
  1. AHC: Solomon Islands Wank

    What can be done non-ASB to make the Solomon Islands as strong as possible?
  2. How large could the USA have become if it was very expansionist?

    Assume that the slavery issue is solved early in US history and the USA decides to "expand democracy to as many as possible." How large could the USA have become?
  3. GauchoBadger

    AHC: Bosnia Wank

    One just for fun and out of curiosity. Bosnia is an interesting and oftenly overlooked country when it comes to alternate history. So, no specific requirements for this scenario, I just want to see what most people here would consider a Bosnia-wank, territorially and/or economically. The PoD...
  4. AHC: Wank the Otomo Clan

    So, the challenge is: With a POD not before 1540 make Otomo Clan ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Ctomo_clan ) the lords or overlords of Kyushu from the end of the OTL Sengoku Period at least until the XIX century. They must be roman catholic christians. Bonus Points: If the south of...
  5. How many colonies could the USA nab during WWI?

    Use a POD of 1900. How many colonies could the USA nab during WWI? I'd say Kamerun would be the most likely, followed by German South West Africa. The USA could also get a mandate for Armenia and Palestine, which almost happened. Togoland and Tanganyika are possible, but unlikely. How many...
  6. AHC: Largest possible United States

    With a POD of 1776, have the United States become as large as possible. Bonus points if it becomes the largest nation in history and has territory on every continent.
  7. AHC: Largest possible Russia

    With a POD of 882, have Russia become as large as possible. Bonus points if it becomes the largest nation in history and spans more than three continents.
  8. Eivind

    Byzantine wank

    With a POD at the beginning of the reign of Justinian the great, wank the Byzantine Empire as much as possible. Bonus point if they control all of the the Mediterranean coast.
  9. GauchoBadger

    Largest and Most Plausible Mexiwank

    What is the largest that mexican territory could get without stepping too much on ASB territory? Could they conquer or purchase the Oregon province or Alaska, effectively blocking US access to the sea in the process? Could they engage in further conquests in the caribbean, or should they only be...
  10. AHC: British Empire controls all non-European territory

    With a POD of 1707, have the British Empire control all the world except for Europe. They must have the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific, and Antarctica.
  11. Zagan

    "Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor" - A Michael the Brave Romania Wank
    Threadmarks: Part One: The Birth and Growth of Romania

    Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor Io Michael, Emperor of the Romanians A Michael the Brave Romania Wank a.k.a. RomaniaWank Version 2. Part One The Birth and Growth of Romania (Very) Short Synopsis: On 9 August 1601, Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) had a dream that changed the World...
  12. Zagan

    Romania Wank
    Threadmarks: Title

    RomaniaWank (first edition) Notes: 1. This is my first TimeLine. 2. It does not conform with the usual expectations of the AH community. 3. It has attracted a lot of flames. 4. The actual TL starts here. Hi. I have never written any alternative history before, though I have written a novel...