Isaac's Empire 2.0

Deleted member 67076

Much to my own surprise, I am actually partway to creating a half-decent map on Paint.Net, depicting the world five minutes after Akutta's death on December 7th 1281. Here's current progress.

Wait a minute, didn't the Jurchens have the Hedjaz under their control?
Now that Akutta, the only competent Jurchen leader, has been killed I can see the Jurchen empire tearing itself apart in vicious civil war between various claimants trying to suceed him. Firstly that will enable the Byzantine empire to get a breather then start reconquering the territory they lost and then I suspect enable them to retake Syria, Palestinea, the Sinai and then Aegyptus (Maybe even Cyrenaica).
Wait a minute, didn't the Jurchens have the Hedjaz under their control?

Nicely noted, and yes, there was an initial Jurchen conquest of the Hejaz. After 1280, Akutta turned the province over to his loyal ally the Malik of Oman, but the Omani have been unable to assert direct control over the region which has drifted back to a state of partial independence under a number of warring tribes, some of whom profess loyalty to the Omani-Jurchen alliance.
Romans and Jurchens in December 1281
And here's the completed map.

Well done - the map turned out great! I really like the detail you put into it so that it doesn't look generic (in the way your work-in-process map did).
Well done - the map turned out great! I really like the detail you put into it so that it doesn't look generic (in the way your work-in-process map did).

The map looks great!

Not bad. I'm mostly shocked that the Queen of Cities has been besieged on 13 previous occasions.

Nice work :D

Nice map:).

Good map, BG!:)

Thanks all! The next one I do should be better, but I think the one above is a reasonably decent start. :)

BG, can you give a list of siege of constantinople?

I sure can. I'm leaving out here the small raids around the hinterland and the minor sieges that precede a change of Emperor to come up with the list of "big ones" here.

1. The Avar/Iranian siege of 626.
2. The on/off Arab siege of 674-78.
3. The second, more serious Arab siege of 717-18.
4. Khan Krum of Bulgaria's siege of 813.
5. The on/off siege of 821/22 during the obscure revolt of Thomas the Slav.
6. The first Rus siege of 860.
7. Symeon of Bulgaria's first siege of 896.
8. The second Rus siege of 904 (or possibly 907).
9. Symeon's second siege of 913.
10. The third Rus siege of 941.
11. The siege of September 1047 by the revolting general Leo Tornikios.
12. The brief siege by Bulgarian rebels in spring 1173.
13. The Hungaro-Bulgar siege of 1199-1201.
14. The great Jurchen siege of 1281.
Now that the Jurchen empire is going to start falling apart after the failed seige of Constantinople I wonder how long it'll be before the Byzantine empire retakes Bulgaria?
Great few updates BG and a gorgeous map!

I have not been around much due to work and the much greater emotional strain of my fathers passing. Should be more frequent in posting again. Looking forward to what your mind thinks up next.
Now that the Jurchen empire is going to start falling apart after the failed seige of Constantinople I wonder how long it'll be before the Byzantine empire retakes Bulgaria?

You will have to see!

Great few updates BG and a gorgeous map!

I have not been around much due to work and the much greater emotional strain of my fathers passing. Should be more frequent in posting again. Looking forward to what your mind thinks up next.

Very sorry to hear about your father. I'm glad you're back commenting on the thread, though, and I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

Chapter Twenty Two is now complete and awaiting editing. I think I'll probably finish and post my long-promised piece on thirteenth century German/Jurchen conquest first though, unless there are any objections to this? Also, Pururauka has very kindly agreed to write a POV piece set at the 1281 siege: for a taste of his excellent writing skills check his wonderful timeline The Mauricians out here!
Great few updates BG and a gorgeous map!

I have not been around much due to work and the much greater emotional strain of my fathers passing. Should be more frequent in posting again. Looking forward to what your mind thinks up next.
My condolences, Minerva.
My German update is now up, and can be read in the spinoff thread here. The main TL shall be updated at some point next week, dependent on how much lovin' the spinoff thread gets in the next few days. Carrot and stick! :p
Productive few days for IE. I'm currently working on a pretty long piece on Hungarian history from the Ladies' War of Chapter Ten of the main TL up until the "present day". I thought Hungary deserved a little more lovin' as the most powerful Christian kingdom that Constantinople has to deal with, and I'm pretty pleased as to how it's working out: the chapter will be centred on a long struggle between two factions called the Queens and the Princes.