WI: Yippies lace Chicago's water supply with acid


What if during the 1968 Democratic National Convention the yippies had successfully managed to spike the Chicago water supply with acid?
Doesnt the water for Chicago come from the lake. And unless they put absolutely massive amounts into the water it will be way to diluted by the time it reaches people.
Didn't Norbet the Narc stop the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers from doing just that in one issue? Or something.
Unless they dump LSD by truckloads, nothing.

Yeah you are going to need a metric fuck-ton of LSD to have even the smallest impact. Water also degrades LSD something fierce unless it's really pure (something about oxygen in the water) and chlorine basically destroys it. So yeah nothing happens.


Yeah you are going to need a metric fuck-ton of LSD to have even the smallest impact. Water also degrades LSD something fierce unless it's really pure (something about oxygen in the water) and chlorine basically destroys it. So yeah nothing happens.

Guess they'd just waste some perfectly good trips then.
Given the difficulties with LSD, how about, instead, BZ? I'm not sure if it's deliverable by water, but BZ aerosol bombs were mass-produced by the US Army during this time period. I have no idea how the Yippies could get hold of some, but it would certainly be an interesting situation.
Doesnt the water for Chicago come from the lake. And unless they put absolutely massive amounts into the water it will be way to diluted by the time it reaches people.

Water coming in from the lake or the river would have to be treated to eliminate chemicals, bacteria, and other harmful substances. So they would have to lace the water supply after the treatment.
There was a short story by Charles Sheffield in which the "Hallucinogenic Freedom League" laces the water supplies of the world with drugs, and a billion people die. He produced some pretty strange stuff in general.
Maybe a lot of Chicagoans start seeing things that couldn't possibly exist, You know, like a Cubs World Series Victory...:D
Unless they dump LSD by truckloads, nothing.

And if they did that, there would be a massive public backlash against pretty much all anti-war and other hippy organizations. Not that there already wasn't, but poisoning a city would pretty much doom them.


Well, leaving aside the problems with getting LSD, this is ASB. Daley will kill them all before that happens. EVER. He kept a 24 hour police watch outside the cities water supply OTL, and I don't think they are going to be too persuaded by the Yippies arguments about the immorality of Vietnam causing them to do this.

If they do somehow do it... Daley is going to get to do whatever he wants with them, and even more of America will turn a blind eye or openly cheer him.