Worst-Case Scenario for SW Front?

So a while back there was a thread on what if the Germans attacked out of NE Romania on June 22 instead of July 1. What if the following changes were made:
  • Pz Group 1 attacks out of Northeast Romania on June 22 towards Zhyotmyr instead of from SE Poland
  • German 12th Army is freed up from occupation duties in the Balkans and takes the place of 1st PzG Group place between 6th and 17th armies

So Pz Group 1 still reaches Zhyotmyr around July 7, cutting off SW Front. Over the next 10 days, the cut-off forces are destroyed. Kiev OTL took 10 days to destroy, along much longer supply lines and after three months of fighting.

OTL the Germans spent 2 months clearing the West Bank of the Dnieper and establishing bridgeheads on the east bank, from July 7 when they seized Zhyotmyr to September 11 when they broke out.

ITTL, AGS could bag half of SW Front in the Zhyotmyr pocket, and AGS has an additional ⅓ the strength facing SW Front with 12th Army. So AGS is now about 2.5-3x stronger vs SW Front ITTL. They could clear the West Bank of the Dnieper far faster and break out east sooner, threatening Kiev and Kharkov a month earlier than OTL


Why didn't they launch on the 22nd OTL? I assume there were considerations of some sort leading to the delay.
Why didn't they launch on the 22nd OTL? I assume there were considerations of some sort leading to the delay.
The 12th Army was supposed to attack with AGS, but it was tied down with occupation duties in the Balkans. 11th Army replaced their role in Barbarossa but wasn't ready by June 22