Partitioning Germany after World War II

Altered Roosevelt Plan

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By the late 80s I'd expect that German Reunification including ALL of these states would be very low on your average person's priority list. Saarland gets annexed to France, and a Polish border along the original Curzon line is established Breslau just barely stays German, same with Shtettin. All of East Prussia goes to Poland

Two questions:

1) Why wouldn't the "Saxon People's Republic" and the "Prussian Democratic Republic" merge? The groups are culturally, confessionally, and linguistically similiar. Both would be communist and within the Eastern Bloc. OTL, the DDR was the most wealthy Eastern Bloc state and, some might argue, the closest to Moscow w.r.t. policy. Could this also apply to a combined Saxon-Prussian communist state in ATL?

2) How would an ATL balkanization of Germany change the formation of European Coal and Steel --> EEC --> EU --> eurozone? Would European integration even take place without a unified BRD and a strong Deutschemark?