Union and Liberty: An American TL

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Well, the flash drive that I backed up my files on is acting up. Now when I put it into the computer and open the drive, it doesn't show any folders or files in it, but when I go to properties it shows the space is taken up. The files aren't hidden and I have it set to show hidden files anyway. Not sure why I can't see or access the files, but any update will have to be on hold until I get my laptop back or my flash drive starts working again. :(
Well, the flash drive that I backed up my files on is acting up. Now when I put it into the computer and open the drive, it doesn't show any folders or files in it, but when I go to properties it shows the space is taken up. The files aren't hidden and I have it set to show hidden files anyway. Not sure why I can't see or access the files, but any update will have to be on hold until I get my laptop back or my flash drive starts working again. :(
Hope you can your computer back and your flash drive working.
Hey, man..............been watching this one for a while, and, IMO...........it's one of the most interesting timelines out there............I really do hope you don't end up losing your flash drive to a stupid glitch, that would be quite the bummer. :eek: :(
Hey, man..............been watching this one for a while, and, IMO...........it's one of the most interesting timelines out there............I really do hope you don't end up losing your flash drive to a stupid glitch, that would be quite the bummer. :eek: :(
Ditto. (I hate computers sometimes.:mad:)
Thanks for the responses everyone. Trying to figure stuff out now with the flash drive, and my laptop has apparently just arrived at the repair center so it will probably still be a while before I get it back. Hopefully I can get back to working on the timeline soon before finals start.
I can totally sympathize...I nearly lost 3 months worth of Viva Balbo when my lap top got smashed. I ended up hading to physically yank the hard drive and put it in a case to rescue the files. Flash will be a lot harder, as while it can store gigs on a key chain it's volitile as nitro glycerine in a paint chaker. Best of luck, wilcox...I too want to see this TL live. :(
Laptop started to be sent back to me yesterday. Hopefully it'll get here in the next week or so, so I should be able to get an update out before December.
Part Sixty-Three: Red Sea Rising
Just managed to bang out an update while in the library between classes. Some minor things will probably get ret-conned in the future as I don't have my notes with me (usb is still being annoying, I'm guessing it's with my user profile for the uni computers), but it should be fairly consistent.

Part Sixty-Three: Red Sea Rising

A Newcomer to the Colonial Game:
By the late 1870s, Germany had recovered from the effects of the Grand Unification War. Prussia had assured its dominance over a unified German state with Emperor Wilhelm I and chancellor Otto von Bismarck at the country's helm. Now that Bismarck had secured Germany's presence as a power in Europe, he started looking to proclaim Germany's presence among the world's foremost great powers. In the imperialist world on the late 19th century, this meant going overseas to Africa or Asia and gaining colonies. As most of Asia was already claimed by the Atlantic countries, Germany had to look to the uncolonized shores of Africa to find its place in the sun.

The first target of the German colonial regime was the Sultanate of Oman. Oman and its dependencies on the east coast of Africa had been embroiled in a decade-long succession war after the death of Sultan Sa'id bin Sultan. Thuwaini ibn Sa'id had taken control over the area around Muscat in Oman, while Mayid ibn Sa'id controlled the majority of the East African regions of Oman from Zanzibar. From 1877 to 1879, Germany sent governors to mediate the situation and gradually assume control over the region. In 1879, Germany overthrew Sultan Mayid ibn Sa'id and took direct colonial administration over the East African coast from Mogadishu to the Rufiji River. Germany established a colonial fortress on Zanzaibar and improved much of the island making it the administrative center of what would become German East Africa. Thuwaini ibn Sa'id was overthrown by Ibadi clerics in 1881 who moved the capital of the region to the city of Nizwa. While Oman was able to remain independent a few more years under Ibadi rule, Germany incorporated the provinces around Muscat into management from Zanzibar by 1885.

After building further fortresses in Mombasa, Mogadishu, and Mzizima[1], Germany began looking for elsewhere to stretch its colonial regime. While the German colonial ministry encouraged settlement of the German colonies in Africa and Muscat, they were primarily focused on resource extraction. Exploration of the East African interior via the river systems was done to penetrate German trade and claims further into the continent. German explorer Colonel Hans Kowalski discovered the Sachsensee after trekking up the Rufiji River past its source, and later discovered the Bismarcksee which later was found to be the source of the Nile[2]. Germany quickly extended its control of the coast north from Mogadishu as well, reaching the tip of the African Horn by 1890.

