World War III in May 1946

Once the captured American and allied supplies run out, do the Soviets even have the rail capacity to support their army west of the Rhine?

That demand would be unimaginably massive; food, fuel, ammunition, spare parts, new brigades, tanks, and aircraft... And it all has to go everywhere, because the Soviets have no choice but to guard every possible place the western Allies could land or raid from the sea, on which the Allies have absolute dominance.

Not only that, but as the air campaign ramps up, the Soviets will need to deploy (and supply) great masses of anti-aircraft defenses around critical logistical targets while at the same time burning mass quantities of highly refined aviation fuel in fighter sorties.

Where will all that come from? The Soviets were running down their admittedly massive manpower toward WWII's end, and allied supplies were critical to allowing conscripts to get off the farm and into the army or factories... There's none of that here, and the USSR itself is still struggling with the needs of reconstruction and restive populations in Ukraine and the Baltics (and probably Poland, now). Europe has barely begun to recover and rebuild, and any Soviet requisition or plundering will just make those badly overstretched logistics harder, as partisans plant bombs on the railways.

This doesn't even take into account that such industries as Soviet oil production around the Caspian can be bombed from Iraq and Iran, and any Soviet response would involve another expansion of the war with even worse logistics across northern Iran (and who knows what will happen with Turkey). Allied production is, by contrast, out of reach; as is allied shipping.

The Soviet bear is hollow. As this war continues, the USSR ought to simply deflate like a balloon...
Ulsers Cafe

New York, NY

June 21st, 1946

02:30 hours

Gentleman now that you've each met other here is the official poop. Until we know who the spies are in the Abomb program, Army, Navy etc. were going to be the clearing house for the coordination of all military operations. Just us peons, the President and the JCS will know the whole picture and will have access to all the planned operations of the JCS.

Some how we got lucky on Operation Louisville Slugger so we know we can trust the bunch who planned that. Amazingly, even thought we included the Brits, the operation went off without a hitch so their Navy must be clean so far. I think we can expect more activity from the commies as they try and infiltrate the US and British Navy however.

Your right Jim and now is the time to get some double agents in the mix. We have to come up with some plausible and disgruntled sailors who will hopefully be contacted by the Reds. We either have to get some of our guys to be real good actors or convince some already red loving sailor boy to work with us. We have to use a combination of carrot and stick with the stick being a firing squad just to make sure.

Yah some kid with a history of student agitating but then somehow joined the armed forces or better yet was drafted. We're going to need a bunch of em and they all have to be under our control. Did you know that the Limey's had caught and turned every Nazi agent in England during WW2? Yes everyone. We'll leave that kind of stuff up to the real spies Sam.

So by compartmentalizing and exclusively using "need to know" we should be able to eventually track em down. Then we just have to wait for them to slip up. If a certain set of operations continuously blow up in our face we can concentrate on that set of officers and their staff until we nail em to the wall. We're going to have to keep track of transfers and new additions. It will be a nightmare but eventually they will screw up they always do. Just a matter of time.

So let me get this straight Bill, a lieutenant, Flight Lieutenant and two captains are the only ones who will know the exact specifics of all the major military operations from soup to nuts?

That's right Sam only us, the President and the Joint Chiefs will have all the information on the exact dates and specifics for every major operation. Everyone else is need to know only. That way if an operation is blown then we can start to focus in on who might be the spy or spies. It will have to be confined to someone with direct knowledge of that particular operation. It will drive rest of the Admirals and Generals nuts but hey war is hell. We also have to help coordinate all the branches so they work together but we will do that through our special contacts in each planned attack.

We are to remain anonymous, blind drops, pigeon holes, no last names, the whole espionage ball of wax. We are the gate keepers of the collective knowledge of the Pentagon on the operational level. Do not slip up, screw up, make a mistake, talk in your sleep etc. We all unmarried for a reason and we have to keep it that way as long as we hold these positions. No one night stands... basically no sex or drinking for the next year at least. We were all chosen for this reason. I understand that Sam and Bill are Mormons so that helps.

What are you implying Bill?

Nothing Sam nothing. It's just that's one of the reasons you where chosen. John I know that the Marines are part of the Navy technically but as with the Airforce and the Army that may change so they are going to keep you separate from your counter parts so here's the line up.

Bill is Army, Sam you are Navy, Jim is Airforce and John your Marines. You are to assume civilian identities but will have special passes etc. to get where you need to go. Some kind of congressional oversight deal that will get you anywhere, anytime. You will be given contacts for every operation in planning and you will only communicate to them using the training and techniques you have just learned. It is up to you to decide what method you use to communicate with each of your contacts. Vary your methods for each operation.

Your only function is to watch for overlaps, coordination problems, equipment needs, basically anything in one operation that can screw up another operation because you will be the only ones with all the info on all operations out in the field. An example might be if there is going to be a hit on a submarine pen by the Airforce on the same day that the Marines are going to raid the same area. Things like that. Just keep each operation from killing each other by accident.

It's really no different than the way we were doing things. An example might be that MacArthur in the Pacific didn't need to know what day or even if we were going to invade Italy. It was need to know and as I said there are going to be a lot of bent noses in the high command but tough crap. This comes straight from the President.

