prussian colonial empire

  1. AltoRegnant

    AHCWI : How Could Prussia Create A Notable Colonial Empire Before Unification of Germany?

    the German colonial empire was... lacking, compared to the other European big boys. Both in size and thus prestige and resources, and in profitability. So, I'm curious as to how Prussia, and thus any subsequent germanys, could create a stronger overseas empire prior to unification. The way I...
  2. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Prussia Wasn't A Colonizer?

    OTL, Brandenburg-Prussia and later Prussia was a pretty notable colonizer, with a respectable navy. It started due to the Great Elector, Fredrick William's moves in the baltic, and with the Brandenburg Africa Company. He was able to establish some ports in Africa for slavery and some caribbean...
  3. Preußisch-Feuerland

    Looking around the forums I've seen some ideas floating around regarding possible German (Prussian) settlement of the island of Tierra del Fuego (Preußisch-Feuerland). What would be the best time frame for this to take place (my rough guess would be from the 1850's to the 1870's) What would be...
  4. WI: Prussia had Overseas Colonies

    I'm referring to colonies in the New World, not in Africa. Yes, I know this is unlikely. How would the Prussians treat their colonies? How long would they be able to keep them? Who would be their primary rivals?