Egypt in Revolt:
While Germany was expanding its influence in Africa, the Ottomans were slowly losing their hold on parts of the continent. On the death of Muhammad Ali Pasha in 1853, the Ottomans attempted to reassert their control over Egypt by making his first son Ibrahim Pasha governor of Egypt. However, a coup in 1854 by his brother Sa'id Pasha ousted Ibrahim and through a treaty with the Ottoman Sultan Abdulmecid, Sa'id Pasha was recognized as the governor of Egypt, Sudan, and Palestine, and the Hedjaz, all the lands which traditionally went to the governor of Egypt. Ibrahim was sent in exile to Istanbul where he lived for the remainder of his life.

Sa'id Pasha governed Egypt effectively and made many reforms to modernize the country just as Muhammad Ali had done. While Egypt was nominally under Ottoman control, it operated virtually independently as a state. Among other projects, Sa'id oversaw the construction of a new harbor in Alexandria and a modernization of the Egyptian navy, the establishment of the Bank of Egypt in 1862, and Sa'id made trading concessions to bring Egypt to a better relationship with France under Louis Napoleon. Through this relationship, Sa'id Pasha began plans to build the Suez Canal under French backing and moved to become more independent from the Ottoman state.

While France had attempted to finance a canal connecting the Mediterranean to the Red Sea earlier in the century, serious consideration only arose after the Second Napoleonic War when France achieved greater control over the Mediterranean in a time of peace. Looking to expand the abilities of French colonial and trading aspirations, Louis Napoleon and Sa'id Pasha agreed on concessions that Egypt would make toward France to allow the canal to be built through Egyptian territory. The Ottomans, influenced by British diplomats, attempted to stop the canal from going through and used it as an excuse to reassert their control over Egypt. Sa'id Pasha declared Egypt officially independent from the Ottoman Empire in 1877 and Louis Napoleon provided assistance to the Egyptians in the resulting war. The Egyptian Revolt lasted three years, but in 1880 the Ottomans signed a peace granting Egyptian independence with control over much of the lands that Sa'id Pasha had control over. Over the next decade, the Suez Canal completed construction in 1887 and Egypt gradually became a French protectorate as further concessions were granted to French advisors and the French government.

[1] Mzizima is the former name of Dar es-Salaam.
[2] Sachsensee = Lake Nyasa, Bismarcksee = Lake Victoria
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Franco-Ottoman Canal? German East Africa and Oman? Sweet developments here!

Intersting potential here: The canal will SERIOUSLY be important to Germany considering it's ATL colonies. Curious where this leads Re: Franco-German relations, particularly with the UK rather peeved over the French canal.
Franco-Ottoman Canal? German East Africa and Oman? Sweet developments here!
Well, Franco-Egyptian canal. Egypt went from being an Ottoman satellite to a French satellite.

Intersting potential here: The canal will SERIOUSLY be important to Germany considering it's ATL colonies. Curious where this leads Re: Franco-German relations, particularly with the UK rather peeved over the French canal.

So will this mean that France and Germany won't be as itching to get at each other due to geopolitical reasons?
At the moment France and Germany are on good terms. Right now the major power relations in Europe I'm envisioning are along these lines.

Great Britain: Angry with France over losing the Second Nappy War; Looking for another powerful European to become buddies with after Austria fell through, currently eyeing Germany, Russia, or OE. Wants to protect routes to India and hopefully gain a better route there. I'm looking at you, Suez.

France: Hostile with UK after the war. Friendly with Germany from cooperation during the 1860s and over Suez, but wary about German expansion on the Continent. Neutral but kind of friendly with Italy, annoyed with OE for attempting to block Suez construction.

Germany: On good terms with France but coveting Baden and Alsace. Wants to expand further in Europe and Africa, and maybe take full control over Suez Canal at some point in future. Friendly with Italy after cooperation in Unification War.

Italy: Aspires to have African colonies and control more of Adriatic and Mediterranean. On good terms with France and Germany, but would consider other options if they meant possibilities of further expansion.

Russia: Mostly neutral and trying to stay out of Europe's messes, but wary of German expansion. Hostile with OE, may be looking to expand in Asia.

Ottoman Empire: Very annoyed with France at their support of Egyptian revolt. Wants revenge on Egypt to bring the area under control again, may seek European allies to make that gain. Wary of Russia to the north. Also might considering expanding into Austrian void but worried about satellites getting too powerful.

Spain: Making a good recovery after Second Napoleonic War (more on that later). Could be a wild card in any major war that springs up. Wants to protect Philippines and Puerto Rico, considering expanding in Morocco.

