The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery


What kind of horror? I'm curious.
Analogue horror is a genre where Stories are told through video cassettes , phone calls , images, new alerts , radio waves like the one from war of the Worlds etc etc
It's a indirect form of horror that involves camera, audio and footage ( can be skipped in certain stories,)
This is perfect for alternate history... especially for a story like this ...
For more information just search on Google or you tube about analogue horror
There are already a couple alternate history ones so you will love them


I agree with this wherein the horror isn't ghosts, demons, zombies, or Lovecraftian monsters, but a genocidal regime that actually won round 1 before culminating in its defeat in round 2. I could see Christians ITTL compare it to Armageddon as a whole.
For Jews that would be considered the literal apocalyptic event in there community
Analogue horror is a genre where Stories are told through video cassettes , phone calls , images, new alerts , radio waves like the one from war of the Worlds etc etc
It's a indirect form of horror that involves camera, audio and footage ( can be skipped in certain stories,)
This is perfect for alternate history... especially for a story like this ...
For more information just search on Google or you tube about analogue horror
There are already a couple alternate history ones so you will love them
I can imagine some hidden 35 mm footage of a family hiding from the Nazis before the SS or Gestapo kicks down the door and genocides them.

Maybe even audio recordings from the concentration camps.

And by the time Round 2 occurs, POV from a German family trying to escape the Berlin contamination zone.
For Jews that would be considered the literal apocalyptic event in there community
Indeed it will be. The Allies descending on Germany in the second phase of the Second Global War would be Armageddon itself. Which culminates in good (Allies) ultimately triumphing over evil (The Reich). The post-war world order of the A4 - controversial to many as it is - would be an allegory to how God would win over the forces of evil.

Except here, another evil is festering in the Far East: Cabal China.


I can imagine some hidden 35 mm footage of a family hiding from the Nazis before the SS or Gestapo kicks down the door and genocides them.

Maybe even audio recordings from the concentration camps.

And by the time Round 2 occurs, POV from a German family trying to escape the Berlin contamination zone.

Indeed it will be. The Allies descending on Germany in the second phase of the Second Global War would be Armageddon itself. Which culminates in good (Allies) ultimately triumphing over evil (The Reich). The post-war world order of the A4 - controversial to many as it is - would be an allegory to how God would win over the forces of evil.

Except here, another evil is festering in the Far East: Cabal China.
What is the deal with this cabal China?
I have readed about them on tv tropes and some comments here
But I still doesn't know how they are or what they do
I have Finnished the original without comments novel but I don't know how is this c&3 Android that people are talking about here
What is the deal with this cabal China?
I have readed about them on tv tropes and some comments here
But I still doesn't know how they are or what they do
I have Finnished the original without comments novel but I don't know how is this c&3 Android that people are talking about here
So, the Chinese Civil War ended with a bunch of lesser-known ultranationalist Generals taking control of the country. They believed that the entire world was out to destroy and conquer China, and thus the only way for China to survive was to destroy and conquer them first (Sound familiar?). To that end they began makings plans to remove all enemies, be they internal and external. After A4 intervention in the Korean War they realized that they couldn’t just nuke their foes into submission, so they began working on Unit 741-style bioweapona. The current rulers of the Cabal have plans to unleash an ethnically-targeted disease on the world that will kill everyone not ethnically Han Chinese, after which they’ll sweep in and conquer the world. Their nation is suffering from a massive overpopulation crisis (gotta have plenty of colonialists once you clear out the world, after all), meaning their nation is something of a basket case that might come apart at the seams if the Cabal isn’t careful.
Indeed it will be. The Allies descending on Germany in the second phase of the Second Global War would be Armageddon itself. Which culminates in good (Allies) ultimately triumphing over evil (The Reich). The post-war world order of the A4 - controversial to many as it is - would be an allegory to how God would win over the forces of evil.

Except here, another evil is festering in the Far East: Cabal China.
Makes me wonder about the new philosophical or religious movements that would come out following it since in Europe there would be a great void of meaning


So, the Chinese Civil War ended with a bunch of lesser-known ultranationalist Generals taking control of the country. They believed that the entire world was out to destroy and conquer China, and thus the only way for China to survive was to destroy and conquer them first (Sound familiar?). To that end they began makings plans to remove all enemies, be they internal and external. After A4 intervention in the Korean War they realized that they couldn’t just nuke their foes into submission, so they began working on Unit 741-style bioweapona. The current rulers of the Cabal have plans to unleash an ethnically-targeted disease on the world that will kill everyone not ethnically Han Chinese, after which they’ll sweep in and conquer the world. Their nation is suffering from a massive overpopulation crisis (gotta have plenty of colonialists once you clear out the world, after all), meaning their nation is something of a basket case that might come apart at the seams if the Cabal isn’t careful.
What the actual fuck is this ?
I thought this was the Android from command & conquer series...
I mean the Android and this States goals are the same too...
But really WTF that's some intresting distopic world building


