Teddy’s presidency
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    It’s been a month since teddy was elected and he has been working like a mad man. He and his party have rapidly passed bills and new laws into congress. But Teddy has a plan up his sleeve. Woman’s Suffrage. Teddy campaigned hard for suffrage in 1912, and he decided to up hold his promise. After weeks of pushing the new amendment to the constitution, with only one vote deciding the 16th amendment for women’s suffrage to be passed. But Teddy was not done. He wanted an even bigger bill. One that could win the progressive party a huge voting block; Social Security for the elderly. But Social Security was very expensive for the country. So teddy with the help of a few skilled law makers such as Charles Evan Hughes, made a new budget reform, cutting military spending to afford social security. The bill and the budget reform passed easily, with most senators fearing to lose their position if they vote against it. And as the new year fire works burst out in the distance 1914 looked like a bright year.

    But not all was well. With tensions in Europe in a all time high, Many Congressman on all three sides of the aisle were worried. And as the 1914 midterm elections were nearing the senators were unsure what to do. But Roosevelt’s head was still high. He brushed off many worries about his foreign policy and pushed on. Even his VP Hiram’s Johnson was worried. But Teddy just ignored them. And as news of a new war started in Europe, a new sense of worry about what the President will do struck the nation.