vietnam war

  1. Tales Weaver

    WI/PC: Allende sends troops to Vietnam

    Looking at Salvador Allende, let’s say that he defeated Frei in 1964 instead of defeating Alessandri in 1970. As Vietnam war breaks out, he has to make a decision: send troops to Vietnam or not. Would it be plausible for Allende to send tr Either Vietnam? What would be a realistic fallout if...
  2. Brainstorming a TL: No Nixon Pardon
    Threadmarks: 1. POD

    So I'm still nailing down a lot of things, but I have enough that I wanted some feedback. Staring with a plausibility check on the POD itself. POD: The 18.5 minutes of Nixon's Watergate tapes doesn't get erased, and it's damning. In this ATL, it's Nixon and Haldeman discussing the fact that...
  3. Second Sino-French War over Indochina

    POD 1934 long march fails completely CCP is eliminated Second Sino Japanese war still happens, KMT hold out until Japan is defeated and surrenders to USA , Chiang occupies japanese occupied china and He is allowed to occupy Indo China until French return as in OTL but refuses to withdraw since...
  4. United States President

    John Wayne for President '68
    Threadmarks: John Wayne for President Pt. 1

    Introduction I've had this scenario written up for a long while now. I had learned a few years back that John Wayne was asked to run by Texas Republican Party backers. He refused because he felt American voters wouldn't buy an actor running for office. And since Ronald Reagan is a thing, I...
  5. WI: LBJ Duck Hooks Vietnam excluding the nuclear weapons and invades Ho Chi Minh Trail in 1964-65

    For context (got from Wikipedia) operation duck hook was a plan the nixon administration had thought of to end Vietnam which involved possible-nuclear bombing of military and economic targets in and around Hanoi, the mining of Haiphong harbor and other ports, saturation bombing of Hanoi and...
  6. State of the Vietnam Era US Military

    Recently I've been reading about the particularly poor state of the Vietnam War era US Military and what seems to have been a particular low point in its history. It looks like at times the US Military was in danger of seeing a collapse of morale, order and discipline due to anti war sentiment...
  7. What if the United States re-entered the Vietnam war militarily in 1975?

    What do you all think would need to happen in the U.S government to allow this to happen? What would the war look like for all sides? And lastly how would the American public react?
  8. What would be the impact of independent Republic of Canton during Cold War after communists government took over rest of Mainland China?

    Second picture shows the impact of the end of good alternate ending of Vietnam War in July 1975.
  9. Gillan1220

    AHC: Drag the Vietnam War into the 1980s

    What it says in the tin. Just as long as the conflict in Afghanistan is today. What POD is needed and what will the butterflies be of the 80s, 90s, 2000s, and 2010s?
  10. Agartala Conspiracy Case leads to a crackdown?

    In 1968 the Pakistani Government arrested a number of persons including Mujib in connection with the Agartala Conspiracy Case but the case had to be dropped by the Government due to a popular uprising in East Pakistan without even completing the case. The case was filed in early 1968 and...
  11. Suez and Vietnam

    Just a question I've been pondering for a while, and wanted to get the wider forum's thoughts on this. If the United States, for whatever reason, "backs" Britain during the Suez Crisis (which in reality just means not taking an actively anti-British stance during the crisis), does this have any...
  12. delariva

    AHC/WI: Make South Vietnam win the Vietnam War with a POD after 1968

    I've largely seen a consensus that the Vietnam War was unwinnable after around 1964-65, but I was just wondering if anyone thought it was in any way winnable after 1968, whether it be a split North/South ala Korea or a fully reunited Vietnam by the South, I'm just curious if any of these were...
  13. Vietnam WI: Diem without his brother?

    I've done some research regarding South Vietnam in this forum, and while it seems that Ngo Dinh Diem was a "standard" right-wing dictator - a murderous, corrupt bastard as well as a French/American puppet - it looks as if it was his powerful younger brother Ngo Dinh Nhu and his wife Madame Nhu...
  14. W.I US Military chooses T92 light tank for production instead of XM551?

    The T92 light tank was the M41 Bulldog replacement, it was advanced, lower silhouette. But it was canned in favor for the much less successful M551 featuring the troublesome 152mm gun missile launcher system. But what if the T92 light tank was chosen over the XM551 becoming the M92 and saw...
  15. Gillan1220

    What if Masanobu Tsuji was brought to justice?

    I'm pretty sure you've heard of this evil man's name. Masanobu Tsuji was one of the architects of the Bataan Death March. He was also known to eat livers of captured POWs. After the war, he escaped justice by traveling to Southeast Asia and China several times. In China, he was arrested by the...
  16. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: HHH becomes POTUS in 1965 Bringing back an OLD one. We don't see "what if LBJ dies in 1965" often. This one was quite interesting with Vietnam avoided and a quieter 1960s to 1970s in some ways. There's RFK, but he's portrayed as...
  17. Consensus on major events of an 8-year JFK presidency

    I'm no stranger to the fact that there are dozens of threads already in this forum about what would have happened had JFK never been assassinated and served two full terms. But as far as I can tell no one's posted about this topic in *checks notes* several months, so I figured my addition would...
  18. How should LBJ have approached Vietnam?

    Obviously Vietnam is a huge stain on LBJ’s legacy and casts a dark shadow on what imo is a pretty good domestic policy record at least based on what my politics are. How should LBJ have approached Vietnam so it wouldn’t become the disaster and presidency ender it was for LBJ
  19. The Lethargic Lett

    Give Peace Another Chance: The Presidency of Eugene McCarthy
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Welcome to Give Peace Another Chance, the revised and updated version of the Turtledove-nominated Give Peace A Chance: The Presidency of Eugene McCarthy. Give Peace A Chance, my first timeline, started on May 23rd 2018. After about a year and a half of weekly posting (more or less), the timeline...
  20. Anarcho-Occultist

    History is a Matter of Inches: An Alternate 1960's and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Part 1 “We must act to liquidate the communist scourge that threatens us from all over—from the Soviet Union in Europe, from just across the sea in Cuba and from within at the hands of communist agitators who, under the guise of civil rights, seek to upend the southern way of life and elevate...