Makes me wonder about the new philosophical or religious movements that would come out following it since in Europe there would be a great void of meaning
A lot of neo Nazis cults will start
I highly doubt anyone is about to deny the crimes Nazis commited in Otl as it's impossible to hide the murder of a 100 million people
Rather than that there will probably be the one's that glorify this mass murder...
Not to mention the UN , A4 and India/ buddies treating them like dangerous sub humans even after the war ended...and probably continuing it to modern day ...
A modern day apartheidic regime maintened by A4 and India will probably get a lot of hate by Europeans that inhabit mainland Europe in modern times ....
Germans will hate A4 even after this ...not to mention brutal suppression of political movements...and literal orbital striking for "disobedience"...
A lot of cults and neo occult activities with a big hint towards Nazism will start ...
A lot of Germans even after re education will still hate the A4 for there conditions...
Which will automatically lead to a Gaza strip like condition and further hatred with genocide justification among the youth ...
Neo religious movements and social movements that come out of these will be brutal , racist and would have a lot of nazi influence if not outright Nazism
Hitler would probably be considered a hero by a large chunk of populuas due to his reign bringing golden years to Germany...
So it will be bad ....very very bad...


How would anime and manga would be like in this world?
Chinese comics probably never got started due to political and social reasons...
Koreans ones are the best I am hoping for but still what sort of reading and watching material will we be getting from these 3 countries?
So, the Chinese Civil War ended with a bunch of lesser-known ultranationalist Generals taking control of the country. They believed that the entire world was out to destroy and conquer China, and thus the only way for China to survive was to destroy and conquer them first (Sound familiar?). To that end they began makings plans to remove all enemies, be they internal and external. After A4 intervention in the Korean War they realized that they couldn’t just nuke their foes into submission, so they began working on Unit 741-style bioweapona. The current rulers of the Cabal have plans to unleash an ethnically-targeted disease on the world that will kill everyone not ethnically Han Chinese, after which they’ll sweep in and conquer the world. Their nation is suffering from a massive overpopulation crisis (gotta have plenty of colonialists once you clear out the world, after all), meaning their nation is something of a basket case that might come apart at the seams if the Cabal isn’t careful.
It's even terrifying to begin with. These lesser-known generals (who are obscure figures in OTL) makes the Chiang Kai Shek and Mao Zedong dictatorship look tame in comparison. The Cabal continues to hold the view that China is the Middle Kingdom and it should take its rightful place in the world as the leading superpower. But unlike all Chinas of OTL (Warring states, Qing, ROC, and the current PRC) which only want China to be the sole superpower, here the Cabal have a delusional megalomaniac view to conquer all seven corners of the planet with Han Chinese citizens. Whereas the Nazis of OTL and TTL only planned for Generalplan Ost to resettle the "Aryans" in Eastern Europe, the Cabal wants the whole world.

These insane leaders are playing with fire. Remember the A4/Allies/UN had no qualms wiping out Stettin from the map. At some point, India even split its alliance with the Cabal after finding out of that biological weapon meant to wipe out anyone Han Chinese.

The Cabal would be hit with several nukes and orbital kinetic bombardment weapons.
What the actual fuck is this ?
I thought this was the Android from command & conquer series...
I mean the Android and this States goals are the same too...
But really WTF that's some intresting distopic world building
Case in point, @CalBear himself has described the Cabal as some group that makes the Kim Dynasty in the DPRK look so tame. Whereas the Kim Dynasty have resorted to isolationism and massive authoritarian measure to keep their power in check, it has no delusions of conquering the world (sorry, the game Homefront isn't realistic at all).

The rule of Cabal China is a mix of North Korea with the revanchist and chauvinist policy of Han Chinese nationalism that would make it akin to Nazi Germany.
How would anime and manga would be like in this world?
Chinese comics probably never got started due to political and social reasons...
Koreans ones are the best I am hoping for but still what sort of reading and watching material will we be getting from these 3 countries?
Japan surrendered on November 11, 1946 after constant firebombing and naval blockade. I'd assume it would still develop but perhaps delayed by a decade or two since Japan was damaged from the firebombings and naval bombardment.

