communism wank

  1. USSR only winner of the war

    The Japanese empire does not invade French Indochina,they continue trade with America so it does not come to war and the U.S. remains isolationist.Japan defeats China and In Europe the allies still manage to win(I know I will start a war for this in the comments),the war,ends in 1948 and is...
  2. More Communist States in Africa?

    I was reading up on Communist Parties in Africa for a timeline I've been writing and while most never gained power - or if they had it, have since lost it, I was curious what if there was still a communist country in Africa? First, I'm curious on Benin and the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville -...
  3. PC/WI: Communist Revolution Spreading to France

    If WWI lasted another year and revolutions start popping up in europe with Germany successfully going Red, what direction would France take after that? Would revolutionaries inspired by Germany and Russia successfully overthrow the government either threw election or force, or would the...
  4. Western Reaction to a Communist Germany and Britain

    Let's say that the great war drags on another year and Germany successfully turns communist while this happens in the UK, how do the US and France respond? Would France have a revolution themselves, or would the conservative government successfully suppress it and drift towards fascism. If...
  5. WI: UK and Germany went Communist

    What if Germany went Communist in 1919 (I have no idea what ideas to bring to the how so lets please focus on the aftermath if they got lucky) and Britain revolts in 1926? Could Communism spread anywhere else in the near term? What becomes of the UK's colonies? How does France respond to having...
  6. WI: More Successful Red Wave

    I'm not sure about the exact POD but say the Great war drags on for another year causing mass discontent with successful revolutions in Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Ireland, Spain, Finland, Sweden, and Bulgaria. Further revolutions occur in Argentina, South Africa, and Persia. The Communist...
  7. Messalian

    Could the PCC seize control of Colombia?

    In the aftermath of La Violencia, the war between Liberals and Conservatives in Colombia in the 40s and 50s, the Communists started mobilizing the rural peasants as supporters against a government that was directly attacking small-scale family farms as part of its vision of corporate-structured...
  8. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: Successful Dhofar Rebellion?

    So, how can we make it so that the communist Dhofar Rebellion that occurred in the gulf Arab state of Oman succeeds in toppling the government of the emir, after beating the Omani military and associated British SAS in the time period between the 1960’s and early 70’s? Assuming Oman does go...
  9. Soviet Victory: Part 3: 3rd Time's a charm

    TIMELINE ITSELF This is the official thread for my up-and-coming timeline, Soviet Victory. Hey, I know, not a very catchy name. The main premise is that: The American-Vietnamese War (Sometimes Americans refer to it as "The Downfall War") ends much later than normal. Through this, tensions...
  10. WI Project Cybersyn continues?

    Is there a timeline talking about this? Would the subsequent socialist movements get more publicity and success if they implement the exact same reforms as Chile did? What would that mean for Cuba, USSR and the PRC? Would there be Chile's "Satellite States" with their economic system...
  11. Alternate Soviet Union (based on my Hoi4 game)

    So ITTL, Soviets take over Eastern Poland (like in OTL), Turkey, Iran, Finland, AFghanistan, all Arabian province nations (except for kuwait, stupid UK) and Iraq (what i took over in hoi4 before germany attacked). At this time, japan defeats the ROC and PRC and makes various puppet states...
  12. GauchoBadger

    WI: The PRC takes over Taiwan

    So, suppose that the PRC crushes the KMT even further in the Chinese Civil War, by somehow invading and occupying the island of Taiwan. Perhaps a better communist performance at the Battle of Guningtou? What happens next? Without a friendly capitalist rump chinese regime to negotiate with, what...
  13. Maponus

    The Way the Wind Blows: The Collapse of Western Capitalism and the Second Cold War

    The Way the Wind Blows The Collapse of Western Capitalism and the Second Cold War "History rarely repeats itself, but its echoes never go away." - Chairmen Tariq Ali "The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man." - Huey P. Newton Prologue The Unexpected Mikhail...
  14. Zachariah

    Plausibility Check- Union of African Socialist Republics

    Seeing as how Pan-Africanism started out as a overtly communist revolutionary movement, with many of its early leaders such as George Padmore, Jomo Kenyatta, C.L.R. James, I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson, Chris Brathwaite and several others having direct ties to the Comintern Politburo, how plausible...