Map Thread XXI

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Also here is a very large Czechoslovakia in VTBAM.
Probably some late WW1 POD. Rather unrealistically large.

Czechoslovakia now has the states of
1. Prague
2. Bohemia
3. Sudetenland
4. Moravia
5. Slovakia
6. Uhro-Rusinia (larger Carpathian Ruthenia )
7. Burgenland/Czech Corridor
8. Lusatia
9. Lower Silesia
10. Upper Silesia (includes former Austrian-Silesia)
11. Galicia-Lodomeria
12. Bukovina

This is probably an unstable and very multi-ethnic country. If successfull it could become a major player in Eastern Europe ... but if it collapses chaos might be guaranteed.

The UCR seem sorely out-matched as a sole great power by itself, though: maybe the HRE goes socialist to add some oomph to the Red camp?

Well, that would certainly fit with it's role as "China" [1] and the story's mention of socialist groups taking control of parts of the country.

[1] Sicily as Taiwan? Discuss.
[1] Sicily as Taiwan? Discuss.
I can't think of a better candidate but isn't it a little close to the mainland of the Holy Worker's Councils of Rome?
The Irish Unionist Party, Irish Parliamentary Party, Irish Labour, and Irish Liberals campaigned against independence whilst the Emerald Party, Irish Nationalist Party, and Sinn Fein campaigned in favor of independence. Once the ballots were counted, Ireland had voted, by the barest of margins, to remain within the United Kingdom.
Nice map. Honestly, this reminds me of the Scottish Referendum - which I'm fairly sure was your intention - and how I was told that it looked like it would be the end of the U.K. but then it wasn't.
I love to see the flip side of a Yes victory and a completely independent Ireland.
Does that include geographical independence? (see relevant post on the proposals that never happened thread)

Dig a deep wide canal and fill in the northern strait of the Irish Sea. Simples!

(originally from Punch magazine, 1913)
Finally got around to do a map for the MotF challenge. Not my best work, I'd say, but I would still like to hear feedback on it, especially since the setting itself somewhat intrigues me and I would be very happy to discuss it.




So this is a mix of an idea I had with a New England that remains tyrannically Puritan, another where the US end up being more bigoted against Catholics than blacks, leading to JFK to play a MLK-like role in Catholic Emancipation and a suggestion by a friend to do a Handmaid's Tale-like setting. These end up mixing quite well together, so I decided to give them a try.

The map is rather simply, I'm afraid, but I enjoyed playing with those coastline features and for some reason I find them cool, so I thought about including them on a map. I generally like this New England setting, so do be prepared for me to return to it eventually.

Beyond that... I don't know, I just thought about putting up something so the contest wouldn't get annulled or something. Everyone deserves fair competition, even if this isn't my best work.

I also do like the symbol for the Catholic League, more than when I was actually working on it actually.​
Beyond that... I don't know, I just thought about putting up something so the contest wouldn't get annulled or something. Everyone deserves fair competition, even if this isn't my best work.
I was having similar thoughts but hadn't finished yet. Just as well you preempted me, as your "not my best work" is much better than what mine was going to be. For some reason I actually find your map quite poignant.
Also here is a very large Czechoslovakia in VTBAM.
Probably some late WW1 POD. Rather unrealistically large.

Czechoslovakia now has the states of
1. Prague
2. Bohemia
3. Sudetenland
4. Moravia
5. Slovakia
6. Uhro-Rusinia (larger Carpathian Ruthenia )
7. Burgenland/Czech Corridor
8. Lusatia
9. Lower Silesia
10. Upper Silesia (includes former Austrian-Silesia)
11. Galicia-Lodomeria
12. Bukovina

This is probably an unstable and very multi-ethnic country. If successfull it could become a major player in Eastern Europe ... but if it collapses chaos might be guaranteed.