Chinese comics and media isn't exported. This China is nowhere near the authoritarian but state capitalist with Chinese characteristics PRC of OTL.

Yeah, I guess ATL versions of Kpop and Manwhas are more famous that J-pop, anime, and mangas for this TL.
The Culture of the A4 and the Western World is very different to our own and I'm struggling to really picture how it looks like. Which Culture or Nation that existed or exists in OTL is the closest to TTL's A4? Right now the A4 in my mind just looks like a more Militaristic and Interventionist version of OTL's Anglo-Sphere. Is it a culture more like OTL's 1950s America perpetuating without the cultural changes in OTL or is it more like today's world but more Liberal?
A lot of neo Nazis cults will start
I highly doubt anyone is about to deny the crimes Nazis commited in Otl as it's impossible to hide the murder of a 100 million people
Rather than that there will probably be the one's that glorify this mass murder...
Not to mention the UN , A4 and India/ buddies treating them like dangerous sub humans even after the war ended...and probably continuing it to modern day ...
A modern day apartheidic regime maintened by A4 and India will probably get a lot of hate by Europeans that inhabit mainland Europe in modern times ....
Germans will hate A4 even after this ...not to mention brutal suppression of political movements...and literal orbital striking for "disobedience"...
A lot of cults and neo occult activities with a big hint towards Nazism will start ...
A lot of Germans even after re education will still hate the A4 for there conditions...
Which will automatically lead to a Gaza strip like condition and further hatred with genocide justification among the youth ...
Neo religious movements and social movements that come out of these will be brutal , racist and would have a lot of nazi influence if not outright Nazism
Hitler would probably be considered a hero by a large chunk of populuas due to his reign bringing golden years to Germany...
So it will be bad ....very very bad...
Where did this come from? The author mentioned all former German states are first class (or by 2024) states with full healthcare/education/jobs. No apartheid in Africa as it overthrown a couple of decades ago, and no subhuman treatment in Europe as that’s literally like the Nazis (why would India of all nations do that to Germany let alone other to other European nations). Very difficult to get cults started when you’re being occupied, with strong cooperation with the populace (don’t want to get bombed again). Hitler being worshipped sounds highly unlikely with the full realization of the Holocaust plus starting a war that destroyed his own empire. Germany’s only political suppression is simply not being reunited as a whole (Stettin was the exception not the rule). Glorifying the Holocaust sounds like a chance to get beat up everywhere on the planet even within the German states. Why would Europe admire the man who robbed and destroyed most of the continent, and why the A-4/India would be ridiculous enough to treat the victims (Europe) as oppressors and subjugate them. Germans being treated like the Gaza Strip is a complete non-parallel to this work. Theirs no segregation, German bantustans, legalized bigotry or inequality, walls, denial of political/economic opportunity, Germans treated like non-humans in their own country, and predatory policing. Few outside of Europe even questioned Stettin (but didn’t support it either), and most of Europe is afraid of Germany reuniting.
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The Culture of the A4 and the Western World is very different to our own and I'm struggling to really picture how it looks like. Which Culture or Nation that existed or exists in OTL is the closest to TTL's A4? Right now the A4 in my mind just looks like a more Militaristic and Interventionist version of OTL's Anglo-Sphere. Is it a culture more like OTL's 1950s America perpetuating without the cultural changes in OTL or is it more like today's world but more Liberal?
Their culture is hard to discern. Considering the world is very MUCH different from the ones we know. Some say the 1940s culture actually extended well into the ATL 1960s here. Important many OTL celebrities died in the war ITTL or pursued other careers that would make them not the celebrities that we know of.
Regarding Cabal China, I see at least a hundred Stettins in their future.
Considering that Cabal China is an unhinged rogue state that makes North Korea even more sane. Not only will their be rods but also what remains of the A4's nuclear arsenal.
I've always been interested in a Post Cabal China world especially since the hypothetical Cold War I've mentioned that would come out of it between India and A4
It's probably third-world to begin with. It does not look like the rising China of today.
And what about Hong Kong and MAcau comics (and culture, for the matter)?
Probably mix with British and Portuguese culture. Both the UK and Portugal still continue to hold both colonies to present day ATL 2024.
Where did this come from? The author mentioned all former German states are first class (or by 2024) states with full healthcare/education/jobs. No apartheid in Africa as it overthrown a couple of decades ago, and no subhuman treatment in Europe as that’s literally like the Nazis (why would India of all nations do that to Germany let alone other to other European nations). Highly difficult to get cults started when you’re being occupied, with strong cooperation with the populace (don’t want to get bombed again). Hitler being worshipped sounds highly unlikely with the full realization of the Holocaust plus starting a war that destroyed his own empire. Germany’s only political suppression is simply not being reunited as a whole (Stettin was the exception not the rule). Glorifying the Holocaust sounds like a chance to get beat up everywhere on the planet even within the German states. Why would Europe admire the man would robbed and destroyed most of the continent, and why the A-4/India be ridiculous enough to treat the victims (Europe) as oppressors and subjugate them. Germans being treated like the Gaza Strip is a complete non-parallel to this work. Theirs no segregation, German bantustans, legalized bigotry or inequality, walls, denial of political/economic opportunity, Germans treated like non-humans in their own country, and predatory policing. Few outside of Europe even questioned Stettin (but didn’t support it either), and most of Europe is afraid of Germany reuniting.
Many here criticize the A4 as "Anglo Nazis" but I don't see it as such. They are helicopter parents, not the next racist genocidal overlords.