Any opinions and speculation on where the geopolitical forces and gradual alliances will shift would be helpful. I'm trying to manage things so that if a World War does break out, it won't be a jumbled mess with everyone at war with everyone else. :D And now I'm not so sure a global war is likely to arise at all.
It almost looks like GB and France will go to war without attracting much attention from other powers. As you said, Germany is 'freindly' with France, but will they really be interested in war with Britain?

I'm sure Britain will try and isolate France from Germany as much as possible as well. Germany is definitely the most viable ally against France in this world. A strong army right on France's border? Yeah, Britain's going to love that.
I am with the Emperor here. One comment: I think it all depends upon the next generation of political leaders. It is the Wilhelm II we know and love or someone else or a reshaped Wilhelm. You have still placed Germany at the literal and metaphorical center of things in Europe so as Germany goes so goes Europe. It all depends upon them. A map would be appreciated.
At the moment France and Germany are on good terms. Right now the major power relations in Europe I'm envisioning are along these lines.

Great Britain: Angry with France over losing the Second Nappy War; Looking for another powerful European to become buddies with after Austria fell through, currently eyeing Germany, Russia, or OE. Wants to protect routes to India and hopefully gain a better route there. I'm looking at you, Suez.

I'd like to see Britain ally with Russia, but Germany is also a feasible option. They're not likely to side with the Ottomans AFAIK, but then again my knowledge of this period in history is not too great.

France: Hostile with UK after the war. Friendly with Germany from cooperation during the 1860s and over Suez, but wary about German expansion on the Continent. Neutral but kind of friendly with Italy, annoyed with OE for attempting to block Suez construction.

It seems as though no one really likes France as of now. That'll probably mean that they will either be attacked at some point by someone, or turn isolationist. I long to see how they will expand in West Africa; the East seems to be generally set in stone, with Germany controlling the coast, France having Egypt and the Sudan. Britain, as far as I see it, will probably expand in the southern inland (as IOTL). This may lead to skirmishes between Germany and France over the areas around Bismarcksee, particularly Buganda.

Germany: On good terms with France but coveting Baden and Alsace. Wants to expand further in Europe and Africa, and maybe take full control over Suez Canal at some point in future. Friendly with Italy after cooperation in Unification War.

Germany is in a strange position, as they are friendly with France and have claims on French territory at the same time. This might lead to a similar situation as British-German relations IOTL.

Italy: Aspires to have African colonies and control more of Adriatic and Mediterranean. On good terms with France and Germany, but would consider other options if they meant possibilities of further expansion.

I have no comment on this.

Russia: Mostly neutral and trying to stay out of Europe's messes, but wary of German expansion. Hostile with OE, may be looking to expand in Asia.

I can say with a high percentage of likeliness that there will be a war between Russia and the Ottomans. The situation on the Balkans would be like a powder keg waiting to explode, and then Russia would most likely, as protector of the Slavs, step in to try and free the peoples there.

Ottoman Empire: Very annoyed with France at their support of Egyptian revolt. Wants revenge on Egypt to bring the area under control again, may seek European allies to make that gain. Wary of Russia to the north. Also might considering expanding into Austrian void but worried about satellites getting too powerful.

The Ottomans are pretty much the same; just replace the word "French" with "British" and you've got their OTL position. There may be a war with France, and as I stated above war with Russia is damn near inevitable at this point.

That's just off the top of my head. Sorry if it's a bit inconsistent.
What is odd is that wilcox has mentioned that there will be a great war at some point. But with how things are positioned right now, it seems it would be rather unlikely. At least as a large scale prolonged war like OTL's WWI.
A war might still happen and like Ares mentioned it would likely be between Russia and the Ottomans with over the balkans. Britain might get involved trying to find a good ally in the area and France and Germany might follow. But if you have France and Germany on the same team it is likely the war will be over quickly.

Although a "cold war" might developed between France & Germany as they both grow in power.
Got my laptop back and it's fixed! :D I still lost the notes I worked on from my USB drive, but that shouldn't be much. Some maps should be coming soon as well.
A map for you all. I've been wanting to make a map of this for a while, but haven't gotten around to it. Borders are at the moment my vision for around 1900, and number of immigrants is currently an estimate. At the moment it kind of feels too low in some places, but I'm not really sure.

Irish Diaspora.png
A map for you all. I've been wanting to make a map of this for a while, but haven't gotten around to it. Borders are at the moment my vision for around 1900, and number of immigrants is currently an estimate. At the moment it kind of feels too low in some places, but I'm not really sure.

Good map! Just two questions:

- What's that country in the north of Argentina?
- When did Colombia and Venezuela unite? Or did they remain united, with only Ecuador seceding from Gran Colombia?
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