the Spartans and the other slightly back to the right flank of the Spartan line.

Philip had significant advantages in numbers in all areas except for the light infantry where the numbers were even. He drew up his line the grand Phalanx in the center which by weight of numbers and superior training with the sarrasa pike he felt he would drive back the Spartan center and then when the broke they would be slaughtered. His 20 elephants would begin the battle in the center disrupting the Spartan center then the Phalanx would break the line. On his left flank he stacked the majority of his cav which by weight of numbers would drive the enemy cav off the field. He had ordered his cav to break into two groups after they defeated the Spartan right. Group one would follow the Spartan cav and destroy it while group two would swing behind the Spartan right flank completing the destruction of the Spartan reserves and center. Facing the broken ground to the right of center his merc Phalanx would remain in place to hold the Spartan flank. Further out his smaller Cav reinforced light cav and light infantry would watch over the broken ground.
Phase 1


Phase 1 : Philip ordered his elephants in the center forward. Philps cav on the left charged followed by hi slight cav. The elephants in the center came forward but when faced with spears, arrows, horns and a wall of sarrasa pikes they turned and departed off the battle field to the left flank. Philip disappointed ordered his Grand Phalanx forward in the center. His cav charged on the left and the Spartan cav put up a token defense and fled the field. Philips force followed the Spartan cav off the field. The force expected to attack into and behind the Spartan center turned into 10 Spartan elephants. The horse hating the smell of the elephants refused to close with the Spartans. The stalled Macedonian cav was then put to flight by the Spartan lt infantry. The light infantry groups came to blows.




The Macedonian grand Phalanx hit the Spartan line with a loud crash and it became a massive pushing match. Slowly they drove back the Spartans with death on both sides. The Macedonian Mercs and lt infantry also moved forward to hold the Spartan left center in place. On the Spartan right the battle raged between the forces. As the Spartan Phalanx began to break apart and lose cohesion the 8000 true Spartan elite warriors with sword and shield attacked over the broken ground at a 45 degree angle. After some initial losses fighting thru the pikes the Spartans forced the Phalanxes to either drop their pikes and pull their sword or die in place. As more and more Macedonians dropped their pikes and tried to defend themselves with significantly less armor and small shield they were slaughtered in place. The Allies to the Macedonian front taking advantage of the loss of cohesion to their front used their long spears to also add to the slaughter. The Macedonians crammed together were in a situation where the rear ranks, unaware of the situation continued to push the front ranks into the Spartan killing zone.

Philip (like he did vs the Romans in real time) seeing the chaos on the field of battle. Seeing Philp flee the right flank fled with him. The Spartan Left now unopposed moved forward hitting the merc right center and Macedonian rear with both light infantry and cav. What was left of the Macedonian grand phalanx raised their pikes in the air in surrender, but with their blood up the Spartans continued to kill all before them for another 5 minutes. With the Macedonian left flank far forward and unable to flee they laid down their arms in surrender. One hour later the Thracian cav on the left arrived back on the field and over ½ surrendered. The Macedonian camp was seized with over ¾ of the entire war chest as well as massive amounts of loot.



Cleo looked over the battle field. His forces had last 800 lt infantry, 600 Phalanx, 150 cav, and 16 Spartans. The Macedonian's left 7,000 phalanxes, 8,000 merc, 2,000 light infantry, and 800 cav. In addition 30,000 were taken as captive. The Thracian's were quickly enrolled in the Allied forces, giving the Allies the key shock cav they had been missing. Most of the mercs were also enrolled immediately, and in the captured camp 3,000 talens of silver and gold were found. Cleo marched north with 30,000 troops directly following Philip. Small columns also swept north and occupied the old Aetolian League cities and towns. The reforms were announced n the forums and land redistribution was taken place everywhere.

The allies marched from Eleata onto Larissa (the capital of Thessaly) which fell without a fight. Quickly Dion, Pydna, and Methoni were seized. As the army approached Pella a group approached Cleo carrying a basket. In the basket was Philips head. Macedon surrendered on Aug 3rd. The allies occupied the rest of Macadon and Thrace. During the rest of 217 - 215 the reforms where implemented which united all of Greece.
the map below is both good and bad -- it does shop a good view of the New Allied Republic. Cleo called a meeting at Delphi to reorganize the republic, form a new constitution, reform and build a National Army.


In 216 the great council meeting was held. For three months Cleo worked with the representatives of the various cities. It was agreed that the Spartan constitution would be the basis of the new Nation, with significant changes. First a Spartan king and a Allied king would be elected. A council would be assigned (as per Sparta) of 5 Spartans and 5 allied members, these would also serve for 5 years and be taken form the Senate. The Senate would have 2 members from each city or region of Greece. Local gov would still handle all local issues and be responsible to implement the national laws enacted by the senate. The kings would have tremendous authority and command the armies (one staying in place and one commanding the army in the field). A group of judges would be established to handle disputes, review the laws, and help the senate make sure the new laws would not violate the constitution.

Spartan Constitution


New Constitution and Gov structure :


The 2nd issue that would be addressed would be the Army and navy. If you combine all of the resources of the Allied states now to be called the Greek Republic or GR, you would have the availability of army forces of over 250,000 troops. This would include standing forces, merc, and militias. It was agreed that the army would be first recruited into three groups.