Where did this come from? The author mentioned all former German states are first class (or by 2024) states with full healthcare/education/jobs. No apartheid in Africa as it overthrown a couple of decades ago, and no subhuman treatment in Europe as that’s literally like the Nazis (why would India of all nations do that to Germany let alone other to other European nations). Highly difficult to get cults started when you’re being occupied, with strong cooperation with the populace (don’t want to get bombed again). Hitler being worshipped sounds highly unlikely with the full realization of the Holocaust plus starting a war that destroyed his own empire. Germany’s only political suppression is simply not being reunited as a whole (Stettin was the exception not the rule). Glorifying the Holocaust sounds like a chance to get beat up everywhere on the planet even within the German states. Why would Europe admire the man would robbed and destroyed most of the continent, and why the A-4/India be ridiculous enough to treat the victims (Europe) as oppressors and subjugate them. Germans being treated like the Gaza Strip is a complete non-parallel to this work. Theirs no segregation, German bantustans, legalized bigotry or inequality, walls, denial of political/economic opportunity, Germans treated like non-humans in their own country, and predatory policing. Few outside of Europe even questioned Stettin (but didn’t support it either), and most of Europe is afraid of Germany reuniting.
Wait ?
I thought that Germans had the conditions of Kenya or central Africa from the conversation here
Wait ?
I thought that Germans had the conditions of Kenya or central Africa from the conversation here
No outside the nuked Berlin and Nuremberg, all of the German states are first class societies (not to give them a reason to feel oppressed thus vindicating Hitler). @CalBear what do the indigenous people in Siberia think of the USSR now? I can’t imagine having a barely functioning state would be fun to tolerate as a native. Is it possible for their to be a people’s revolution to overthrow the state?
A lot of neo Nazis cults will start
I highly doubt anyone is about to deny the crimes Nazis commited in Otl as it's impossible to hide the murder of a 100 million people
Rather than that there will probably be the one's that glorify this mass murder...
Not to mention the UN , A4 and India/ buddies treating them like dangerous sub humans even after the war ended...and probably continuing it to modern day ...
A modern day apartheidic regime maintened by A4 and India will probably get a lot of hate by Europeans that inhabit mainland Europe in modern times ....
Germans will hate A4 even after this ...not to mention brutal suppression of political movements...and literal orbital striking for "disobedience"...
A lot of cults and neo occult activities with a big hint towards Nazism will start ...
A lot of Germans even after re education will still hate the A4 for there conditions...
Which will automatically lead to a Gaza strip like condition and further hatred with genocide justification among the youth ...
Neo religious movements and social movements that come out of these will be brutal , racist and would have a lot of nazi influence if not outright Nazism
Hitler would probably be considered a hero by a large chunk of populuas due to his reign bringing golden years to Germany...
So it will be bad ....very very bad...

All these things you've described here are featured in Footprint of Mussolini's Syria. If you've read FoM, you'd understand why.
No outside the nuked Berlin and Nuremberg, all of the German states are first class societies (not to give them a reason to feel oppressed thus vindicating Hitler). @CalBear what do the indigenous people in Siberia think of the USSR now? I can’t imagine having a barely functioning state would be fun to tolerate as a native. Is it possible for their to be a people’s revolution to overthrow the state?
Siberian natives give like zero fucks about the outside world so long as it doesn't make itself an issue for their lifestyles. I doubt the Soviets will have any time to prosletyse their communist schpeel since they are barely able to function properly as a country... they are probably de facto independent tribes now.