vietnam war

  1. WI/ AHC: The A-6 Intruder in service with the USAF during The Vietnam War.

    What if the USAF flew the A-6 Intruder alongside the US Navy/Marine Corps in Vietnam? POD: 1. The A-6 Intruder is adopted by the Air Force as a replacement for the B-57 Canberra Bomber. 2. Robert McNamara makes the Air Force take the Intruder as a stop gap until the F111 is ready in...
  2. Euphoric

    WI Trump hadn't dodged the Vietnam Draft and died fighting in Vietnam?

    As you may know Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam draft. But what if, instead he answered the call to arms and died in combat? What effects would this inevitably have on US politics? Television (No apprentice)? World Politics?
  3. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: LBJ Escalates Vietnam?

    Otl, Lyndon B. Johnson didn't escalate military measures in Vietnam, favoring to negotiate with Ho Chi Minh. He opted for a second referendum, and that if the south voted to unite with the north, he wouldn't stop Ho, so long as those who wished to, had a year to leave. He focused on the...
  4. WI: Sovjet/China breakup happens ten years earlier. What about Vietnam?

    Something I have been thinking about for years is the following. What if the China - USSR conflict which OTL began in 1969 happened 10 years earlier? Maybe do to an earlier death of Stalin? With the USSR and China locked in a bitter cold war 10 years earlier than OTL. That would mean less tech...
  5. NixonTheUsedCarSalesman

    The Iron Mirror: A Republican Russia and Communist America TL

    THE IRON CURTAIN Speaking before Petrograd University in 1946, Winston Churchill first used the phrase "Iron Curtain" to describe what at that time was already becoming readily apparent: the division of Europe following the conflagration of the Second World War into an communist-dominated West...
  6. Nixon's Legacy If He Lost in Both 1960 and 1968

    Nixon's victory in the 1968 US Presidential election is known as one of the great comebacks in American political history: after narrowly losing to JFK in 1960 and being humiliated by Pat Brown in 1962, Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey and became the 37th US President. But Nixon won only narrowly...
  7. MACV reorganized

    Military Assistance Command: Vietnam was not a proper theater-level command, it was only ever an assistance and advisory group that was given far too many responsibilities. One possibility to avoid the infamous administrative muddle, would be to completely reorganize the US Forces in South...
  8. Mr_ Bondoc

    Spiderman: A Life Story

    We have all talked about it, but it has been done. Chip Zdarsky has written a nifty comic mini-series which details what would happen in Marvel characters didn't maintain their same age in a "sliding time scale". As such, the series details, "On this Earth, many Marvel heroes such as Spider-Man...
  9. DBWI: RFK Runs in 1968

    Following his brother Ted's advice, RDK decided not to run for President in 1968. Instead he endorsed Eugene McCarthy after the New Hampshire primary. In his autobiography, Ted Kennedy said that the endorsement happened only after a crucial meeting with McCarthy, who agreed to support RFK's...
  10. AHC: Make 1972 a Close Race

    The 1972 US Presidential election was a wipeout for President Richard Nixon, who defeated Senator George McGovern with 49 states to 1. This outcome was far from preordained: the US had gone through a recession in Nixon's term and the continuing Vietnam War and civil unrest were unpopular. In...
  11. If Elected in 1968, Would RFK Have Been Re-Elected in '72?

    There have been many threads on this site about RFK's last campaign (some of them by me), and whether or not he would have been nominated and/or elected President in 1968. But one thing that's sometimes glossed over is 1972: if (narrowly) elected in 1968, would RFK have been re-elected in 1972?
  12. WI: RFK Endorses McCarthy in 1968

    What if, instead of running for President himself, RFK decides to endorse Eugene McCarthy in the 1968 Democratic primaries? Who wins the 1968 Democratic nomination and ultimately the general election? Assuming that RFK's assassination is butterflied, how does his career pan out from 1968?
  13. WI: Churchill Supports Intervention in Vietnam in 1954

    In 1954, President Eisenhower wanted to intervene in Vietnam after the French lost the First Indochina War. However, the Democrats in Congress made their support for intervention contingent on British policy. Prime Minister Winston Churchill opposed intervention, so the Congressional Democrats...
  14. Avrorrange

    DBWI:The Viet Cong did not attack CONUS in 1963?

    In response to the US support of the South Vietnamese government,a faction of the Viet Cong hijacked three commercial airliners to attack the US in 1963.Two crashed into the Empire State Building while the third one crashed into the White House,successfully killing then president John F Kennedy...
  15. Chapman

    AHC: Save South Vietnam

    Your challenge, with a POD no earlier than January 1, 1961, is to maintain the Republic of Vietnam as an independent state (even if only nominally so) up to at least 2000. It can re-integrate with the North by diplomatic means any time after that, but should not lose independence by means of...
  16. DBWI: Rate Hubert Humphrey as a President

    Hubert Humphrey served as the 37th US President from 1969 to 1973. Your challenge is to evaluate Humphrey's administration. Was Humphrey a good or bad President? Was he somewhere in the middle?
  17. AHC: Nixon vs Humphrey Round Two

    The POD is Humphrey decides to actively contest the 1972 Democratic presidential primaries from the beginning and he ultimately wins the nomination. After picking his running mate at the convention, Humphrey faces President Richard Nixon a second time in the general election. Who might Humphrey...
  18. DBWI: Would Truman Have Gotten America Involved in Vietnam?

    Similar to another recent thread of mine on Truman and Korea, I'd like to ask about how Truman might have handled Vietnam. In 1950 Dewey gave extensive aid and military advisers to the French in order to help them reclaim their colonies in Indochina. This effort failed as Vietnam defeated France...
  19. DBWI: LBJ Goes to War in Vietnam

    Recognizing that the Vietnam War was unwinnable, LBJ continued JFK's de-escalation of US involvement. While some advisers told Johnson to initiate a bombing campaign and unleash American ground forces, LBJ took the counsel of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey and refused to intervene militarily...
  20. Would Humphrey Have Been Re-Elected in 1972?

    Had Hubert Humphrey been elected in 1968, would he have won a second term in 1972?