progressive era

  1. WI: Robert La Follette joins TR's Progressive party.

    Robert Marion "Fighting Bob" La Follette Sr is one of the most prominent politicians ever to come out of Wisconsin. Having already represented the state in the house and serving two full terms as Governor (and being elected to a third) he was elected to the Senate in 1905. While he would have a...
  2. TheDoofusUser

    Robert La Follette serves as Governor from 1897-1901, No Roosevelt, Does McKinley pick Bob as VP?

    In 1900, Incumbent President William McKinley, a Conservative who was open to small reforms, had an opening on his ticket for a new VP. as his original VP, died in 1899. OTL, he had the pick of Progressive Governor Theodore Roosevelt Jr./II of New York who would later go on to greatly change the...
  3. Triple Calamity: What if the Three Most Important Men in the Executive Branch Died in One Night?

    I have never written a timeline on this site. I've read a lot of other people's timelines and I have greatly enjoyed american political history, but I never thought my knowledge base was large enough or my writing skills good enough to try my hand at writing a timeline. That said on my own in a...
  4. TheDoofusUser

    1920s Business Plot led by Pershing/Wood, is it possible?

    I think we all know the story of the infamous Business Plot, how, during the Depression and New Deal Era under FDR, a group of Businessmen approached the respected General Smedley Butler and asked for him to lead a coup d'etat against the President and become Dictator in the country. While the...
  5. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The Land Value Tax was implemented by Theodore Roosevelt?

    Henry George and his idea of the Land Value Tax was incredibly popular and unintentionally sparked the Progressive Era. One of the people influenced by his book 'Progress and Poverty' was Theodore Roosevelt. What if during his presidency he actually believed and got a LVT bill (containing a Land...
  6. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Robert Marion "Fighting Bob" La Follette Sr. is the Progressive Era President, not Teddy

    We all know how history went down. Theodore Roosevelt is assistant Secretary of the Navy until the Maine goes boom, he leads to Rough Riders and becomes a National Icon before being elected as Governor in 1898, the Republican Party has him be McKinley's 1900 Running Mate to try and put a leash...
  7. TheDoofusUser

    AHC : Kill the Progressive Movement in its cradle

    It is widely acknowledged that it was the Progressive movement that largely led to the death of the Socialist movement in the United States, with the death of the Pro-gold conservatives in the Democrats and the rise of Progressives in both parties being a major factor in this happening. The...
  8. TheDoofusUser

    Earlier Progressive Era - When it could start and what's needed

    IOTL, the Progressive Era was a moment in History when progressives were elected into office and brought sweeping changes to the states and nation as a whole. This era lasted from 1897-1920. In an Alternate Timeline, what would be needed for an earlier Progressive Movement in say the 1870s or...
  9. delariva

    Poverty, Progress, & Prosperity - An Alternate Gilded Age and Beyond Wikibox TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Why did no viable and long-term Socialist, Labor, or any sort of Left-Wing Party ever emerge in the United States? It's a question many people have wondered and tried to answer for many years with various answers ranging from poor socialist leadership, individualism and laissez-faire being core...
  10. WI: Woodrow Wilson has his stroke four years early?

    What if, instead of having a debilitating stroke in October 1919, Woodrow Wilson had one in October 1915?
  11. The Tarnished Age: An Alternate History of the Gilded Age
    Threadmarks: Prologue: "The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today"

    The Tarnished Age: An Alternate History of the Gilded Age Prologue: An Epilogue "If only our dear Hawkins family could have known the lessons we have learned today. The beautiful Laura Hawkins would have been much helped if she’d known that the levers of power in Washington are not so much...
  12. DBWI: TR Declines to Run in 1908

    In 1904, after Theodore Roosevelt's landslide election to a full term, journalists pressed the young President over whether or not he would run again in 1908. Roosevelt dodged their questions and continued to do so until 1908, when he announced his bid for a second full term. Roosevelt's critics...
  13. WI: President Garfield survived his assassination?

    I know this is not a new topic, but President Garfield was a very fascinating figure and given his set, it would be interesting to see what he could do if remained President. Now the other threads I saw mention his civil right stances, potential diplomatic policy and so on. Most others say that...
  14. Padric1938

    1912: The Progressive Century

    Roosevelt and his campaign managers huddle around the radio. After months of Campaigning around the country, it’s finally time for America to decide who they want for president. And after hours of casting votes the results are in....... Teddy Roosevelt beats Taft and Wilson, and becomes the...
  15. If McKinley Lives, Does TR Ever Become President?

    Would Theodore Roosevelt have ever become President if McKinley had survived his assassination attempt?
  16. If TR Runs and Wins in 1908, Who Wins in 1912?

    Suppose that Theodore Roosevelt never made his 1904 pledge to not run for a third term, and he runs and wins in 1908. In this scenario, who wins in 1912?
  17. WI: TR Doesn't Run in 1912

    Theodore Roosevelt originally planned to sit out the 1912 election and wait for 1916. But he later changed his mind and unsuccessfully challenged President Taft in 1912. After being denied the Republican nomination, he ran on the Progressive ticket and came in second place to Woodrow Wilson...
  18. WI President Taft is assassinated during a visit to Mexico?

    In 1909, Mexican President Porfirio Diaz requested a summit with US President William Taft in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Diaz aimed to demonstrate US support for his run for re-election, and Taft hoped to protect US investments from political instability in Mexico. The summit...
  19. WI: The US Implements a National Primary System

    During the Progressive era, many politicians began to feel the need for a national primary system. Such a system would involve holding all presidential primaries on the same day - as opposed to the current system where the primaries and caucuses are held over a period of many months. In 1915...
  20. WI: Eugene Debs Never Becomes a Socialist

    Today, Debs is remembered for his role in the 1894 Pullman Strike and his activities as a Socialist politician during the Progressive era. But he was originally a Democrat and a capitalist who served one term in the Indiana General Assembly. It wasn't until reading Socialist literature after...