View attachment 755329
Hey now, at least they’re mostly Catholic West Slavs. But yeah to compare it to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Ukrainians would probably fill a role akin to Macedonians (small minority group speaking a more drastically different language with no subdivision of its own and probably using terrorism to fight for independence) and Poles a role similar to Croats (large minority group with a lot of political pull that constantly needs to be appeased but will probably still try to break off anyway because the Czechs probably will only concede up to a certain point before they start seeing the Poles as traitors to the union and pushing for centralization and the Poles will probably ultimately never be willing to accept rule from Prague. Silesia might be something like Dalmatia where Czech centralists try to promote a distinct Silesian identity to undermine Polish autonomism or separatism.

Pretty likely to break in the 40s.

THOUGH these areas not going to Poland can probably only happen if Poland is either communist or the Russian empire still exists, in which case the Poles may see staying in this Zapadoslavia as necessary for their survival and the eventual liberation of their brothers in Russia. That gives it a longer shelf life.

If the Czech corridor is a thing, relations with Yugoslavia are probably quite good. The West also probably significantly fears Austro-Hungarian unification if it signed off on the Czech corridor plan so the little entente may also receive stronger Western support.
Finally got around to do a map for the MotF challenge. Not my best work, I'd say, but I would still like to hear feedback on it, especially since the setting itself somewhat intrigues me and I would be very happy to discuss it.




So this is a mix of an idea I had with a New England that remains tyrannically Puritan, another where the US end up being more bigoted against Catholics than blacks, leading to JFK to play a MLK-like role in Catholic Emancipation and a suggestion by a friend to do a Handmaid's Tale-like setting. These end up mixing quite well together, so I decided to give them a try.

The map is rather simply, I'm afraid, but I enjoyed playing with those coastline features and for some reason I find them cool, so I thought about including them on a map. I generally like this New England setting, so do be prepared for me to return to it eventually.

Beyond that... I don't know, I just thought about putting up something so the contest wouldn't get annulled or something. Everyone deserves fair competition, even if this isn't my best work.

I also do like the symbol for the Catholic League, more than when I was actually working on it actually.​
Great map, and I also really like the symbol for the Catholic League! Are the countries represented Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, France, Italy, Ireland, and Poland?
The Social Republic of Italy

Sardinia, officially the Social Republic of Italy or the Italian Social Republic, is a country situated on the island of Sardinia, located in the Mediterranean Sea, south of the French region of Corsica. Sardinia was formed in 1944, when former Duce of Italy Benito Mussolini fled to the still loyal island of Sardinia and promptly signed both the Italian Neutrality Declaration and the Treaty of Cagliari, which brought the Spanish-Sardinian Defense Pact into existence. Sardinia is currently led by the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini, Alessandra Mussolini, who took office after the death of her father, Romano Mussolini. The country is generally regarded as a pariah state, similar to North Korea or Vietnam.


basically Sardinia remains loyal, and Mussolini flees there in 1944
Well, I wanted Neon to win by virtue of having the superior map :p
I don't like in principle there being uncontested contests and I'm glad to see that more entries came in! Looking at this I'm thinking that maybe 2 weeks isn't enough for most people to see it and get a map done - going forward I'm thinking about retaining the staggered system which happened by accident this time round so that there is still a new contest every two weeks, but there are three weeks to submit to any individual contest. I think that might help more people be able to submit.
Finally got around to do a map for the MotF challenge. Not my best work, I'd say, but I would still like to hear feedback on it, especially since the setting itself somewhat intrigues me and I would be very happy to discuss it.




So this is a mix of an idea I had with a New England that remains tyrannically Puritan, another where the US end up being more bigoted against Catholics than blacks, leading to JFK to play a MLK-like role in Catholic Emancipation and a suggestion by a friend to do a Handmaid's Tale-like setting. These end up mixing quite well together, so I decided to give them a try.

The map is rather simply, I'm afraid, but I enjoyed playing with those coastline features and for some reason I find them cool, so I thought about including them on a map. I generally like this New England setting, so do be prepared for me to return to it eventually.

