Photos from Alternate Worlds

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After the surrender of the United States to the Soviet alliance in 1965, work began on revitalizing America’s derelict and war-ravaged cities. By 1978, a visitor to the Big Apple would find himself in a city in love with its new proletariat background.

Love both of them... although the New York one could easily be from an alt-Red Alert 2 TL, where the Soviet invasion was more successful. Or the Soviet ending of RA2: Yuri's Revenge.
The Taiping Rebellion is a complete success.


The Allies get a helping hand.

The USS Constitution gets ISOTed




This one is one I finished recently. Instead of drawing a face in the helmet, I copy-pasted a real soldier's face (which I found on google) into it, and inverted the colour on a small part to get the blue shade for the visor. Then, drew the lines in and around to make the armoured front of the helmet.

A CGU Armoured Infantryman c. 6330, the midpoint in the Zephyr War (6321-6341). He is shown wearing the PCS-05A Powered Combat Suit, introduced in 6328. Major upgrades in armour and shield technology increased the energy shielding from the previous PCS-04A powered armour by a factor of two, and reinforced the Boron-Carbide plating with an antibeam coating against photon weapons.
He is holding an AR-78C Light Automatic Rifle, a reliable and lightweight 10mm selective-fire assault rifle introduced in 6281.



I belive this is the picture you were trying to post, and it is indeed cool:

That is an excellent picture, but I don't think the Eiffel Tower would be that damaged, not unless it had already been badly damaged by conventional bombing or if the bomb hit it literally at ground zero.


From my TL:

Should that not be the Principality of Andorra, not the Principate? Wikipedia says that the word Principate refers to a period in the early Roman Empire.

Fascinating pic though, I'm definitely interested.

After the surrender of the United States to the Soviet alliance in 1965, work began on revitalizing America’s derelict and war-ravaged cities. By 1978, a visitor to the Big Apple would find himself in a city in love with its new proletariat background.

For a moment I thought the plaque on the statue said "Hummer and sickle", which would certainly fit modern-day America. :D
Innocent Passage...

With Canadian permission of course:cool:, since the North West Passage is Canadian waters, and no matter what the americans might say, its ours:D.

I believe that straits and other confined waterways are open to merchant ships of all nations under what's called "The right of innocent passage."

Thus, Turkey can close the Dardanalles to warships, but not to merchant ships, when Turkey is at peace. Likewise, no one can close the Starit of Hormuz, the Strait of Gibralter, etc, to civilian traffic if the nations involved are not at war.
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