A Glorious Union or America: the New Sparta

Is this an awesome TL?

Kearny saves Lincoln - tick

Custer blasts Booth's head off on stage - tick

Hamlin becomes the most badass VP since Aaron Burr while wearing what appears to be a waistcoat covered in sunflowers - tick
Nice update, but Spangler almost certainly had nothing to do with the conspiracy. The only thing Spangler did in OTL to help Booth was hold Booth's horse just long enough to hand the job off to another unwitting employee of Ford's Theatre. Also, considering OTL's actions, it does not seem credible that Powell could be subdued by only one man after a minor injury.
I wonder if this will be the main thing Custer is remembered for....

Again a great slash aching cliffhanger, well played out.
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Nice update, but Spangler almost certainly had nothing to do with the conspiracy. The only thing Spangler did in OTL to help Booth was hold Booth's horse just long enough to hand the job off to another unwitting employee of Ford's Theatre. Also, considering OTL's actions, it does not seem credible that Powell could be subdued by only one man after a minor injury.

Spangler was also accused of punching and stopping someone who pursued Booth. Holding the horse and delaying pursuit actually seems worse than delivering a message. I suspect in any TL a few questionable prosecutions will be made around the Booth plot.
Nice update, but Spangler almost certainly had nothing to do with the conspiracy. The only thing Spangler did in OTL to help Booth was hold Booth's horse just long enough to hand the job off to another unwitting employee of Ford's Theatre. Also, considering OTL's actions, it does not seem credible that Powell could be subdued by only one man after a minor injury.

Spangler's "friendly" acts towards Booth will be sufficient to have him implicated in the conspiracy. The involvement of the "Baltimore Spy Ring", although more likely in TTL, is still going to be quite sketchy.

As someone with a nice round scar on my foot (it was a half inch wide spike rather than a bullet) let me confirm a small child could have knocked me over in the seconds after it occurred. Foot injuries, I am told, are among the most painful. Also there were at least 6 men in the room - William Seward, Frederick Seward, Lord Lyons, Colonel George Bell (British Army - on leave touring America. Included by Lyons as he served with Leventhorpe in Canada), and two legal counsel who I haven't identified yet. Bell was a great lump of an Ulsterman and therefore he almost certainly assisted the younger Seward in subduing Powell.

Custer is moving up in the world.

Hooker/Custer ticket in the future?;):confused:

That would be the pimpingest ticket in American history.

The Hooker ticket will have a more controversial VP on it. Custer's military career isn't over, but I suspect he will run for public office eventually...:D

Poor Mary...

I thought "How do I give Lincoln a retirement he can enjoy?". Perhaps I am an unpleasant man. Perhaps I have read too much into the inevitability of Mrs. Lincoln's illness. However it seems the best way to give Lincoln a bit of peace.

It will be interesting to capture the feelings of Confederate officers at the attack on a God-fearing, Southern woman sympathetic to the cause of the south. Ben Hardin Helm in particular.
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I thought "How do I give Lincoln a retirement he can enjoy?". Perhaps I am an unpleasant man. Perhaps I have read too much into the inevitability of Mrs. Lincoln's illness. However it seems the best way to give Lincoln a bit of peace.

You clever devil, you.

Mary's death is unfortunate though, as it will certainly add fuel to the fire. I'm thinking Radical Republicans, but also more moderate Northerners. Killing White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant women in mid-to-late 19th century is a big no-no.

It will be interesting to capture the feelings of Confederate officers at the attack on a God-fearing, Southern woman sympathetic to the cause of the south. Ben Hardin Helm in particular.

That's what I'm eagerly waiting for. Your descriptions of events are silver, but the reactions of public and the press are gold. :) I have a feeling that it will cause a shitstorm not dissimilar to one created by execution of David Hunter and his pioneers.
Nice update, but Spangler almost certainly had nothing to do with the conspiracy. The only thing Spangler did in OTL to help Booth was hold Booth's horse just long enough to hand the job off to another unwitting employee of Ford's Theatre. Also, considering OTL's actions, it does not seem credible that Powell could be subdued by only one man after a minor injury.

I have now retconed Colonel Bell's intervention now to reflect this.
Lincoln lives...but another Lincoln may die...will this be enough to turn Lincoln away from the path of mercy?

Excellent, excellent update!
I'm just impressed that you haven't made anyone up yet that i've spotted. I look them all up! Both doctors are real and i assume Sergeant Brown is the Corporal Brown from Kearny staff in OTL. Impressive.
I'm just impressed that you haven't made anyone up yet that i've spotted. I look them all up! Both doctors are real and i assume Sergeant Brown is the Corporal Brown from Kearny staff in OTL. Impressive.

Brown is the same man. Paine is also from Kearny's divisional staff in OTL. He served as Kearny's Topographer at various points. As Kearny plays favourites I have kept his old staff largely with him as he rose - Briscoe, McKeever, Mindel, Morford, Fitzgerald, Paine, Brown, Dr. Pancoast and the bugler Gustave A. Schurmann. I picked Paine to play this part as he is the staff officer I know least about (though Louis Fitzgerald comes close). The stigma will keep him from becoming significant in future...poor man.

I must admit there is one fictional character in this story but it's not one of mine...


See Chapter 115 - Major Michael O'Rourke of the 69th New York. It's some come down from Major in a first class regiment in the Civil War to an SM in a forgotten regiment out west. Now if only I'd thought to photoshop that to a Kearny Cross...

Now who knows the film without checking the interweb?
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Eventually, but not now. I can't imagine that he'll still be an advocate of moderation after this - even if he doesn't fully embrace the radicals' proposals, he'll be less inclined to resist them.

But what if he did stick with moderation? What if Lincoln's greatest act is forgiveness. What if he refuses to see it as anything other than the mad act of a few men? In that event how could you argue with him? He wouldnt just have the high ground, he have an unassailable fortress built on it.

In any event the election in two months will be a Lincoln landslide of epic proportions.