We will all be employed by a front company... Superior Tool Company and will come into work everyday and sometimes nights, weekends and holidays. Whatever is needed. To the world you are salesmen specialising in tools for the military. We will talk among ourselves, compare notes and then figure out the best way to avoid mix ups and mistakes and then inform our contacts in those operations if there is a problem. Get back to the JCS if there is a conflict and they will solve it. All contacts with the JCS will be through Rose at the office. She is a highly trained agent and very cute so don't go getting any ideas. She can kill you with a glance.

Any questions gentleman? Yes Sam?

Are you sure John is a Marine? He's way too smart and good looking. He can't be a Marine.

See you at work tomorrow gentleman.
Extracts from the personal Diary of Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov

By Dan

June 22nd, 1946

STAVKA has appointed me as deputy commander of the 1st Finnish front for the liberation of Finland. The Commanding General has decided that I am to lead the northern flank from Murmansk into Norway. A great honour no doubt, but it seems I'll be kicking my heels until the spring.

I have suggested a modification to the Commanding General's great plan to open a second front in the southern drive, using the garrison at Porkkala as a springboard to sieze the southern coast and the capital, I don't think that went down too well. I have written my recommendations and filed them with the COmmanding General's staff and STAVKA, I have a feeling that this will be needed.
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From the private diary of Anton Lapotin by Dan

June 22nd, 1946

I can't believe the nerve of that little dog, second guessing my plan like I'm some sort of simpleton. The Finns would be expecting an attack from the outpost at Porkkala. The sooner I get rid of that jumped up jester the better. I think some time in the Arctic will cool his tongue a little. If I can get through this campaign without him I shall do so.

He does raise an interesting if minor point regarding the garrison, I will advise that the garrison is reduced to fool the Finns into thinking we are weaker than we are. Looking at the fitness reports of the units assigned to me it appears that things aren't as bad as they seem, although the divisions I have been sent are catagory B divisions, the reports indicate that they have met the requirements for training and drills along side their normal duties. This shows the superiority of the Red Army system. If he raises any further doubts I shall be forced to denounce him.
From the private diary of Anton Lapotin by Dan

From the Private Diary of Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov by Dan
June, 24th, 1946

I was correct, my suggestions have not only been disregarded but the Commanding General has suggested that the Garrison at Porkkala be reduced as a political measure to throw the Finns as to our intentions. While Maskirova is an admirable plan I believe this to be an opportunity wasted. If he has allowed for the withdrawn portions of the Garrison to be held over for the attacks into Finland he will have not proven to be a complete fool. I am now beginning to wonder if I have upset someone in STAVKA to have been given this position?
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From the Private Diary of Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov by Dan

June 25th, 1946

My orders have been recieved, I am to travel to Murmansk with the 8th Guards immediately and await further orders.

June 25th, 1946
05:13 hours

So Sokolovsky thinks he can keep me in the dark about his defeat until after he can give me a victory Novikov? I hope you know better? Explain to me very carefully why your planes did not discover these boats that did this damage?

Your excellency we have discovered that they used the combined resources of 20 aircraft carriers in a very confined space to create an air umbrella over the fleet of battleships that did this.

Let me make this clear if I may...these were not boats. Maybe they were relics of a by-gone era but they can still be considered a serious threat if we can't get at them because of the air superiority provided by both the planes from England and the carriers. We have to expect that at the focal point of the attack you can overcome strategic superiority for a limited time. That is what happened.

It was Sokolovsky's fault for not recongizing the danger and waiting to evaluate the situation further. That many resources concentrated in one area by you enemy should convince any logical person that caution is advised.

From what I understand Sololvsky ingnored...

Enough! I'll let him think he has kept me in the dark and see what "victory" he presents me with. Then I will decide his fate. You need to concentrate on providing me with such victories. Think very hard Novikov...very, very hard.
I just checked out your website on this TL. Great work on those videos. Think there will be more of those to update the campaign as things move along?
Oh yes. Lots more coming. Going to slow down in July for vacation and all but lots of stuff coming.

Thank you by the way.


J. Edgar is going to throw a fit when he hears of military men masquerading as civilians doing domestic counter-intelligence.
Official War Diary of General Anton Lopatin, 1st Finnish Front By Dan

30th June 1946

Orders gave been given for the Porkkala Garrison to withdraw to Vyborg. The foreign Ministry have informed the Finnish government that they have been withdrawn to assist with the Southern Front and are obliged to provide priority transport.

Orders are hereby given to deploy the 13th Guards Army constituants, (13th Guards Division, 3rd Air Army and 208th Rifle Division), to Vyborg ready to recieve them.

This transition is expected to take a week to complete with the Porkkala garrison to de-train just over the border.

I expect the order to open the 1st Finnish front to be given no later than July 10th 1946.
Northern Group Forces HQ

Copenhagen, Soviet Republic of Denmark
Office of General Hovhannes Bagramyanand
July 1st, 1946

Well Sasha that was a very unsatisfying campaign. I guess the Danes lost their will to fight when we destroyed their units on the front in less than 6 hours. They shouldn't have even bothered. All those young men dead to try and prove their manhood. What a shame.

