The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

Siberian natives give like zero fucks about the outside world so long as it doesn't make itself an issue for their lifestyles. I doubt the Soviets will have any time to prosletyse their communist schpeel since they are barely able to function properly as a country... they are probably de facto independent tribes now.
I for one welcome our new siberian overlords
Uh no what happens in it ?
Also link please

Of all countries and peoples the author has screwed over and ruined their futures the most, Syria and Syrians are number one of the hell-list without everyone who read that timeline ever realizing it. Syrians gained their independence in 1946 only to end up in a place worse than Hell for the rest of their lives since the end of the Second Arabian War (akin to Ethiopia until it won the Third Italo-Ethiopian War). After losing Latakia and Tartus to Turkey and Golan to Israel, Aflaq rising to power upon killing Shishakli, witnessing the nuclear destruction of Damascus and Deir-ez-Zor plus chemical bombardment of Aleppo,then to get stripped off Rif Dimashq to Alawites, southernmost Syria to Druzes and Aleppo and Idlib provinces to Turkey whilst gaining northwest Iraq (which they never asked for. Nor a monarchy for that matter), their industry erased through Treaty of Budapest, turning Syria into a horrendously lawless land (before whichever Turkish dictator came up with blitzing Syria every time Syrians form an organized rebellion against it once Turks "officially withdrew") that makes OTL Somalia look like Botswana with no one trying to rebuild it before the Bantustans were created... All this sum-up has annihilated the psyche,sanity and basic forms of reason onto every Syrian, turning them into feral schizo frothing Charles Manson beasts in human flesh. I bet they're the sole people ITTL who harbor permanent and unyielding hatred for humanity (let alone Turks, who while they're being abused by them every single frustrating day and are number 1 on Syrians' hate list,everyone else in this world are number 2 (even towards those who express genuine goodwill for them like NGOs, Israel and Kurdistan) and themselves at number three). They on one hand would screech hysterically and tearfully at the Globe that they'll enslave and slay everyone and everything once they've unshackled themselves from Turkey, and on the other they scream about why the heck were they born Syrian. And just like how the doomed Bantustani Blacks that aren't Zulus and Namas are infected with countless diseases (especially AIDS), Syrians have been diagnosed with countless mental/psychological disorders as the result of existing there (Eg. Due to them being ultra-hostile/xenophobic,spitting or slapping hard at someone's face is their way of saying "Thank you.") Their whole perception of reality was twisted and mangled to the point where finding temporary happiness is when they murder a foreign (especially if it's Turkish) child.

And ->

That concept within FoM has only been fully applied to Syria. Forget Italy and Soviet Union; the screwing of Syria makes fates of the rest of the Arab World and whichever nation or ethnicity was screwed over look inconviniently merciful by comparisson (except for Bantustans, but these were created in the 80s as opposed to late 50s. Nor even Najdis/Saudis during Mad Mufti since those who survived after ISA disappeared at least got a happy ending). The term "robbed" was repeated multiplie times throughout the timeline to describe what thing did Syria lose. That maltreatment and grievance overload is the perfect way to make even the sanest or healthiest society SNAP and become permanently dysfunctional, insane, bloodthirsty, livid and embracing of ideas beyond extreme ends. Aflaq was the only thing FoM Syria ever had for blessing after 1AW in 1948, now it has the worst possible textbook history ever.



And ->
Hai ram!
What the fuck happened to Syria in this universe..what cluster fuck did Allah decided to launch upon them
I never imagined a tl about ww2 would have that much cluster fuck in a middle eastern nation
Edit : just readed the titles of the tl gonna have to say this entire timeline makes me question humanity.
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Hai ram!
What the fuck happened to Syria in this universe..what cluster fuck did Allah decided to launch upon them
I never imagined a tl about ww2 would have that much cluster fuck in a middle eastern nation
Edit : just readed the titles of the tl gonna have to say this entire timeline makes me question humanity.

Me too. It's super Zionist to the core.

The chain of screws FoM Syria has got happened after WW2, not during. Among many things, Operation Samson (indiscriminate nuking of several cities and Arab divisions) was launched in response to something miliscule conpared to Nazi Germany's actions in AANW. Syria-led UAR launched a nerve gas attack on Tel Aviv killing 3000 people during the "Second Arabian War".

In its aftermath, Arabs were collectively held guilty for that war and the failed Third Holocaust (the second one was done by Stalin in 1949 because he thought Jews were Fascists due to Italy's patronage of them), rendering them ethnic pariahs with some individual slack-cuttings like with Lebanon and Yemen, but Syria and Syrians here were the "guiltiest" of them all.


In its aftermath, Arabs were collectively held guilty for that war and the failed Third Holocaust (the second one was done by Stalin in 1949 because he thought Jews were Fascists due to Italy's patronage of them), rendering them ethnic pariahs with some individual slack-cuttings like with Lebanon and Yemen, but Syria and Syrians here were the "guiltiest" of them all.
What the actual fuck
1st holocaust.. okay
2nd one ...fine
3rd one ...fuck goes hard
I am pretty sure isreal was just thinking
These people are planning to kill so we must kill them before they do it to us
Having 2 freaking genocides will more likely have destroyed Jewish psych to the point that they will be seeing enemies everywhere
What the actual fuck
1st holocaust.. okay
2nd one ...fine
3rd one ...fuck goes hard
I am pretty sure isreal was just thinking
These people are planning to kill so we must kill them before they do it to us
Having 2 freaking genocides will more likely have destroyed Jewish psych to the point that they will be seeing enemies everywhere
Honestly that fact alone makes me think that if the A4 was sent to Footprints I wouldnt feel even sorry looking at the result, that shit is cursed
What the actual fuck
1st holocaust.. okay
2nd one ...fine
3rd one ...fuck goes hard
I am pretty sure isreal was just thinking
These people are planning to kill so we must kill them before they do it to us
Having 2 freaking genocides will more likely have destroyed Jewish psych to the point that they will be seeing enemies everywhere

1st Holocaust = 5 million
2nd Holocaust = 2 million
3rd Holocaust = 3 thousand

The thought written in Italics sums up to Israeli reaction to the attack on Tel Aviv before nukings.

