Isaac's Empire 2.0

Basileus Giorgios said:
Hmmm, more or less. The Khan likes to show off as a magnanimous enlightened despot, which largely involves throwing money at cultural centres. Obviously he can't do everything, but he shows more interest in this stuff than any other Jurchen leader: and for that matter the Romans, Arabs or Turks.
In that case, there's probably trouble ahead for a lot of people. Akutta started the conquest of Egypt because he had debts he need to pay to Oman. If he pursues a policy of restoring monuments and building great buildings, he's going to need a lot of money...


Ahhh yes! I'll get onto it at some stage, don't worry.

For now, here's something completely different.

Stephen III, King of Croatia

Very intresting update about Croatia.

Can you tell me what dynasty Stephen III ( Stjepan III in Croatian ) belongs?

Also, can we get a list of rulers of Croatia? ( at least as far as it differs from the OTL )
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Excellent updates! Can't wait to read more!

Glad you liked it!

And Doom comes for the Romans. Let us hope that Akutta does not wield the sword of Mars...

Knowing the Great Khan, this is definitely something he could conceivably claim, while all the while displaying fragments of the True Cross!

I fear for Constantinople.:(

Rightly so.

We know that the Romans will survive this :p The question is how much damage will the Jusen inflict.

That is the question!

I am just wondering who will save the day.Also looking forward to the Syrian Dynasty from the original series.:)

I'm also looking forward to getting up to the Syrians: they were my favourite dynasty from the original. And of course to get to them we have to go through the dastardly Pope Samuel II.

In that case, there's probably trouble ahead for a lot of people. Akutta started the conquest of Egypt because he had debts he need to pay to Oman. If he pursues a policy of restoring monuments and building great buildings, he's going to need a lot of money...

Very true. Akutta's empire is a bit like a shark in that respect: it has to keep moving forward, or it'll be doomed. There are still plenty of other Jurchen claimants, after all, and Akutta's not paid a great deal of attention to the Iranian magnates. That said, so long as a stream of wealth and prestige is flowing back to Baghdad, the Great Khan is more or less invulnerable.

Very intresting update about Croatia.

Can you tell me what dynasty Stephen III ( Stjepan III in Croatian ) belongs?

Also, can we get a list of rulers of Croatia? ( at least as far as it differs from the OTL )

Glad you liked the Croatian stuff. I'll try to do a list in the next few days!
Imperial Family Tree of the 13th century
Here's the family tree of the Emperor Constantine X Palaiologos: hopefully this'll demonstrate his relations to previous characters, as well as setting out just how blue blooded the Emperor and Autocrat is. Happy to answer any comments/queries.

Constantine X family.png
Interesting new update and Constantinople is indeed a serious fix maybe this Caesor of Constantine's might give Akutta a nasty surpise or two;) anyway will you be posting a map anytime soon?
Interesting new update and Constantinople is indeed a serious fix maybe this Caesor of Constantine's might give Akutta a nasty surpise or two;) anyway will you be posting a map anytime soon?

Gregory Maleinos is certainly a capable and experienced man, so he might! As for a map, probably not: they take a lot of time to get right for not too much reward. Sorry about that.

Poor Ākǔttǎ; damned to suffer the fate of all would-be conquerors of the Queen of Cities! :p

Well, perhaps. :p

I'm still planning to get an update of some sort out in the next twenty four hours. I have half of a full chapter of the main TL done, plus about 70% of a piece on Germany and of course Ares96's work on Sweden, which is only awaiting the completion of a map. So, keep checking the thread! :)
In case readers missed it, the first in a series of posts on the history of the ATL Baltic by Ares96 can be read in the new spinoff thread here. I'd really appreciate some of your comments and ideas! :)
Are you planning on having Al-Ostralh make an appearance in this version of the TL?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: it's pretty likely, yeah. I'm trying to lay a bit of groundwork for this in recent updates by mentioning the power of the Malik of Oman that already exists in the thirteenth century, and which will grow as time progresses. The small Arab states of the Persian gulf will grow up under this power, but there'll be constant attempts by other powers to disrupt Omani hegemony that'll allow others to try to seize a measure of independence.


Monthly Donor
I don't suppose you might seek out spin-off posts on the subject when it rolls around, in a similar vein to Ares' contributions on Sweden (or Byzantine Caesar's series on the Empire of Opará for the old version)? ;)
The Court at Constantinople in 1281
I don't suppose you might seek out spin-off posts on the subject when it rolls around, in a similar vein to Ares' contributions on Sweden (or Byzantine Caesar's series on the Empire of Opará for the old version)? ;)

Oh, absolutely. I'd be very happy to accept spin-off posts from anyone and everyone.

I've done another of those ASOIAF-style character appendices, centring on the court of Constantinople in the late summer of 1281. It contains one or two minor spoilers for the next update. Enjoy!

Constantine court.png
Apologies for the delay in the promised update: it's been a busy week, and I have another busy one coming up. That said, I have done some writing, so I'd be surprised if nothing new has appeared by the end of this week!