We did not not even use all our units Hovan. It just seemed kind of an anti-climax after all the stories of how well the US and Englanders have fought so far. I guess we should not expect much resistance from a small overwhelmed country no matter how great their history for producing great warriors.

Ha! your just saying that because of your blond hair and blue eyes. Some Danish Viking in your past no doubt. But yes you are right I don't care how good you are with a sword or even a rifle it just doesn't help when trying to stop a T34 rushing at you at 60kph. Reminds me of those Ethiopians standing up to the Italians. The difference is that we are not Italian.

Well it's good Hovan that they surrendered so fast. Now Sokolovsky can present Stalin with a country and the keys to the Baltic to make up for this defeat by the boats of the capitalist navies.

You would do well Sasha to not forget those "boats". They might just show up where you least expect them loaded with Yankee troops looking for some revenge. Time for some action in the north I think. We have to protect our Northern flank from any funny business.
Official War Diary of General Anton Lopatin, 1st Finnish Front by Dan

July 1st 1946
Orders have been recieved from STAVKA to detatch the Porkkala Garrison from the 1st Finnish Front to occupation duty in Denmark. These orders have been passed on and the Denmark Occupation force are now on route to their new front.
Oslo - July 2nd, 1946 by Dan

Dear Prime Minister,

I enclose the reports we have received from the reconnaissance squadron we had previously tasked with keeping an eye on our Russian Neighbours. There is a significant build up around Murmansk, which as we've spoken of before is understandable in a time of war. However, rather than being the usual compliment of ice breakers and merchantmen, there seems to be a build up of heavy ships, suggesting a break out to the Atlantic.

As a side note, they also seem to have concentrated their entire amphibious compliment at Murmansk as well. While this isn't a significant threat I would recommend we advise our allies.

On a related subject, I strongly suggest that we speak with our neighbours as well. Suomi often has to deal with the unwanted attentions of our mutual neighbours and I doubt that they will respect Svierge neutrality either this time. Although neither will want to be dragged into the southern war, when self interest is at stake I think they may be a little more receptive.

I am, as ever, your faithful Servant,

Oscar Torp
Minister of Defence.
Dear Prime Minister,

I enclose the reports we have received from the reconnaissance squadron we had previously tasked with keeping an eye on our Russian Neighbours. There is a significant build up around Murmansk, which as we've spoken of before is understandable in a time of war. However, rather than being the usual compliment of ice breakers and merchantmen, there seems to be a build up of heavy ships, suggesting a break out to the Atlantic.

As a side note, they also seem to have concentrated their entire amphibious compliment at Murmansk as well. While this isn't a significant threat I would recommend we advise our allies.

On a related subject, I strongly suggest that we speak with our neighbours as well. Suomi often has to deal with the unwanted attentions of our mutual neighbours and I doubt that they will respect Svierge neutrality either this time. Although neither will want to be dragged into the southern war, when self interest is at stake I think they may be a little more receptive.

I am, as ever, your faithful Servant,

Oscar Torp
Minister of Defence.

We did a research project on such a threat, and found that the soviets could reach the northern British Isles, on the proviso that the navy and air force were busy in the south. Could this be the target of the Murmansk fleet? Ruskies in the Highlands and Islands would be hard to budge!
Well let's look at it from the Soviet's side...not Stalin's. The US has placed an obvious first strike weapon of unimaginable power within minutes of the motherland. Would the US stand for it?

As you know we didn't. We went to the brink of absolute and utter world wide destruction over missiles in Cuba.
Well let's look at it from the Soviet's side...not Stalin's. The US has placed an obvious first strike weapon of unimaginable power within minutes of the motherland. Would the US stand for it?

As you know we didn't. We went to the brink of absolute and utter world wide destruction over missiles in Cuba.

The Soviets certainly have a good Cassus Belli but they would have just been better pushing the Allies out of the country and demanding a neutral Germany removed of Allied influence. But of course Stalin always factors in, the game always changes when there's an evil tyrant at the helm.
July 3rd, 1946 by Dan

July 3rd, 1946


Dear Oscar,

Thank you for coming to see me yesterday.

As per our meeting, I will confirm the following:

Reconnaissance flights are to continue. The British have offered to make good any losses from their surplus in return for sharing the results.

I authorise you to approach your Svierge and Suomi counterparts with regards to sharing intelligence on our Russian neighbours.

I agree that in the event that the Russians look to Suomi territory, the next blink of the eye will see them looking at ours. I will take this matter up with the Foreign minister as a matter of urgency.


Einar Gerhardsen
Office of the Prime Minister
Official War Diary of General Anton Lopatin, 1st Finnish Front

By Dan

July 3rd 1946

Confirmation from STAVKA has been recieved. The 1st Finnish front is to begin OPERATION NORTHERN STAR at 0230hrs July 10 1946.

Readiness Orders will be issued to forward troops and combat stores are to be issued.

I am confident that the soldiers and airmen will do their duty and that the Commisars will do theirs.

The Dialectic ensures our success.