Recent content by Herman Gigglethorpe

  1. Hal Lindsey’s “The Late, Great Planet Earth” laughed at because of description of Battle of Coral Sea, and DOESN’T influence Reagan and Cap Weinberger

    The Catholic equivalent to Left Behind is Lord of the World, a 1907 novel by Robert Hugh Benson. In that case the villains are Freemasons.
  2. What If: Atheist Ancient India

    India once had multiple schools of materialist thought like Lokayata, Ajñana, and Ajivika if I'm not mistaken, but they have vanished. Under what circumstances might you get a majority of Indians following these Nastika philosophies? Or at least the elites?
  3. Pop culture without 9/11

    Reality shows would still be popular in the alternate 2000s due to Survivor's influence. Otherwise it would probably be an extended 1990s, based on my memories of the time.
  4. What if the Arab raids on Rome in 846 were more successful?

    According to Absolute Monarchs by John Julius Norwich, there was an attack on Rome in 846 by Arab raiders that was driven off by Pope Leo IV. If Leo had failed, or if someone less competent was in power, could there have been an Islamic Rome? It seems possible if the raiders were allied with...
  5. AHC: Religion based (mainly) on the New Testament

    Sometimes "pocket" editions of the New Testament + Psalms + Proverbs are published without the rest of the Old Testament.
  6. WI: Diana and Dodi survive

    Paris cab drivers follow the church of Our Lady of Windsor? I thought she was mainly the patron saint of tabloid headline writers, based on how many of the covers proclaim either Kate or Meghan to be her successor. And the disfavored royal wife is accused of selling her relics such as dresses. . .
  7. How proficient were 19th century British aristocrats in Greek and Latin?

    In the Victorian sensation novel The Grey Monk by TW Speight, the impostor heir Luigi is forced to study Greek and Latin to appease his baronet "grandfather". Luigi has no talent for classical languages or horseback riding, showing how far removed he is from the "gentleman" ideal. Another 19th...
  8. AHC: Make it so that the 17th century is the most popular past era in modern pop culture instead of the Middle Ages

    The Tudors are disproportionately popular in English language historical fiction, so if anything it seems the post-medieval 16th century is one of the most popular periods. For the 17th century to become dominant in pop culture, have Dumas novels like The Three Musketeers and The Black Tulip...
  9. WI: How Can These Monarchies Survive?

    If I'm not mistaken, the reason Italians voted to abolish the monarchy was because the king was a puppet of Mussolini.
  10. What If: No Rinderpest Outbreak in 1887

    The rinderpest case reminds me of the book 1491, where it's suggested that the large population of passenger pigeon and buffalo in the U.S. was due to European diseases.
  11. What If: No Rinderpest Outbreak in 1887

    This is mostly based on Wikipedia, so I'll probably get some facts wrong. The tsetse fly that causes sleeping sickness supposedly had a much smaller range before a rinderpest plague killed massive numbers of cows in 1887. This led to a famine, and the lack of livestock allowed plants to grow...
  12. What if Spelling Autocorrect Were Easier to Turn Off?

    Oddly, my Kindle autocorrect has much less of a problem with Spanish words than English ones.
  13. Greek/Roman and Mediterranean paganism was really killed by human spiritual crisis in the West?

    That's what I want to know. Cicero was a famous skeptic, but did the plebeians and slaves feel the same way?
  14. Japanese Culture Without Nukes?

    Without Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there would be no Godzilla movies. He was awakened in the first movie due to atomic bombs, indicating a direct influence from the end of WWII and postwar nuclear testing. This likely means kaiju movies in general don't exist in this alternate Japan.
  15. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down" - is this an unchangeable fact of Japanese society?

    Wasn't State Shinto created in the 19th century during the Meiji era? Japan may be monarchist, but Kamakura and Tokugawa shoguns were more powerful than the emperor for centuries. Totalitarianism is also recent in Japanese history if I understand it correctly. (Mussolini was the first major...