Beyond that... I don't know, I just thought about putting up something so the contest wouldn't get annulled or something. Everyone deserves fair competition, even if this isn't my best work.

I also do like the symbol for the Catholic League, more than when I was actually working on it actually.​
Pretty intriguing setting, reminds me of a scenario where Massachusetts becomes a theocratic North Korea-esque pariah state that I was working on a few months ago but abandoned. Is the fact that New England still refers to itself as the United Colonies implying that New England's still a colony or dominion of some alternate British Empire? Are the rest of the OTL Thirteen Colonies in a similar situation?
Pretty intriguing setting, reminds me of a scenario where Massachusetts becomes a theocratic North Korea-esque pariah state that I was working on a few months ago but abandoned. Is the fact that New England still refers to itself as the United Colonies implying that New England's still a colony or dominion of some alternate British Empire? Are the rest of the OTL Thirteen Colonies in a similar situation?
My idea was that the meaning of "colony" doesn't become what we associate with it today, but more akin to a Greek colony - a settlement originating and with cultural ties to the metropolis, but that ultimately has its own authority. I'm not sure what their relationship with the British would be, but I imagine at some point a Rhodesia-type break would happen.

I'm not sure what's up with the rest of the colonies, although I imagined New York to remain New Amsterdam.
An alternate earlier ending to World War I. POD is something like the Battle of the Marne being a more decisive Allied victory. The war still stagnates into trench warfare but Germany is in a less advantageous position in the West. Germany still does OK in the East but Russia narrowly avoids total collapse. Italy and Turkey both stay neutral. By 1916 Germany and Austria-Hungary are ready to negotiate. Among the major outcomes of the Treaty of Louvain (1917) are these:
- Germany cedes Alsace-Lorraine to France. Germany is stripped of its colonies (not seen on this map) and forced to agree to severe limits on its navy. Germany also cedes Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium as OTL
- Austria-Hungary cedes Bosnia-Hercegovina and other significant territory to Serbia.
- Austria also cedes Galicia to Russia.
- However, given that Germany is in control of most of Poland, Germany is in a position to avoid ceding territory in the east. Germany withdraws to the 1914 border instead.
- Russian Poland and Austrian Galicia are combined into the Kingdom of Poland in personal union with the Tsar. Russia agrees to grant greater self-government to Poland.
Postwar, nearly all the belligerents are beset by political instability and economic troubles. In Germany, Wilhelm II is forced from the throne by a general strike; the new Kaiser has little choice but to sign the Treaty of Louvain and agree to domestic political reforms, but radicals of both right and left continue to cause problems. In Austria-Hungary, the new Emperor Karl II attempts major reforms. The renamed Empire of Greater Austria (from 1918) is to consist of 4 autonomous kingdoms, the Crown of Austria (which includes the detached enclave of Trieste), the Crown of Bohemia, the Crown of Illyria, and the Crown of Hungary. The last of these suffers particular instability, as it results from a difficult compromise between the Hungarian magnates and a sizeable population of ethnic minorities who feel they still lack adequate representation. Nor are the victors immune: both Britain and France suffer economic hardship and increases in radical socialist agitation. In London, Parliament finally passes the long-debated Irish Home Rule Act (delayed by the war) but Irish Republican and Ulster Unionist activity both lead to mounting violence. Most troubled of all is Russia: barely surviving the Tsar's incompetence long enough to be on the winning side, it has gained little from enormous sacrifice. Revolutionary activity of all kinds is on the increase, and Nicholas II still resists making meaningful reforms. When in 1919 Nicholas II is assassinated by an anarchist, the whole powder keg of Europe is in danger of exploding again after just a few years of tense peace...


  • europe marne.png
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Some 24 hours later and I'm back with a new map for the MotF thread! I really, really enjoy this one and hope you folks like it too.



