Alternate Great People

Although I figure the Great Man theory has been pretty thoroughly discredited, there are still standout figures in every era and every culture, good, bad, and neutral. The point of this thread is to make those great people great in a different way (Stalin as a great poet, for instance).

Like in the cultural descriptions thread, one poster will give a short biography of the poster above them's great person in an ATL, and then give a different great person. The people chosen can be in any field or situation in history, they just have to be both real and have affected history in a notable way. I'll start.

Chiang Kai-Shek

Deleted member 97083

Chiang Kai-Shek
First Neo-Impressionist, during the flourishing of the Democratic League of China and the brief period of Western fascination before creating the country's own style after the fall of the Qing monarchy and British puppet state. Chiang Kai-Shek created a unique Chinese variety of Russian Impressionism which was called Neo-Impressionism and was sponsored by the Democratic League for its official portraits and federal iconography, like Socialist Realism in the People's Republic of Japan. Chiang also was known for founding the Great Museum of Taipei, which was modelled after the Louvre.

George Washington
First Neo-Impressionist, during the flourishing of the Democratic League of China, Chiang Kai-Shek created a unique Chinese variety of Russian Impressionism which was called Neo-Impressionism and was sponsored by the Democratic League for its official portraits and federal iconography, like Socialist Realism in the People's Republic of Japan. Chiang also was known for founding the Art Gallery of Taipei, a museum similar to the Louvre in Taiwan.

George Washington
Second colonial of the Virginia Regiment, wounded fatally by a arrow shot from a nearby Native American when Washington and his men visited the village of Murdering Town

Karl Marx
Second colonial of the Virginia Regiment, wounded fatally by a arrow shot from a nearby Native American when Washington and his men visited the village of Murdering Town

Karl Marx

One of the founders and central figures of German Zionism. Though given a secular education, Marx was ancestrally Jewish and immersed himself in the faith during his university career. Notably, unlike later Zionists, Marx called for the creation of a "New Israel" in Prussia via immigration and revolutionary action. His later terrorist actions against the Prussian state have marred his reputation, but he remains a respected thinker in Zionist political circles. He was arrested by Prussian police in 1853 and executed later that year at the age of 35.

[B said:

An acclaimed Greek tragedian noted for his trilogy about the abduction of Helen where he portrayed Helen as a sympathetic victim of circumstance. It is unknown how many plays he wrote because of the fire at the Library at Alexandria, but it is accepted that he wrote about 120 plays throughout his career.

Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt

One of the greatest prime ministers of the Federated States of America (essentially an alt!US under a Parliamentary system), he reformed the FSA and forged ties with the German Federation and the Iberian Confederation during his Premiership from 1904 to 1911.

Pick one of the three:

Joseph Stalin


Maximilian Robespierre

Famous in the 21st century for the memes "Equality to the Max!"
As one of the founding fathers of the American First Republic and co-writer of the constitution, Robespierre would go down in his as the greatest Prime Ministers of the Republic for demanding that slaves count as men and so when Jefferson wrote all men are created equally, Maximilian meant ALL men, no matter religion, creed, wealth or colour.

Oliver Cromwell
The "Genghis Khan of the West", conquering a large swathe of Western Europe in the 17th century.


One of the earliest recorded and foundational Arabic poets, Muhammad ibn Abdullah blended traditional Arabic poetry with heavily erotic and spiritual themes. Fascinatingly enough, he was not literate and his poems were later written down from memory by his close friend and possible relative Umar. His works would later be a key inspiration for the Arab Reconstructionist movement, which sought to undermine Chalcedonian religious and Greek cultural hegemony in Arabia and return to Arabs' polytheistic, poetic culture.

John the Baptist
One of the earliest recorded and foundational Arabic poets, Muhammad ibn Abdullah blended traditional Arabic poetry with heavily erotic and spiritual themes. Fascinatingly enough, he was not literate and his poems were later written down from memory by his close friend and possible relative Umar. His works would later be a key inspiration for the Arab Reconstructionist movement, which sought to undermine Chalcedonian religious and Greek cultural hegemony in Arabia and return to Arabs' polytheistic, poetic culture.

John the Baptist
One of the first major converts to Buddhism in the Roman Empire, John the Baptist (his nickname being a distorted version of the word "Buddhist") helped introduce this Far Eastern faith to the masses in the massive empire, as well as helped codify and rework many of it's traditions and rites to fit Greco-Roman culture, and with his hard work, he laid down the foundations for Rome's eventual conversion to Buddhism in the 4th century.

Stephen Bathory
Stephen Bathory was the son of a nobleman, yet he shown no interest in politics, but rather he was interested in helping people. He is credited for inventing the bathtub.

Joseph Chamberlain

A notable mathematician, Chamberlain grew up in a poor household in Camberwell (now part of South London). His father, sensing a keen mind in his son, nearly bankrupted himself to send him to university. Chamberlain would later become a professor at Cambridge, and is credited with the mentoring of a succession of brilliant mathematicians from that school. He also made early advances in computing, working off the designs of Ludgate, which his son Arthur Neville would use to create the first commercially viable computer in 1932. His own son Austen would continue the family tradition and lead Chamberlain, Ltd. to become the largest company in the burgeoning market.

Jefferson Davis

Deleted member 97083

Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis was an American fisherman who was "shanghaied" or enslaved by the British Royal Navy. After a few years of serving on an South Atlantic patrol ship, Davis was placed into guard duty at a British fortress in Hong Kong. Escaping from British-Qing Hong Kong in the night while Hong Xiuquan's bloodthirsty army was near, Davis wandered into enemy line of sight, and was killed by a Taiping Kingdom rifleman--who according to British reports, was shouting about the "rise of the South": South China against the Manchu North. This martyring of an apparent British soldier, among other reasons, led to British intervention to support the Northern Qing Dynasty against the Southern Taiping Kingdom. Ultimately the Rebellion was crushed, and it all started with Jefferson Davis' failure.

Gaius Julius Caesar
Gaius Julius Caesar
A Roman explorer during the Anarchy of the Republic. Fleeing from civil wars and Gaulish invasions of Italy, he traveled across the Asia, eventually becoming the first Roman to ever set foot in Chang'an. His writings, mostly notably the Commentaries on the Land of Hanoi* would inspire the Second Roman Republic to focus on eastern expansion.

*Chinese, especially but not always Han.

EDIT: Batu Khan
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Chinese, especially but not always Han was a Confederate born country/rock guitarist, songwriter and record producer who came to fame despite the obvious handicap of having a weird name in the late 1950s as member of Jamie Lee Swaggart's backing band The Commonwealthies. Always Han remains an iconic figure in what has become known as Shockabilly with his creativily embellished rythmics and complex lyrical structure from simple country styles to with the genre is famed.

Robert Muldoon