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A board member who joined in October 2010.

Pipcard is one of our newer, but definitely rather prominent Space Jockeys.

Claims to Fame

Along with nixonshead, he's one of our few members who are openly skilled at creating 3D models and 3D renderings.


Naturally, he uses these skills in his astronautics-related hobbies, including the creation of addons and mods for the Orbiter spaceflight simulator. Most famously, he's been working on the space program of a fictional Japan-like country called “Hatsunia” (basically a parallel universe counterpart to Japan, if it had continued to be an economic juggernaut for reasons unexplained, with a culture heavily based on a certain virtual singing character), and also the cancelled Japanese unmanned spaceplane HOPE-X (as seen here), although the latter has been on hiatus.

offtopic/pipcard.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/09 21:02 by timothyc

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