wierdest, obcure countries in history?: odd nations that we forgot

Which reminds me of the later village of Canudos, a de facto utopian state in the Brasilian state of Bahia at the end of the 19th Century.

Featured in the interesting and bloody novel "The War of the End of the World" by the Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa. And worth a read.


Agreed The War of the End of the World is a magnificent book. Definitely well worth reading along with many of his other works
In the aftermath of WW2, Stalin installed an Islamic puppet regime in East Turkestan, a.k.a. Xinjiang. As Mao began to win the Chinese Civil War, Stalin then ordered the leadership of the SETR to fly to Beijing to participate in the conference preparing for the People's Republic of China. Their flight mysteriously crashed in Siberia.

When the KGB archives were revealed, it was proven that Stalin had colluded with Mao to have the NKVD rid the leadership off. Even for Stalin's standards that's rather nasty.



Carpathian Ukraine declared independence (as the Republic of Carpatho-Ukraine) once things started to go crap in March 1939. It lasted mere days, until Hungary and others gradually overran most of its territory.


The Conch Republic

A tiny micro-nation that succeeded from the USA. (POD: This was intended as a tongue-in-cheek protest against the US for creating a border crossing north of the Keys, but was mistaken by the US as a real succession. The US therefore cut all political ties to the tiny micro-nation.)
My favorite underrated one is the democratic Mapuche, in what's now Chile, whom survived an unparalleled centuries surviving both Spanish conquest and plague.

Tnere's another lesser-known democracy, the Novgorod Republic, a city-state that also lasted centuries until Moscow's conquests reunified that part of Russia.

Then, moving to tragedy, there was also tragic African Biafra, when I was a tiny kid. that lasted just three years.


The Conch Republic

A tiny micro-nation that succeeded from the USA. (POD: This was intended as a tongue-in-cheek protest against the US for creating a border crossing north of the Keys, but was mistaken by the US as a real succession. The US therefore cut all political ties to the tiny micro-nation.)

Wait, do micronations count in this thread ? I thought everyone meant only serious attempts at countries. The Conch Republic was a micronation founded as a protest prank due to annoyance with the local government. Sealand was founded out of a similar stubborness to found a pirate radio by a radio enthusiast. And there's hundreds more, all over the world. I should know, I did a lecture about the micronation phenomennon last year.
Eight years back I spend a couple weeks fruitlessly searching for a reference to the Cape Verde Republic, a microstate on Cape Verde - the current location of Dakar. I got literally nowhere, and other than a single map of West Africa c1800 in a single historical atlas, I have never found the slightest evidence that any such thing ever existed.

Whatever it was or wasn't, it existed/didn't briefly appearing after 1700 and disappearing again by c1850.

As I mentioned at the time:

A big part of the problem is that since 1975, there has been a nation with the same name situated on the Cape Verde Islands a few hundred miles to the north-west. All the searches I've run so far have hit that instead of what I was looking for.

Still bugs me....
Eight years back I spend a couple weeks fruitlessly searching for a reference to the Cape Verde Republic, a microstate on Cape Verde - the current location of Dakar. I got literally nowhere, and other than a single map of West Africa c1800 in a single historical atlas, I have never found the slightest evidence that any such thing ever existed.

Whatever it was or wasn't, it existed/didn't briefly appearing after 1700 and disappearing again by c1850.

As I mentioned at the time:

Still bugs me....

It's also known as the Lebou Republic. You'll find more by googling on that name, though most of it seems to be repetitions of this bit from the wikipedia article on Dakar -

"In 1795, the Lebou of Cape Verde revolted against Cayor rule. A new theocratic state, subsequently called the "Lebou Republic" by the French, was established under the leadership of the Diop, a Muslim clerical family originally from Koki in Cayor. It's capital, called Ndakarou, was established at the present site of Dakar.

In 1857, the French established a military post there, called it "Dakar," and annexed the Lebou Republic. The Senegalese State recognizes the Serigne (also spelled Sëriñ, "Lord") of Ndakarou as the traditional political authority of the Lebou."
The Republic of Benin (not to be confused with the Republic of Benin) - established on 19th September 1967, captured by Nigeria 20th September 1967. Not even its parent state Biafra recognised it.

Ras al-Khaimah - became independent when the British protectorate over the Trucial Coast ended and it opted not to join the United Arab Emirates. Joined the United Arab Emirates after two months of independence.