Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

One more question, are you Catholic or Norse or something else?

Catholic as much of Central Europe is. All that is owned by Francia is catholic: Italy, Germany, France, Aragon. Hispania is mix Catholic/Islam, Carpathia is mostly Triagan (spelled incorrectly, doing grad homework so not looking up spelling), Russia, Poland to Altmark/Pomeranian Coast is pagan, while Denmark and much of Scandinavia is Norse. Below Carpathia is the Orthodox region and Byzantium and then the Islamic south. The British Isles are predominantly Catholic with a few mixed provinces of Orthodox, and heretical religion as well as one hold-out pagan county that's independent.
Right then; I've got several ideas:

1) Build up your levy size. This is generally done through conquest. Holy Wars are a good way to do this; they are essentially free ducal CBs, and you want to move fast, the good spots can get nommed real fast.
2) Second is marriage. Marry you or your heir to other rulers or heirs. This is easiest by marrying a female ruler; but you can marry a male heir to a female ruler matrilineally with a bit of work. Namely, find heirs with daddy problems, and invite (if necessary, a sack of gold should do for inducement) them to your court, where you can matrilineally marry them to your female scions. It's generally most reliable for those who have relations with the title-owner of -30 or less.
3) Press people's claims. You may be wondering why you would ever press a person's claim if they weren't of your dynasty (since then they automatically become your vassal). It's a good idea because as a King, if you go to the diplomacy screen of a independent count of your culture and religion, and offer vassalization, he will accept (dukes can only be induced by emperors). So if you press county claims of people with your culture and religion...
Right then; I've got several ideas:

1) Build up your levy size. This is generally done through conquest. Holy Wars are a good way to do this; they are essentially free ducal CBs, and you want to move fast, the good spots can get nommed real fast.
2) Second is marriage. Marry you or your heir to other rulers or heirs. This is easiest by marrying a female ruler; but you can marry a male heir to a female ruler matrilineally with a bit of work. Namely, find heirs with daddy problems, and invite (if necessary, a sack of gold should do for inducement) them to your court, where you can matrilineally marry them to your female scions. It's generally most reliable for those who have relations with the title-owner of -30 or less.
3) Press people's claims. You may be wondering why you would ever press a person's claim if they weren't of your dynasty (since then they automatically become your vassal). It's a good idea because as a King, if you go to the diplomacy screen of a independent count of your culture and religion, and offer vassalization, he will accept (dukes can only be induced by emperors). So if you press county claims of people with your culture and religion...

Nice ideas, might do that for Gloucester and Wiltshire. Also here is a very crude map, I have been unable to find the folder with the pictures and I have looked in the folders with no luck. So here's a rough look at my game. Made map in like 5 minutes. Never let Krall see it ;)

Most of the colors should be obvious and the yellow in Ireland is the lone pagan county.

Nice ideas, might do that for Gloucester and Wiltshire. Also here is a very crude map, I have been unable to find the folder with the pictures and I have looked in the folders with no luck. So here's a rough look at my game. Made map in like 5 minutes. Never let Krall see it ;)

Most of the colors should be obvious and the yellow in Ireland is the lone pagan county.

Doesn't Krall follow this thread?:p


Holy shit, it's like the Carolingian Empire reformed. That's going to be tough as fuck all to deal with (I really don't see it much, too. The AI is a bit too fond of the 'internecine warfare' bit to maintain such a structure).

Hmmm...what I think you need is a good marriage to a claimant, and then pressing your claim. By that, I mean a claimant to Ireland or Scotland. You, of course, will then have to help defend that claim until it passes to your heir. That way, you only need one war. If the person has claims to both Ireland and Scotland, so much the better (you'll need two wars in that case though). Try to time the war with a civil war, if you can.
Small HRE formed a few times because of faction mechanic of the game and some small wars, but West Francia always beat them along with everyone else, either that or the claim on throne war won/lost. Same with Skotland, Ireland breaks free only to reform back into the kingdom when the claimant wins/losses the war. West Francia has been a fixture in Europe for almost 150+ years. So no idea how that's going right now. Unless I open the game as them.


