Alternate Great People

Famous for being President of the United States from 1804 to 1808, alongside his vice-president being Jack Douglas Jr (who was often mocked for having a large forehead). Also famous for inventing rap music and studying the functionality of "danck" memetics.

Guy de Lusignan

A poet and famed seducer of wealthy women, de Lusignan, originally from Poitou, stopped over in Venice on his pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the 1170s, where he fell in love with a wealthy widow. His advances spurned, he famously made it his mission to destroy the lives of other women the same way she destroyed his, and seduced dozens of married women, only to leave them and destroy their reputations, throughout the next two decades of his life. The book that popularized his escapades, The Exploits of Guy de Lusignan, also killed him, as several cuckolded husbands descended on his home after publication and jointly murdered him in 1191.

The Red Baron
The Red Baron
Nickname for Manfred von richtofen, who scored 88 kills during WW1 with his triplane. However, in an irony, after the war, he became a communist. And later founded government in exile in Moscow after nazis rose. After war ended, he became general Seceratary of East Germany.

Kim Dae-Jung(김대중)
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Kim Dae-Jung(김대중)

Blessed Kim Dae-Jung (6 January 1924 – 20 August 1963) was a Korean Roman Catholic bishop and martyr. He was appointed bishop of the Diocese of Jeonju on 17 April 1959. On 8 December 1962 he was arrested by the State Security Department on spurious charges of delivering information to the West, as part of the general purge of religious authorities in Korea under Chairman Ho Ka-i. He was sent to a concentration camp where he died of tuberculosis.

He was beatified by Pope Clement XV on 1 October 2001.

Nicolae Ceaușescu
Aisin-Gioro Puyi
Park Geun-Hye
The first woman in the post of president is the leader of South Korea. I took this post after the death of my father - Park Chonkhi. Continued the course of self-isolation and "the development of internal forces," proclaimed in connection with the revolution in the United States. According to unconfirmed reports, he holds state repressions, and also owns a huge fortune that he receives with the help of bribes.

Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai
Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai
First female leader of the Soviet Union after Joseph Stalin died in 1942 during the Great Patriotic War. While she was only leader for 3 weeks (i.e until the power struggle between the party factions could be sorted out), she was famous around the world as well.

Wang Jingwei
Benito Mussolini
Daring Italian journalist, known for great hit pieces where he would go undercover to expose corruption. Best known for bringing to light the suffering of the Congolese at the hands of Leopold II of Belgium.

He was killed 3 days after exposing the collusion of many army officers with the British and French intelligence services after the communist won the the Italian election. This would Culminate in the Italian civil war in which the communist where overthrown and a far right dictatorship would be established. That would a decade later lead to the fragmentation of Italy into multiple independent nations.

Emperor Meiji
Emperor Meiji
One of the lesser known Emperors of Japan, he reigned for only a few years, as his rule was marked by the short Boshin War, which the Imperial loyalist clans like Choshu and Satsuma lost, and Meiji eventually committed seppuku from the dishonor.

Antanas Smetona
Benito Mussolini- His seemingly meteoric rise to the leadership of the Fascist Party was permanently crippled by a rival journalist's revelation of his hithero secret marriage to the one Ida Dalser who had borne their son Benino. Although, initially he denied it, his in-laws the Guidis were furious that he'd placed their daughter Rachele in a bigamous union and, over Rachele's own objections, had their marriage annulled by the Vatican on said grounds. Rachele would become a nun and their offspring were placed into Church orphanages before the daughter Gedda was adopted while the sons seemed to have remained in the orphanages the rest of their childhoods. This would forever cause the Mussolini to be scornful of the Vatican. However; he actually decided to make the best of his now-known legal union with Ida and did all he could to make up for lost time with their son Benino- even though he'd never even attempt to make the appearance of being a true spouse to Ida. As a result of Benino opting to be bar mitzvahed due to being Jewish on his maternal side, Mussolini became quite a defender of Jewish rights in Rome and other Italian cities while being increasingly at odds with his former party and, after its new leader became allies of Hitler, Mussolini would be interred in a concentration camp where he'd die in 1941. Benino had been warned by his father and would spend the rest of WWII in exile in Switzerland before emigrating to British Palestine in 1946 then would become an Israeli citizen in 1948 which would culminate in him becoming Prime Minister from 1956-1967 which would see the expansion of Israel's territory seven fold and would have a grand state funeral in 1985. As for Ida, oddly enough, she'd convert to Catholicism and become a nun after her husband's death before dying herself in 1958.

Elizabeth Seton
Ando Hideaki
Infamous North Japanese dictator and the last General Secretary of the Communist Party of Japan.
He took the reigns of North Japan in 1983 after years working his way up the party ranks and politically was notable for distancing North Japan from the Soviet Union and reversing the economic and political reforms of his predecessor.
He resorted to extremely brutal methods to quell a popular pro reunification uprising that still overthrew him regardless.
To avoid being tried for his crimes against humanity he escaped to Vietnam were he still lives in exile today.

Tsar Nicholas the Second
Tsar Nicholas the Second

A beloved Czar who led the reformation of the Russian Empire into a constitutional monarchy. He kept in close correspondence with his cousin George Vth of the United Kingdom and acted on his, sometimes unsolicited, advice. He made the Duma more powerful and responsible for the day to day running of the Empire. He also took into consideration the rising nationalism in various parts of the Empire and this led to the formation of the independent Kingdom of Poland and the autonomous Grand Duchies of Finland and Courland (now fully independent although closely allied to the Empire). He withstood a coup attempt in 1905 led by more reactionary nobles who wished to overturn his, still limited at that time, reforms and another more serious coup attempt in 1917 at the height of the Great War led by Members of the Imperial General Staff who wished at adopt a more attacking policy towards Germany rather than Nicholas' preferred containment of the German Invasion and waiting for logistical problems to hit (which they did in early 1918). He famously stood on the steps of the White Palace and faced the soldiers who had come to arrest him down.

He attended the Versailles Peace Negotiations in person and was instrumental in ensuring that reparations imposed on Germany were extremely limited. He also let Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary live in exile in Ekaterinburg after he was overthrown in the disintegration of his Empire.

The one disappointment of his rule, then reign, was the infirmity of his son Alexei who died from complications due to his heamophilia in 1921.

Nicholas died in 1936 and was succeeded by his brother Michael.

Mathilda, Daughter of Henry I of England
Mathilda, Daughter of Henry I of England
Also known as the Empress Maude, after the death of her husband in 1120, Maude sieged control of the Holy Roman Empire and at the death of her father, she defeated the predender Stephen and brought England under the domain of the Holy Roman Empire

Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
American-born Liberian politician, whose effortless mission to recognize the southwestern African country as an independent nation-state earned him the election as the president of Liberia for two consecutive terms (1855-63).

Lino Brocka
Ferdinand Marcos - Ferdinand Marcos, along with his wife Imelda, made millions by building the largest shoe company in Asia in the 1970's and 80's.

Vladimir Lenin