There are no cities in Democratic Kampuchea. There are only labour camps, in which millions of Khmer people toil each day, be it in the farms, wielding only the most rudimentary tools to help them in their efforts, struggling against the bare forces of nature, in the factories and sweatshops, producing goods they will never know themselves, or in the depths of the mines, retrieving gemstones and gold for others to wear. And everyday you might very well be drafted to a new camp, to fill in a new job across the country, away from everything you knew.

There are no homes in Democratic Kampuchea. There are only cots in the bunks at labour camps, a new one assigned every day, depending on where you are when the workday ends and you are escorted to, falling to sleep exhausted in sheets soiled by the yesterday’s sweats of another wretched soul, side by side with dozens of others as miserable and famished as you are.

There are no families in Democratic Kampuchea. There are only men and women, married off at 15 by government decree, and placed together five days each month, with orders to make children as often as they can to join the workforce. They don’t see each other outside of those days, and at any moment they might be assigned a new partner. Mothers give birth to their child and never get to hold them before they are taken to be raised collectively by State wetnurses.

There are no schools in Democratic Kampuchea. Children are raised to learn how to work the simple tools they’ll need to handle and will join the workforce as soon as they are strong enough to do so. Reading and arithmetic are looked down upon as wasteful pursuits for anyone but the top tier bureaucrats and party leaders, who attend foreign universities with all expenses paid.

There is no democracy in Democratic Kampuchea. There is only the Angka – the organization – the Party, ruling over everyone, presiding from their golden palaces the most wretched people of this Earth, protected by a devoted army who will quell any notion of rebellion for the sake of retaining the barest privileges that the party cadres give to their soldiers.

Democratic Kampuchea is not a country – it is an open-air prison inhabited by 2 million souls condemned to inhabiting a hell on Earth. Democratic Kampuchea is a crime in itself. And in this crime, we are all complicit.

Usually, commentators will like to call Kampuchea the GULAG country, or some variant of the sort, linking its regime to the Stalinist crimes committed in the Soviet Union. The comparison isn’t quite apt. While it is true the Khmer is Rouge, the flag is red and that its leadership did have its start as a communist organization – a fiercely communist organization, a more Maoist than Mao organization in fact! – that is not the case today. If anything, one will not find a country on Earth where the power of capital is stronger and more well-entrenched than in Kampuchea, where the almost entirety of its territory is divided between deeply artificial and geometric blocs leased to foreign corporations, given them a monopoly over all industry, extraction and prospection in that bloc.

There is no domestic industry in Kampuchea – the country produces nothing more sophisticated than rice. Even cash crops like rubber and oil palm are reserved to international consortiums who lease chunks of territory to pursue their business. The Angka provides them with the territory, the (very poor) infrastructure and with the labour of how many Khmer workers as they might require, brought from their labour camps to serve in their factories. And they charge the bare minimum necessary to keep the tiny party elite living in luxury while their countrymen toil to make profits for all the giants of capital.

Kampuchea is the cheapest producer of clothing, of mechanical parts, of rubber, of palm oil, of gemstones, of exotic wood, of a number of precious metals and petroleum as well. It is stripped naked of its resources and its people work till their deaths to provide for the gluttony of the rest of the world. Billions of dollars are made each year selling in our markets products assembled by the misery of the Khmer people.

To understand how this disaster came to be, one must first understand there were two Democratic Kampucheas. The first, established in 1975 after the end of the Cambodian Civil War, was inspired by the teachings of Mao and the peasant guerrilla war it had just undertaken to take power. Taking the ideas of Maoism to their (il)logical extreme, Pol Pot, who had risen to the leadership of the Khmer Rouge by virtue of surviving the hard years of war unscathed, pursued a radical program of agrarian socialism, evacuating the cities and forcing immediate collectivisation of the lands, transforming Cambodia into a collection of agrarian communes toiling away, and a collection of killing fields ‘cleansing’ society of all suspect elements, from political opponents to urbanites to perceived intellectuals to ethnic minorities. This kickstarted the First Cambodian Genocide, by the end of which up to 2 million people, a quarter of the country’s population, were dead.