So I tried to invade the Frisian portion Lothringia as Norse Sweden since they had just recently had a devastating civil war, had only half my troops and I had almost 2,000 gold and a need to reform the Norse religion. I even assassinated the king of West Francia because he had ruled for 40 years and would've added 15,000 troops to the war.

Turns out I shouldn't have bothered, because all three Karling kingdoms united to fight me off, even with the weakened West Francia. Then as soon as I went with a white peace, a third of my vassals rebelled and tried to put my sister on the throne of Sweden. They failed, but it was annoying.
Oh, btw, a bit of advice?

Listen, you know why the Francias can accumulate land so fast, right? It's because the kingdoms were the results of the division of the Carolingian Empire among the sons and grandsons of Charlemagne, so they all start with claims on each other's kingdoms, and are all in line to inherit the kingdoms from each other at some point. I think Bavaria has the most advantageous starting position for this, you're in line to inherit Germany, and you inherit claims to other kingdoms as well. But the big advantage is that you effectively start with two kingdoms; the other kings generally have to compete with siblings, which makes inheritance a tad more complicated.
I found the lonely Capetien count in Orleans to be a very interesting start. Gotta break apart the Karling blob.

I've done that one, myself. Have never managed to actually take France, though. I did, in one interesting game, get the Kingdom of Egypt as a crusader (I horded gold as a French duke for years waiting for a crusade, then splurged on all of the mercenaries when it finally came), but every time I made moves against my own Crown the Karlings smacked me down, hard. And then I way too much work cut out for me ruling Egypt to even think about making moves in France - and I even ultimately lost even the few counties I had to a Karling de jure war.

Though the Capets have managed to take over France in my current game, in which I started as King of Tara and have formed the Empire.
It's nice that you remember me - even if it is as a overly critical meany-pants. ;)

It's certainly better than I can ever do in this game. :(

On my phone, so better reply later.

what's everyones favorite countries to play. Me Ireland, Poland, British isles countries on general.

Least, anything in Spain.
The Clash of the Romes

But now those fakers are catholic heretics, so I can Holy War them to death (hopefully)
On my phone, so better reply later.

what's everyones favorite countries to play. Me Ireland, Poland, British isles countries on general.

Least, anything in Spain.

German characters, chiefly. I'm rather fond of Ireland as well, and Scandinavia is also nice, with the Old Gods mod.
Your borders are bad, and you should feel bad.

Keep in mind that the HRE will be able to mobilise its troops far easier than you. You might want to get an alliance with Aquitaine to occupy the HRE's northern and western levies while you solidify your stacks.
I would have finished taking over the Black Sea and Bulgaria as well as trying to jump to Spain before taking on that Behemoth of a Germany! ><

Edit: Think I'll try and Play as the head of one of the Karlings or a Muslim country. Maybe that state in Spain in 877?
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I would have finished taking over the Black Sea and Bulgaria as well as trying to jump to Spain before taking on that Behemoth of a Germany! ><

Edit: Think I'll try and Play as the head of one of the Karlings or a Muslim country. Maybe that state in Spain in 877?

Yeah, the Umayyads. They can be insanely strong, I've seen them reach into Egypt and the Holy Land. They are also your best bet if you want to make Europe muslim...


I managed to restore Rome after a couple of wars against the HRE, which was not holy nor roman, etc. etc.

However rather than continuing to go any further in its systematic dismantlement through holy wars, I managed to marry my guy to the sister of the Queen of France, Italy, and Lothringia (after divorcing the wife who had given me daughters only)- I promptly turned the girl into a good Orthodox and murdered her sister and newborn niece, but now I'm stuck defending my children's (which I had well into my fifties) birthright against the HRE and half my wife's vassals who are pressing the HRE claim's to Italy and France.

This war has been going on for a while now.

It's nice that you remember me - even if it is as a overly critical meany-pants. ;)
I remember you for saying that you would turn my cruse drawing of my Space Dreadnought into more than just a drawing. Which never happened. :mad:

But then I made one with Darkraiz and it turned into hilarity. Overcompensation would be an inconceivable understatement if it was remotely true. :p