WI: Wilson accept the Tardieu plan

In the middle of may 1919, to close the Adriatic question French minister Tardieu proposed a plan based on the work of the italian ambassador in Washington and the american functionary David Miller.
It will have seen the great part of Istria, the cities of Zara and Sebenico plus the island of Cherso, Lissa, Lussino and Pelagosa going to Italy, and the creation of a big buffer state with capital Fiume (and after 15 years a plebiscite over his future).
Italy agreed at the plan, but not Jugoslavia and more importantly not Wilson as he seen as too 'generous' with Italy. But what if France and UK succeeded in convince him to endorse it, so to close the question? Maybe he had the stroke earlier and it's forced to give his ok for health reason.

What the big change for Italy? IMHO the biggest it's the butterfly away of the utter humiliation of the italian goverment by Wilson and they will remain in Paris not leaving the UK and France to continue the negotiation alone (expecially over the colonial spoil) and will not alienate a lot of delegation. Maybe even the D'Annunzio take over of the place will be butterflyed away as it's a little too big for an handfull of Arditi

Tardieu solution
Maybe Italy isn't embarrassed enough to discredit it's government and allow for the rise of Mussolini. A lot of butterflies there including no support for Hitler (no Spanish Civil War, Austria remains in their orbit, likely no WWII or a shorter one), holding onto Libya while not pursuing an Ethiopian adventure, more willing to work with the UK and France thus strengthening the League, etc. Better economy, better international position, and poised to become an even greater power...though likely to be drawn into Algeria to preserve French control. Eesh. Also, relations regarding this buffer state will be interesting between Italy and Yugoslavia.