What if these 2 aircraft meet in combat ….

Yak-38 or Yak-144 vs Harrier
Assuming it was a Harrier FRS1, (Sea Harrier, the most likely opponent as both were carrier based in the main), then I think the Sea Harrier would have the edge. Mostly down to the pilots, although I believe the Sea Harrier had better radar, (happy to accept correction).
If this was the 1980's then we're also back to the R-60 Vs AIM 9L question too.
Guns wise, the Sea Harrier had the 2 x 30mm Aden Cannon Vs the Yak's single 23mm cannon.
However, while I would say the Harrier is better, I am biased.
IL-76 comes across a C-17, could one down the other by theoretically dropping their cargo on top of the other?
It dependes on the cargo - volcanic ash might clog or damage the engines, although why anyone would be carrying it by air would be a mystery to me. Meanwhile, a well-placed jeep or pallet load of tinned mutton - both rather more likely cargo than ash - would require good timing and Hollywood levels of luck to hit, but would certainly be hard to ignore and likely to be very destructive.
Your best chance is to be carrying a whole load of Manpads or similar hand held missiles (or maybe a Ma Deuce if you have a competent armourer on board to help set it up while getting into position).
IL-76 comes across a C-17, could one down the other by theoretically dropping their cargo on top of the other?
I think I'm going to have to give this to the Il-76 for one simple reason.