These genocides confirmed who are their sworn enemies, though the Operation Samson launched by the epic-failed last one caused Israelis to feel guilt over such devastation and how Arabs (or at least those who firmly upheld the Arab identity) were treated after the 2AW. Also, Israel became Greater Israel.

Again, it's only FoM Syrians whose psyche was irrepairably destroyed. I already quoted on why is so in the above reply.

Honestly that fact alone makes me think that if the A4 was sent to Footprints I wouldnt feel even sorry looking at the result, that shit is cursed

Even A4 themselves would call Fascist Italy's Operation Samson "excessive".
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Stettin: "Are you sure about that?"
I’m not defending Stettin, but statistically 250,000 dead Germans one time with less than 1% of the A-4 population supporting it and it lead to a backlash among the population (more than 40 years after Germany destroyed most of Europe). Making it mildly better than killing millions of Arabs, then brutally crushing their culture as irredeemably evil leading to an exodus where they are treated like garbage everywhere in the world. There’s a difference between nuking a country by treaty after an horrendous war and having a backlash even to that vs annihilating an entire region then humiliating the survivors and their culture all the way to present day (the third holocaust wasn’t an excuse).
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I’m not defending Stettin, but statistically 250,000 dead Germans one time with less than 1% of the A-4 population supporting it and it leading to a backlash among the population (this more than 40 years after Germany destroyed most of Europe). Is mildly better than destroying millions of Arabs, then brutally crushing their culture as irredeemably evil leading to an exodus where they are treated like garbage everywhere in the world. Theirs a difference between nuking a country by treaty after an horrendous war and having a backlash even to that vs annihilating an entire region then humiliating the survivors and their culture all the way to present day (the third holocaust wasn’t an excuse).

Hence the aforementioned excessiveness: not from casualties but with the way there was a limit to cruelty and brutality.
I’m not defending Stettin, but statistically 250,000 dead Germans one time with less than 1% of the A-4 population supporting it and it leading to a backlash among the population (this more than 40 years after Germany destroyed most of Europe). Is mildly better than killing millions of Arabs, then brutally crushing their culture as irredeemably evil leading to an exodus where they are treated like garbage everywhere in the world. There’s a difference between nuking a country by treaty after an horrendous war and having a backlash even to that vs annihilating an entire region then humiliating the survivors and their culture all the way to present day (the third holocaust wasn’t an excuse).

Unlike some mutineers in Stettin, Arabs planned genociding of Jews and many others and they used chemical weapons. Mutineers in Stettin just wanted end to the occupation and re-unite Germany. Arabs wanted kill every Jew and probably too every Kurd and Iranian. Furthermreo, altough that wasn't yet known prior Operation Samson, Arabs were allied with nazi refugees.

Whilst OS was horrible event, killing of 250 000 innocent residents in Stettins was just pure war crime.
@Lalli I’m not about to start arguing with you about two criminal actions none of which have anything to do with the other story, and certainly shouldn’t be justified in anyway, especially not about the “purity” of each respective war crime.

Guys I understand comparisons between the stories is fascinating, but people need to please quit bringing it up in this thread. There’s FOM, and you can make up your own thread on which “war crime” was worse in either story and for what reason.

Let’s just talk about what’s actually significant to this thread, like when Cabal China is going to set off its weapon. I don’t think it would be anymore than 2040, as by then society would collapse in a war over food. It think it would be the late 2020s as the last update it was shown that Cabal was testing its weapons in the 2018 USSR civil war.

2019- “China rejects requests from UNSC to place inspectors along China/USSR border to combat smuggling, calling such inspectors a “move by the Western Imperialists to enslave both the Soviets and China” - A clear sign they were smuggling chemical/biological weapons.
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@Lalli I’m not about to start arguing with you about two criminal actions none of which have anything to do with the other story, and certainly shouldn’t be justified in anyway, especially not about the “purity” of each respective war crime.

Guys I understand comparisons between the stories is fascinating, but people need to please quit bringing it up in this thread. There’s FOM, and you can make up your own thread on which “war crime” was worse in either story and for what reason.

Let’s just talk about what’s actually significant to this thread, like when Cabal China is going to set off its weapon. I don’t think it would be anymore than 2040, as by then society would collapse in a war over food. It think it would be the late 2020s as the last update it was shown that Cabal was testing its weapons in the 2018 USSR civil war.

2019- “China rejects requests from UNSC to place inspectors along China/USSR border to combat smuggling, calling such inspectors a “move by the Western Imperialists to enslave both the Soviets and China” - A clear sign they were smuggling chemical/biological weapons.
You know what I am wondering about is how much of a chance a customized pathogen targeting specific ethnic groups could even be made that can workreliably.... I would bet money that when push comes to shove the biowarfare is going to blow back in the Cabal's collective face and annihilate the Chinese population in a massive decimation (is there a word for 90% of the population dying?), due to the populace having a collective 'pre-existing condition' of being starved, malnourished (generational damage added on top of that) peasants with little education aside from what the government demands them to know.

It'd be like what people think happened with COVID in North KKorea but harder to cover up since they'd have started WW3 and all eyes would be on them.