Worst US President - Post 1900

Who was the worst president - Post 1900?

  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 47 46.1%
  • Herbert Hoover

    Votes: 15 14.7%
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Votes: 18 17.6%
  • None of the Above (Other)

    Votes: 31 30.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
George W. Bush. How one president could fuck up so many times is astounding.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, Bush was following Wilsonian thought, so perhaps I voted too soon...


The five worst presidents from 1901-1988:

Warren G. Harding
Herbert Hoover
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson
William H. Taft

I could very easily change these rankings, of course. I will not rate presidents after Reagan, because I don't feel sufficient time has passed to do so in an unbiased fashion, and information will still be coming in regarding their presidencies.
One of these Days, I'd LOVE to Run for The Presidency ...

My Slogan:

I will be The Best President from New Hampshire, This Great Nation has Ever had ...

Luckily, Frankie Hung that Particular Bar, Pretty Dang Low!
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This is pretty much a duplicate of an poll that was done barely a month ago - or at least after the elections. Can't any bloody freshman on this board just learn how to use the search engine?

Harding is the only one rightfully deserving of his low score. The lasting tributes of his administration were the work or crimes of others.
clusterfuck chickenstorm

The five worst presidents from 1901-1988:

Warren G. Harding
Herbert Hoover
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson
William H. Taft

I could very easily change these rankings, of course. I will not rate presidents after Reagan, because I don't feel sufficient time has passed to do so in an unbiased fashion, and information will still be coming in regarding their presidencies.

i will agree with you on bad presidents after reagan being to recent to be dealt with in a fair manner but i disagree with some of your choices. in my opinion Jimmy Carter was a good president who was caught in the uncontrollable shitstorm of the nixon years, a problem that was simply too big for anyone to solve at that hell even reagan might have been a one-term president had he been the one to deal with all of that. Hoover was simply naive, no recession had occured on this scale before and he had simply acted with what he knew and that was just not enough. Taft on the other hand I dont know what did he do wrong get in the way of TR?
I would disagree Jimmy Carter was one of the worst Presidents that this country has had the misfortune to see. He gave us 20% inflation and his foreign policy was a series of disasters which lead to the fall of the Shah and the establishment of a government that has been hostile to the United States ever since. Terrorism would not be the thrat it is today without his stupid decisions. No Iran-Iraq War , no Gulf War,no soviet invasion of Afghanistan and no Taliban.


Bush was a strange president, anytime he said he would accomplish something or said something, the thing it was about would blow up in his face.
I agree Bush was more strange then bad. For example Bush had the problem of basically running or advocating a pledge, like say no timetables for withdrawl in Iraq and then backing up those ideas with a vicious political offensive. The wierd thing was that he then found the direct opposite of what he had said and then did that, even though he had previously been talking about something else. Very strange if you ask me.

Second the HArding bit, in fact Harding may have been involved in an aborted Coup planned by some bankers in the 20's.

But by far the worst Pres since 1900 is Barack Obama.
I agree Bush was more strange then bad. For example Bush had the problem of basically running or advocating a pledge, like say no timetables for withdrawl in Iraq and then backing up those ideas with a vicious political offensive. The wierd thing was that he then found the direct opposite of what he had said and then did that, even though he had previously been talking about something else. Very strange if you ask me.

Second the HArding bit, in fact Harding may have been involved in an aborted Coup planned by some bankers in the 20's.

But by far the worst Pres since 1900 is Barack Obama.

Except that his term hasn't started yet. ;)
Its a little too soon to judge Bush (or Clinton for that matter) but I'd have to go with JFK just kidding, its warren harding
George Bush or Hoover. Bush because...c'mon. Hoover because he knew what steps he could and should have taken to fix the economy and end the depression, but wasn't willing to do them because of his ideology. That is the worst thing a leader can do, to put ideology above reality.

I would disagree Jimmy Carter was one of the worst Presidents that this country has had the misfortune to see. He gave us 20% inflation and his foreign policy was a series of disasters which lead to the fall of the Shah and the establishment of a government that has been hostile to the United States ever since. Terrorism would not be the thrat it is today without his stupid decisions. No Iran-Iraq War , no Gulf War,no soviet invasion of Afghanistan and no Taliban.
Carter didn't create the stagflation. Events preceding him in the 1970's and in the world around him created that. He just couldn't deal with it all in one term. However, he appointed Paul Volcker Chairmen of the FED, whose policies of economic recovery were carried out under Carter and in Reagan's first term, and those were what caused the economic boom of the 1980's. So Carter term 2 would have seen the same economic recovery of Reagan term 1.

And Carter didn't cause the overthrow of the Shah. Angry Iranians kept under the thumb of a foreign funded tyranny did that. You may blame Carter for the handling of the hostage crisis (which Reagan didn't do anything about either), but you cannot blame Carter for the explosion of tensions in the Middle East. The causes are too large and too old for that. And he did manage to bring together Egypt and Israel which I think few other Presidents could have done. And the Carter administration, unlike Reagan, did not funnel Iraq and Iran arms which can be attributed more to the tensions in the Middle East and the fault of a President than Carter's not wanting dead hostages or Vietnam 2.

But by far the worst Pres since 1900 is Barack Obama.

In so many words to save me breath, and supposing everyone already knows what the disagreements over the above statement would be, this is totally biased and baseless speculation.
Thats funny
It's Unfortunately True, Too ...

I Say this as BOTH a New Hampshire Native, And a Kerry Supporter ...

Franklin Pierce was Absolutely The Worst President, The United States has Ever had; If Only for Inducting Jefferson Davis onto The National Stage!

Harding had THE most corrupt administration in US history. His famous quote "I have no trouble with my enemies, but my damn friends, they're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights!" should speak volumes.
It's Unfortunately True, Too ...

I Say this as BOTH a New Hampshire Native, And a Kerry Supporter ...

Franklin Pierce was Absolutely The Worst President, The United States has Ever had; If Only for Inducting Jefferson Davis onto The National Stage!


Yeah was not one of the better ideas ever presented.
Franklin Pierce was Absolutely The Worst President, The United States has Ever had; If Only for Inducting Jefferson Davis onto The National Stage!


Pierce may be poorly judged for many things, but considering his 'inducting Jefferson Davis onto the national stage' as one of his signature failures is questionable to the highest degree and begs the question of sanity for any individual thinking so.