Alternate names for the Tank?


Batmobiles :cool:

from TTL french expression : Blindés d'Assault Terrestres Mobiles or officially B.A.T.M. English speaking soldiers decided to call them Batmobiles as BATM was difficult to use as a "fun" name.

The drivers of the Batmobiles, usually called themselves Bats or Batmen, after a drunk driver said "I am the man who drives a bat, I am a batman". The first english Batmobile model was named Dracula. Mephisto and Belzebuth models quickly followed, until the use of demon names were considered too sacrilegious and blasmephous.

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Um, what's the German translation of "battle frame"?

Kampfrahmen; it probably doesn't make any sense to an actual German though since if I understand correctly "frame" here really just means "chassis" and "Rahmen" likely only applies to things like windows, pictures, or opinions.