Recent content by Dr. No

  1. Lifelines Of Logistics - How To (Not) Draw Your Transit Maps/Diagrams

    An Update For 2024 Quarter 1 - Records Despite An Abysmal State 2023 has seen the biggest passenger numbers for German Railways in history. This has been news recently. The major reason cited is the €49 ticket. It's definitely not the awesome state of Germany's railway grid. There will be total...

    The 2000 map shows the UK in conservative blue even if it's been run under Tony Blair's New Labour and the "new" in New Labour isn't enough of a shehita to not consider the government social-democratic.
  3. How would Margaret Thatcher be remembered if she died in the Brighton Hotel Bombing?

    There are actually two ancient timeline threads about this scenario.
  4. TL-191: After the End

    IOTL he had to take meds to avoid charges due to sodomy laws (or whatever) and led to depressions which resulted in his suicide IOTL 1955. ITTL, well, losing the Second Great War won't turn Britain into a CSD party by 1955, obviously. But losing the war could've meant that he would've gotten out...
  5. TL-191: After the End

    IOTL the Baron-Cohen family is best known for the cousins Simon (research in autism specter disorder) and Sacha (Ali G, Borat, Bruno, The Dictator). How would the trajectory of a typical British-Jewish family like them look like, the fate of their common grandparents if they existed?
  6. Lifelines Of Logistics - How To (Not) Draw Your Transit Maps/Diagrams

    What the Horizon franchise taught me about autonomy First of all, happy All Hallow's Day! Or rather Eve, Halloween being a contraction of All Hallow's Eve. Yeah, by the smith shop, what have they been eating? This year I've been playing the Horizon franchise and both playgrounds, Colorado and...
  7. TL-191: After the End

    Your timeline features an immersed tunnel between Cuba and Florida (preferably via Key West, I guess) as the first of its kind actually realized ITTL whereas OTL has no such thing even under construction and that it's a railway-only tunnel just as it's known from the Eurotunnel both in reality...
  8. My Proposal For a 13-Month International Fixed Calendar

    There are 13? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. That's 12, just as with the Persian Calendar. What did I miss out as #13?
  9. Lifelines Of Logistics - How To (Not) Draw Your Transit Maps/Diagrams

    Right For The Wrong Reasons - The Future Triangle Of Belgrade With Loops At The Edges Belgrade is going earnest. Just like the Second Avenue Subway in New York City after close to century, Belgraders are seeing something similar after have a century: This thing is actually under construction...
  10. Map of the Fortnight 276: The Sick Man - Voting Thread

    I voted for Danubia, of course. It's once again like a very big Belgium, nationalities first, territories second and supreme courts having to constantly deal with authorities to be hurt or not. I also remember another winning entry from another MotF called "The Federation Of Leithania" which may...
  11. TL-191: After the End

    You talked about twenty US states in Japan. What are their names and borders?
  12. Lifelines Of Logistics - How To (Not) Draw Your Transit Maps/Diagrams

    Starting The Fourth Page: An Update For 2023 Quarter 2 My car is broken, the car repair scheduled a waiting time of half a year for replacement parts of my catalyst since January and now the car won't run anymore after five months have passed. Combined with the Deutschland-Ticket and the...
  13. TL-191: After the End

    @David bar Elias So in essence, you can amuse yourself on a steady auditive diet composed of Tinpan, One Two and Ios Sound. I guess that this makes that world quite liveable. About analogues to Schengen: If free travel areas are somehow balkanized in Frankfurt and Calais agreements, with a third...
  14. TL-191: After the End

    When it's all about entertainment again: Starting with ABBA, Sweden was the biggest non-Anglophone pop music exporter in the latter half of the 20th century. And nowadays, it looks like (South) Korea has become this for the early 21st century. Which countries ITTL fulfill a similar role as let's...
  15. Lifelines Of Logistics - How To (Not) Draw Your Transit Maps/Diagrams

    This is post #60, finishing the third page of this thread. I've made one general post about aircraft by using best practices of an economic simulation game franchise where gamers employ the hub-and-spoke system in multiple iterations and I've talked about Berlin quite a lot. And now there's a...