As we all know, the exiled Kaiser of Germany, Wilhelm II, fled Germany in 1918 and lived for the rest of his days in the Netherlands until his death in 1941. However there is an interesting subplot during the Nazi's invasion of the Netherlands in 1940 that Churchill was offering the former Kaiser and his family exile in the UK but he refused. More info on the matter here.

As some will know, he hoped that someday he would be asked to return to Germany as Emperor and before he passed away requested that he would only be buried in Germany whenever Germany became a monarchy again. Anyway regarding the exile and during the Nazi's invasions across Europe, many royal families fled to Britain to safety and it seems that Churchill was trying to do the same with Wilhelm with the fact that, IIRC, his offer was that should he accept and there was an Allied victory, Germany would return to a monarchy with Wilhelm or his son restored as Kaiser. However Wilhelm had given himself up on the matter and would die a year later which might explain partly why he refused the offer.

Been interesting in trying to make a TL of this as to what if Wilhelm said yes to Churchill's offer and what might happen in the grand scheme of things E.G maybe form a 'government in exile' causing problems in Germany during this time or likely make amends with the British royals before his passing or if there might be a reunited Germany earlier here during the cold war? Curious to know what you might think on the situation?
Well in a Allied victory, Prussia might still exist.
Nope soviets would not allow it, maybe if the western allied force made it to Berlin due to butterflies weakening the Germans to there advance but straighten there defensive against the Soviets. But the allies would need to allowed the Soviets concessions, like an annextion of an enlarged Poland into the USSR as an SSR and were granted a Northern communist Greek, Persian, Chinese and Japanese state (maybe as anui Manchurian Mongolian and Turkestan SSR’s) , Soviet Union might be more aggressive during the Cold War
The Kaiser had family in the German army and a grandson who died in the invasion of Poland, and considered the German Army his own army (writing a letter to Hitler telling him that he defeated France with his [the Kaisers] army and should restore him now). While the Kaiser was not a fan of the Nazis, he was also no fan or Britain, France, or the Soviet Union. Then, there is the factor that Wilhelm has kids and grandkids across Europe and knows that Hitler kills people he doesn’t like (he wrote about how Hitler has killed some of the best Germans a few years prior), Hitler is in charge or Europe rather than Britain, and I’m not sure that Britain ever gave the suggested offer.