TL-191: After the End

By 2023, there are just over 300 million people living in the United States.

There is a smaller African American community in the United States compared to our world, though it’s growing demographically by 2023. The African American community is divided into three smaller communities. These communities are those descended from the African American community that lived in the United States before the Second Great War, those from the large Afro-Caribbean community from the different US Caribbean states, and those from the immigrant communities from different African nations.

By 2023, German Americans are the largest single group in the United States descended from a European immigrant community. Unlike in our world, German culture and the German language is far more pronounced in the United States, because of the military and political alliance between the two nations in the late 19th Century and the early 20th Century.

The United States in TTL never enacted immigration restrictions comparable to the Immigration Act of 1924. This means that by 2023, there are larger numbers of Americans descended from different immigrant communities from Southern and Eastern Europe. Immigration to the United States from Eastern Europe did not really decline until the 1970s.

Canadian Americans are one of the single largest ethic communities in the United States. The modern Canadian American community by 2023 tends to place emphasis on its own unique American identity, albeit an identity shaped by the terrible conflicts of the early 20th Century.

The United States has a larger Jewish community compared to our world by 2023, because of continued immigration from Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. By 2023, there are over 14 million Jews living in the United States. This is the largest Jewish community in the world.

The United States has a larger Hispanic community compared to our world. The Mexican American community is the largest Hispanic community, followed by the Cuban American community. The Hispanic community in the United States includes the different immigrant communities from the Central American nations of the CDS, the Dominican Republic, another member of the CDS, and different nations in South America.

The United States has a larger Native American population compared to our world, with the addition of the indigenous communities in the Canadian states and including the indigenous communities of Alaska. By 2023, the US state of Nunavut is the largest state in terms of geographical size where members of indigenous communities wield power, though there are other states that have relatively high levels of influence from different Native American groups.

The United States has a larger Pacific Islander community compared to our world, because of the inclusion of the different indigenous communities throughout the US Pacific states of Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and the Sandwich Islands.

The United States has a larger Asian American community compared to our world. By 2023, Chinese American community is the largest Asian American community. The Asian American community in the United States also includes the different immigrant communities from nations such as Korea, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

There are also a growing number of people in the United States from different immigrant communities from South Asia and Southeast Asia, including from Bharat.
I'm a bit confused. You say the US population is 300 million.

The current population in OTL is nearly 340 million and Canada's non-Quebec population is nearly thirty million, and this doesn't count the newer territories and states. Even allowing for the Destruction and the independence of Texas, especially since immigration restrictions were never imposed as they were in OTL, can you discuss how the figure came about?
I'm a bit confused. You say the US population is 300 million.

The current population in OTL is nearly 340 million and Canada's non-Quebec population is nearly thirty million, and this doesn't count the newer territories and states. Even allowing for the Destruction and the independence of Texas, especially since immigration restrictions were never imposed as they were in OTL, can you discuss how the figure came about?

The population growth of the United States in the 20th Century was affected by the losses in the First Great War and the Second Great War, along with related conflicts such as the repeated Mormon and Canadian rebellions.

The former CSA was devastated in the 20th Century by the losses of the First Great War, the Red Rebellion, the Second Great War, and the Destruction. During the first generation after the end of the Second Great War, over three million people left the former CSA rather than live under US rule.

After the end of the Second Great War, the United States did not experience anything equivalent to the post-World War II Baby Boom in OTL. The United States also went through a demographic transition earlier compared to our world.

These were the reasons for the overall US population being lower by 2023 compared to the US population in our world.
How is Thanksgiving celebrated ITTL? Doe it still occur around the same time in November if Lincoln doesn't sign it into law?

By 2023, Thanksgiving is celebrated the United States in November in a similar matter compared to our world.

Thanksgiving would later be expanded into a seven day holiday in 2094, during the administration of President Mace Dufort. The expanded holiday was intended by the president to include, on different days, a Dinner of Gratitude for the members of the US military, a Dinner of Sharing to be celebrated together by whole neighborhoods and towns, and a Great American Feast to celebrate the sport of football.
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So basically breakfast sausages are more popular ?

Also,is there an analogue to Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts in this world?

By 2023, the most popular US breakfasts include more eggs and meat compared to our world. German and Austrian-style pastries are also popular breakfast items in the United States.
How different is British cuisine ITTL compared to our world?

By 2023, there is a higher influence in British cuisine from French, German, and Italian cuisines compared to our world, as well as from different nations in East Central Europe.

