Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

Ok tried my luck at the Karling family... Let me just saw the AI must love it when the AI is playing, but add a human player to one of the family lines and it lets all three Kingdoms fall to pieces! :mad:


Having a great Roman Empire game at the moment with the 867AD, Mackedon Dynasty. Beat the Capet's by 1066 in terms of my score :) .

Just wondering a) how I put a screenshot on here and b) hints for a 867AD start as that little Spanish state-let.
No. I think he means Freshman in Gradschool vs Freshman in Highschool, Uni, Tertiary, or what have you.

Oh, undergrad.

Having a great Roman Empire game at the moment with the 867AD, Mackedon Dynasty. Beat the Capet's by 1066 in terms of my score :) .

Just wondering a) how I put a screenshot on here and b) hints for a 867AD start as that little Spanish state-let.

Grats! I'm not certain CKII has built in screenshots, so just zoom out as much as you can and take a screenshot of that.

I don't have much experience in Spain; But this is Asturias right; do you start as a king or a duke?


Asturias, Gravelkind, King. Might hold a couple of other titles.

Reformed the Roman Empire early 11th C, all my Emperors have had good nicknames, great stats. Elective monarchy is really good if your dynasty is massive, like mine. And I've only had 1 faction rebellion in 200 odd years of play.
Hmm, in that case, what you need to do is hold on and hope that you don't get nommed by the Umayyads. Possibly attack some other areas to expand your levy. Are there any other small rulers in your area?


Hmm, in that case, what you need to do is hold on and hope that you don't get nommed by the Umayyads. Possibly attack some other areas to expand your levy. Are there any other small rulers in your area?

My neighbours (if I decide to go down that way) are the Kingdom of Aquitaine and the Umayyad Sultanate. Uh-oh.
My neighbours (if I decide to go down that way) are the Kingdom of Aquitaine and the Umayyad Sultanate. Uh-oh.

Try and see if you can make some good marriages. You're basically biding your time until the Umayyads have a rebellion, at which point, you can push back. At the same time, a good royal marriage for you heir, particularly if you press his wife's claim, will effectively double at least your levy size.
The Clash of the Romes

But now those fakers are catholic heretics, so I can Holy War them to death (hopefully)

Have you healed the schism? That should cause massive internal religious conflict within the HRE.
Have you healed the schism? That should cause massive internal religious conflict within the HRE.

IIRC, he did, and the HRE is now Catholic heretics.

Mind, healing the schism doesn't necessarily cause major religious conflict. It's typically the case that the majority of Latin lords feel their sense of self-preservation is stronger than their faith.


IIRC, he did, and the HRE is now Catholic heretics.

Mind, healing the schism doesn't necessarily cause major religious conflict. It's typically the case that the majority of Latin lords feel their sense of self-preservation is stronger than their faith.

So basically like OTL then? One can admire the ERE for sticking to there brand of Christianity over the Pope's, even if reunification brought material benefits.


Try and see if you can make some good marriages. You're basically biding your time until the Umayyads have a rebellion, at which point, you can push back. At the same time, a good royal marriage for you heir, particularly if you press his wife's claim, will effectively double at least your levy size.

I decided to start a game (My Roman Empire want keeps ending on the 1st September, 1070, with my Emperor dying and his rightful heir NOT taking the throne Instead I get a theocracy :( ) Got married, alliances, etc... and then decide to Holy War. BIG MISTAKE. Next time, I will wait awhile.
I decided to start a game (My Roman Empire want keeps ending on the 1st September, 1070, with my Emperor dying and his rightful heir NOT taking the throne Instead I get a theocracy :( ) Got married, alliances, etc... and then decide to Holy War. BIG MISTAKE. Next time, I will wait awhile.

How's that happening?
Oh,Fuck Everything,ANOTHER TIP.