1. Called the Spartans: each city would provide 20 – 100 7 year old children to a central housing authority in the city of Sparta. The children would be brought up in the traditional ways of the Spartan children. They would be the best conditioned and healthiest children that could be found in each city. The parents of these children would receive a bonus equal to five years of income for the assignment of their child plus a slave. This force would equal to 2000 children per year. In addition to this any Spartan child from the city of Sparta would be automatically enrolled in this group. IN the first year the 2,000 city children arrived plus 250 Spartan children, plus the 2000 recruited children from the initial reforms. The recruited children would in the future be reduced to 500. The Spartans would be trained in all manners of combat, hand, bow, sword and shield, spear, and other weapons. They were trained in any and all tactics that had been encountered from the roman maniples, and phalanx tactics, to the barbarian horse tactics. Sergeants of 100 were selected, as were captains of 1000 and these were now trained in logistics, tactics, and strategy. Specifically past battles were reviewed as well as various famous leaders such as Alexander, Philip, Hannibal, Cyrus, and others. The initial Spartans numbered 8,000 and would be expanded to 30,000. Twenty five percent of this force would be dedicated to a cavalry force.

2. Thematic army: (60,000) A force organized in units of 1000 would be formed with each city providing a rotating force of armed men. For the 1000 troops

a. Broken into five groups of 200 called unit a,b,c,d,e

b. Unit A would be a full time force and placed at a strategic location made up of 20 soldiers from 10 cities. Each three months a further 200 soldiers would be rotated in. So in the first three months group b would arrive, in the next three months these would be replaced by group c, and so on. In this way each group b – e would have 3 months of training alongside the full time soldiers. Each unit would have:

i. 130 infantry (sword shield and spear)

ii. 40 Archers – utilizing the compound barbarian bow

iii. 25 cav

iv. 5 HC

c. In times of need of course all 5 units could be called up at the same time

3. Tagmata army (20,000)

a. Broken into groups of 1000

i. 540 infantry (sword shield and spear)

ii. 100 archers utilizing the compound barbarian bow

iii. 200 Cav bowman

iv. 100 HC

v. 50 logistics an engineers

vi. 10 scouts


To give people a reference of what the world would be in 218 bc you would have to take the all of Greece (so in effect take the light blue and the purple) and add 1/3 of Thrace (south) including Byzantium to be the Greek Republic.


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Of the 150 maritime towns and cities that were allowed to contribute many fewer fighting men they were required to contribute, maintain, and supply manpower from 2 to 40 ships. Some of these towns decided to contribute funds towards the larger which could belter support the fleets. A total of 340 quinqueremes (5’s) where built with the funds of the cities. The Greek republic had 240 5’s available so another 100 were added. Of these the great efficiency of the Greek salors could best the majority of the enemies they would face. To take advantage of the elite Spartan warriors the Roman corvus was added, or at least the ships were outfitted so they could be added as needs be. The main bases for the fleet would be Athens, Crete, Byzantium, and Corinth.





In 216 a force of 150 Mercs were dispatched to live for a year inPergamon . In 215 4000 allied troops were dispatched in grouts of 5 to 50. They came unarmed but as the came closer to the cities they met at various farms where wepons had been sent. As May 10th came 17,000 troops departed Athens for the pergmanion coast. On May 13th came the 150 Mercs seized a secondary gate at 1am. Over the next 4 hours 3500 troops had entered the city. The next day the first of the 17,000 troops arrived on the shore. The city 40 miles inland had been seized, the rulers had been killed,and the announcements for the distribution of land was just begining.


In Italy in 216 the Battle of Cannae ended in a massive Roman defeat. The Greek Republic had left 80 Spartans and 3000 troops from 218 still in Rome. A panic request came out from Rome to request additional troops. Responding to the request 100 Spartans, 2500 Allies, and 4,000 merc were sent to support Rome. These forces arrived at the end of 216. Again treaties were signed and some joint plans were discussed. There were a number of skirmishes between naval units with the Carthaginians. Fifty Greek ships were assigned to cruise off of Sicily as Syracuse came into alliance with Carthage.

The Greek republic had put its house in order. Its new constitution and government were in place. Its army and navy were organized and had begin to be placed in forts, and cities, and intensive training was being organized. The conquest of Pergamnon had brought in a profitable city and given them a bridgehead into Anatolia.

A treaty was struck between Rome and the Greek Republic (GE) the terms were :
1. Rome and the GR would agree not to have a separate peace with Carthage
2. The GR would help Rome with 50 ships to keep at the Adriatic sea free of Carthaginian ships
3. Rome and the GR would respect their zones of control :
a. Rome - from the Adriatic west, North Africa from 100 miles east of Carthage west and Sicily
b. GR - Adriatic east, including from 100 miles east of Carthage east.
4. GR would keep 15,000 troops in Italy under Roman military control (much as their allies were matched to the Roman legion)
5. Neither side would sale or trade with Carthage.
Neither side would sign alliances within the others zones with other cities or nations.
6. Each side would allow 2 "senators " or representatives to attend and speak during each others governmental meetings
7. A binding group of 10 individuals (5 from each nation) would be set up to resolve disputes.
8. Each nation would have total authority in their zones to declare war, conquer, and or form alliances as long is the alliances are not against the other party.

After the treaties were ratified the GR begin to prepare for the conquest or Anatolia.


Thinking from here
1. Conquors Anatolia
2. New king
3. Move center to byz.
4. Have the kings ships devolve to 1 military and 1 commercial

Amy thoughts ideas ?


So the next section would be the invasion of Anatolia -- which would be interesting -- however the main goal was to get to a reinvigorated Sparta ----
So if there is interest i will keep on with it - if it has gotten readers exhaustion i will let it die