Styles of cooking that influenced German cuisine from different African colonies of the German Empire eventually found some popularity in the United Kingdom in the late 20th Century and early 21st Century.

In TTL, it took longer for different Asian cuisines to gain popularity in Britain compared to our world. Foods from nations such as China and Bharat gained greater popularity in Britain in the 2000s and 2010s.
Do the Socialists have a party animal, like how the Democrats have the donkey and the Republicans have an elephant?
Also what is the common symbol for socialism in a world without the USSR's hammer and sickle?
Do the Socialists have a party animal, like how the Democrats have the donkey and the Republicans have an elephant?
Also what is the common symbol for socialism in a world without the USSR's hammer and sickle?

The black cat would use for the IWW in the early 20th century and still regularly used in anarchist communist circles today especially after kaiserich so I wouldn't be surprised if the solstice party in TTL and even in Canon use the Black Cat as a symbol of the Socialist party
I've seen ravens as a suitably socialist bird in a few places, or alternatively a honeybee like EPiC used. We Produce, We Defend! is a hell of a motto. If the Republicans used a rooster they sometimes used OTL and the Dems switched to an eagle adding a raven would give the US parties a nice coherent theme
I've seen ravens as a suitably socialist bird in a few places, or alternatively a honeybee like EPiC used. We Produce, We Defend! is a hell of a motto. If the Republicans used a rooster they sometimes used OTL and the Dems switched to an eagle adding a raven would give the US parties a nice coherent theme

Raven or bee would make sense due their habits. Altough I don't know if bees are too much associated with Mormons.

Ant would be another intresting party animal for Socialists.
What is the status of Cantonese and other minority languages in China in TTL. Does humanity eventually unite in TTL or do they remain separate in their various blocs? What is the status of secularism?
Where would he have moved to? If he had a similar career to OTL but was better at keeping in the closet there's no way a fascist Brit government would ever let him go

Wasn't Britain technically democracy even if there was fascists in government? And fascist regimes were ratherly bad to stop people letting their countries if they even really tried.

And he could had very well moved to USA or even Germany.

But probably he just stays at closet.
Wasn't Britain technically democracy even if there was fascists in government? And fascist regimes were ratherly bad to stop people letting their countries if they even really tried.

And he could had very well moved to USA or even Germany.

But probably he just stays at closet.
IOTL he had to take meds to avoid charges due to sodomy laws (or whatever) and led to depressions which resulted in his suicide IOTL 1955. ITTL, well, losing the Second Great War won't turn Britain into a CSD party by 1955, obviously. But losing the war could've meant that he would've gotten out of the closet after the lost war. The question is, how long would he lived on?
Where would he have moved to? If he had a similar career to OTL but was better at keeping in the closet there's no way a fascist Brit government would ever let him go
ITTL, many skilled Brits received immigration and employment offers from Australia prior to the Second Great War, so it's possible he ended up there or in NZ.
What is the status of Cantonese and other minority languages in China in TTL. Does humanity eventually unite in TTL or do they remain separate in their various blocs? What is the status of secularism?

By 2023, Cantonese is still widely spoken in certain regions of China, while other languages also have large numbers of speakers. The government of China has tried to promote a standard written and spoken form of the Chinese language across the entire nation since the end of the Fourth Pacific War.

Secular culture and law, and the roles played by different religions in both areas, is different across the nations of the world by 2023. The amount of official support by national governments for established religions and their institutions varies depending on the nation.

The Interstellar Alliance, which was formed in the late 22nd Century in response to the First Interstellar War, began as a military and space exploration alliance between the nations and competing alliance blocs of the world. Its legitimacy was derived from the support given to its functions and responsibilities by the great powers.

The Interstellar Alliance remained primarily a space exploration, colonization, and military alliance during the Interstellar Age, which began with the First Interstellar War in the late 22nd Century and ended with the acquisition of contragrav and hyperdrive technology from another alien empire in the early 2400s, which began the Galactic Age. Contragrav and hyperdrive technology allowed for the rapid expansion of humanity into the Milky Way, not least because now almost every nation on Earth, and even large corporations, could acquire interstellar territories without having to depend on the space infrastructure of the great powers. Between the early 2400s and early 2700s, the Interstellar Alliance began to develop some functions akin to that of a supranational government, though it was still dependent on its constituent nations and worlds to operate.

It wasn’t until the First Galactic War in the early 2700s that the Interstellar Alliance began its transformation into a more coherent political organization, in the face of an unprecedented existential danger.