And more would have died had it not been for Vietnamese intervention. Freshly off their civil war, Vietnam could not allow for the humanitarian disaster at its borders to carry on and intervened, carrying out a military operation that saw the Khmer Rouge toppled and a People’s Republic of Kampuchea, led by a more moderate regime, to take over and do their best to rebuild the country after the great tragedy that had taken place.

Their efforts at rebuilding were complicated by the United States and the People’s Republic of China, fearing the expansion of Vietnamese influence, coming to support Pol Pot and the remnants of the Khmer Rouge, who reorganised as guerrillas in the mountains bordering Thailand. For more than a decade, not only did those two powers provide weaponry to what remained of Democratic Kampuchea, but they continue to recognise that ragtag band as being the one legitimate government of Cambodia.

With the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1991, Vietnam entered a period of crisis, which the United States and China saw as the perfect opportunity to pounce and arm the guerrillas for a new campaign against the pro-Vietnamese People’s Republic, pushing them in a drive that would ultimately see the Khmer Rouge return to power and Democratic Kampuchea restored.

But the years in semi-exile had changed Pol Pot’s worldview. Being attacked by his fellow communists, and supported by both the United States and China, currently undergoing the Dengist reforms, he disavowed the Marxist-Leninist legacy of his party and follow the ways of the West. He maintained his commitment to an agrarian Khmer society and, having been restored to power, was more than committed to hunt down and exterminate all those who had dared oppose him, so not everything changed.

In the following years, the cities of Kampuchea were emptied out once more, the killing fields ran red with blood and labour camps sprawled all over Democratic Kampuchea. But this time, contacts were also carried out with multiple international companies, hoping to get them interested in investing in Kampuchea, offering them a number of amenities, from control over all industries in a leased territory to access to cheap labour force conscripted by the State for the purpose. It can’t be said that many refused out of ethical principles. The commercial benefits far outweighed any other consideration.

Democratic Kampuchea is, of course, an unsustainable machine, eating away at the resources of the Cambodian motherland, depleting its mines and forests, polluting its soils and waters, and, more dramatically, eating away at its population, culling people at the prime of life, too overworked and too malnourished to maintain anything resembling a replacement rate. When the Khmer Rouge first came to power, in 1975, almost 7.7 million people lived in Cambodia. Nowadays, there are around 2 million living under Democratic Kampuchea, and the number keeps decreasing, year after year. Countless have been born, lived, if one can call that living, and died under the yoke of the Khmer Rouge. And with every purchase of a product mined, planted, harvested or manufactured in Kampuchea, you are actively contributing to that effect. American, European and Chinese companies are contributing to that effect, and so are their governments, supplying the government the weapons it needs to maintain order against a population that, like any other human being, strives to be free.


So here's what essentially amounts to the darkest scenario I could think of. Just take one of the most horrific genocides in the planet, perpetuate it, add a good dose of imperialism on top of that and voila you have an horror show that makes Oceania seem like an utopia where everyone knows how to read and has comfortable housing.

It's also weirdly plausible, and I'm somewhat uncomfortable with that, you know. When I imagined "Pol Pot continues his reign of terror" I was expecting something a bit more outlandish. I suppose one can find solace at the economics of this probably not working, but still.

What else? I like the colours. Pretty bright and go along well with the feel of the map. Also enjoy the little flags everywhere. Most of the companies do operate in Cambodia, BTW, in fact a lot of them operate precisely where I placed them, so that's fun. Nothing like creating the darkest scenario I could conceive of and making it as reality-inspired as possible.

I am quite taken with this map, to be honest. Could have done with reading less about the scenario, it really turned my stomach, though. Hope everyone enjoys/dreads it as much as I do.
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