
  1. Who would the 1932 Democratic presidential nominee be if FDR had lost his bid for governor of New York?

    FDR's efforts as governor of New York to address the Depression were crucial in establishing him as the clear front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1932. But his first election to that office in 1928 was extremely narrow, he defeated the Republican nominee by just 25,000...
  2. WI: Second American Civil War of 1876

    (This question was inspired by the Josh Sullivan video about the stolen presidency of Tilden) In 1876, the United States almost enter in a civil war after the disputed election between Samuel Tilden and Rutherford Hayes, with a mob shooting at the the republcian candidate house in the period...
  3. WI: Labour Party instead of Progressive

    Let’s say that Roosevelt in the aftermath of the McKinley Assassination but before he died (he stayed more than a week in the hospital before his death) and John Hay takes the office, a more conservative politician than McKinley and strongly anti-labour-union, harming the relations with the...
  4. Republican Abrahamic religions

    what if Abrahamic religions were Republican instead of being monarchic with Israel and Judea being Republics instead of Monarchies ,Judaism incorporating those ideals and Christianity, Islam continuing them. How would this effect religion and world history
  5. TheDeveloper

    AHC: Have the Republican Party win the majority of the Black vote post-1950

    The POD has to be 1948 or later, and the voting percentage has to be 60% or higher. Beyond obvious ASB stuff, any explanation is allowed.
  6. ComradeLenin22

    "Era of American Prominence" James G. Blaine's Presidency
    Threadmarks: Presidency of James Blaine

    On November 4th, 1884 former Republican Senator from Maine James G. Blaine won the Presidential election over Democratic Governor Grover Cleveland. Blaine's victory was never really certain one event that brought doubt was the resurgence of the "Mulligan Letters". Although the scandal was...
  7. Hawkeye

    US postwar politics if Roosevelt won in 1912

    How would the Democrat and Republican parties be different if president Taft decided to not seek reelection for whatever reason and ex-president Theodore Roosevelt went on to win the Republican nomination and the 1912 election? Particularly how it would affect the Republican party in 1920...
  8. Orchard

    A New America- An American Political TL
    Threadmarks: 2008 Election and History (1940-2008)

    “And we can now announce that Barrack Obama is likely to secure the presidency. Obviously this is not confirmed, but a Democratic led coalition with the Socialist Party, their go to coalition partner, would give a total seat count of 56. Whilst not a great majority, he may have to compromise...
  9. TheNixonator

    Alternate names for the Republican Party

    Title is pretty clear
  10. WI: Trump runs in 2012 as an Independent

    I heard that Trump considered running in 2012 as an Independent, but as we all know it never happened. But what if he kept his words and actually did join the race? What would've actually happened? Could he have pulled it off in the race? Would he had at least won any state?
  11. The_Russian

    AHC: More minorities vote republican

    So I recently learned that republicans used to be a lot better with minorities. A majority majority Asians voted for Bush Sr in 1992, the vast majority of Muslims voted for Bush jr in 2000, and even Reagan was quoted as saying "Latinos are Republicans. They just don't know it yet." So with any...
  12. AHC: Barack Obama as a Moderate Republican

    In retrospect, it's bizarre that many conservatives slammed Obama as a "socialist" when in reality his policies were quite centrist; the ACA was a Republican idea after all. In interviews Obama has compared himself to a moderate Republican and as President he went out of his way to accommodate...
  13. Gukpard

    WI not racist president Pelley?

    So, aparentely William Dudley Pelley, the leader of the american silvershirts OTL did had some public support on the state of Washington with some few thousands attending his speeches, a negligible amount of people if comparated to the whole US population. Now, what if Pelley wasn't a fascist...
  14. The_Russian

    Effects of Republican Kennedy family?

    What would be the effects if Joseph P. Kennedy became a Republican in the 1920s? Would we see a Kennedy win the White House? How does the election of 1960 go? Do JFK or RFK win their respective senate seats? I got this idea from this old post...
  15. Bomster

    A female U.S. President in the 1980’s?

    Great Britain had Margaret Thatcher for Prime Minister throughout the 1980s. Could America have a female President elected in 1980? If so, who could it be? Let’s imagine two scenarios, one where Ford wins in 1976 and a woman is nominated by the Democrats, or another where Carter still wins and a...
  16. The_Russian

    AHC/WI Republican West Coast in 2018?

    With a POD of at least 1960 how can you get the states of Washington, Oregon, and California to be Republican on the state and federal levels? The GOP must stay fisically conservative, but can be more socially liberal than OTL. How does the Democratic Party change? What other states are affected...
  17. Calcaterra

    AHC/WI: A Republican California

    As the tin says, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to keep California a Republican state and explain the effects of it staying as such. Extra points if after 1992, and if you can get a GOP Californian elected President after 1992.
  18. DCPritt

    CHALLENGES, CHANGES, & CHOICES - A Sequel to New Frontier with New Challenges

    After completing my first timeline, I had many members ask me to keep it going, so here's the second installment of a fictional 2nd Administration with President John F. Kennedy, starting in February 1965.
  19. Bomster

    Ronald Reagan in 1968?

    I’m developing a TL where Robert Kennedy enters the presidential race earlier in late 1967, and to spice things up, I’m wondering, could Ronald Reagan have become the Republican presidential nominee that year? Or would he have still lost to Nixon?
  20. Halv Cyra

    The Senator of Vermont: A Bernie Sanders Timeline

    Thinking about a Pseudo-Nazbol Bernie Timeline. Ideas for PODS?