Wonderful new world

"Wonderfull new world" is the name of yet another man-made island project in the UAE.
some info

(other sources talk about a $4 billion dollars and a selling price of $30M ... btw that's a computer generated image ... construction is only about 15% along right now)
Nothing new there, they've done that several times already.
But there's a twist ... the Emirates have declared that, once all the islands are sold, they'll move their territorial waters back, making these 300 islands in Terra Nullis!!!
Well, there's critisism, the UN, US and neighbouring countries have already declared they'll never recognise any of these islands as independant countries.

Now, I just know we can have some fun with that!!!

so, what if ...
our first task is to get someone who matters to recognise these islands.
And if we look at all the shit Sealand has had to go thorugh to be sort of, kind of , semi recognised by the UK, Germany and the Netherlands this ain't gonna be easy.
althoug ... suppose Dubya has trouble going cold turkey when his current 4 years run out. So, he buys one of the islands and has the US recognise Georgia (he of course completely forgets about Georgia the state and Georgia the country).
It's now a free for all ... what other nations might we see pop up?
Schumacherland? The lump-of-dirt-formarly-known-as-an-island land?
Will Paris Hilton get one for her Birthday? Maybe that Pakistani Khan fellow buys an island and calls it Getyournuclearsecretshereistan.
Or, here's a good one, Prince Charles buys an island, tells his mom where she can stick the throne and declares himself god-emperor of Camillia.
How long will it be before the US parks a carrier group near the islands and invades anyone they don't really like?

How about TV networks ...
the ultimate reality show ... 4 groups of people are given an island each and have to fight a war according to some simple rules ... winner gets to keep his own island (what's left of it) and the network buys another island for the next series.

Once the islands become independant, how long will it be before groups of mercenaries set up shop nearby and start renting themselves out as defence for some of the islands.
How long before you have actual wars breaking out?

so the 3 main questions are:
1) how can we get these islands recognised
2) who would go for their own little country
3) what kind of crazy shit will we see happening and how long before it all goes to hell
There are better and safer ways to get your own little country if you have the money - many places away from any 200 mile zone where the ocean floor or some sub-sealevel structure reaches to a few meters below the surface. Put sth. like an oil rig on top and declare it your own country and you're done with the basics and your former tax collecting government will hate you forever.

Also, third world countries sometimes offer isles including recognition as an independent nation.

There are a few such "micronations" already in existence.

I'd also like to know what my (or some other) government would do, if someone takes a multibillion dollar company to an isle. Otoh: just think about all those company "headquarters" in tax havens.

Personally, if I ever had a multibillion dollar company, it might be a temptation. But I would want more than just a mansion and no taxes - I'd want good doctors, a save money deposit, and so on.

So after I'm finished with the basics on a large enough isle and made sure I'm elected as lifetime president by the 2 or 3 locals, I'd probably buy a small bank, reduce it too as few people as possible (a server, a programmer, a manager) and move it (or a newly founded offspin) to this isle. I'd also employ good doctors, farmers and so on to create this kind of infrastructure there. And so on, until I have a complete little Nation of my own - I suppose, I need a few hundred or even thousand people for that. Some of the cost is carried by the people themselves - they have to pay for health insurance, food, living quarters and so on.

I'd also need some security - so I'd buy 2 large yachts with a helicopter each, I'd install a control room in my governing mansion which let's me see the whole isle and surroundings and even fire shots at pirates or the likes, I'd employ security for my country, I'd let some of my more loyal employees control security and the other employees, and so on.

Then, I also need sth. like schools and day care for the children of my country.

With a little bit of luck and good people, the country will eventually run on it's own sustainable budget, and I get most of the profits from all the companys there. Maybe I also allow others to own companies in my country and I take parts of the tax revenue.

How'd you do it?