WI the weimar republic collapses into a right wing military dictatorship?

The PoD is the wall street crash. After the crash Hindenburg and other officers declare martial law and suspend the constitution, creating a wave of white terror restoring the Preußische Geheimpolizei, purging both far right and far left members of the government, both Hitler, his goons and Ernst Thälmann with his goons are shot in the process. What happens next? Can this dictatorship have a Franco-ish ending with a restoration of the monarchy? Does Germany suffers more or less than OTL of the wall street crash? Can France and the UK declare the dictatorship a danger to Europe and invade or embargo Germany?


The PoD is the wall street crash. After the crash Hindenburg and other officers declare martial law and suspend the constitution, creating a wave of white terror restoring the Preußische Geheimpolizei, purging both far right and far left members of the government, both Hitler, his goons and Ernst Thälmann with his goons are shot in the process. What happens next? Can this dictatorship have a Franco-ish ending with a restoration of the monarchy? Does Germany suffers more or less than OTL of the wall street crash? Can France and the UK declare the dictatorship a danger to Europe and invade or embargo Germany?

The POD is not very realistic. Hindenburg actually tried to uphold the Weimar constitution, as he understood it. Obviously he was a half-senile monarchist and the eternal figure head of smarter people, so he botched things pretty bad.

He refused to give his blessings to a military coup IOTL and without some earlier PODs I don't see him doing that.

So for your desired military coup you actually need to get rid of Hindenburg.

Lets assume the Reichswehr and the DNVP take over.

They certainly would purge the far left, the far right would most likely be fine though. Instead of killing Hitler, he would probably get a generous pension to sweeten his "voluntary retirement".

Economically this new government would probably enforce a balanced budget and crony capitalism. During the crisis they would probably slash social security and use rearmament as "hidden subsidies" for their industrialist members/friends.

After the worst is over economically, we would see a slower and affordable rearmament, the rejection of Versailles and the attempt to regain German lands.

For more specific stuff we need to know what happens in the rest of Europe.
The POD is not very realistic. Hindenburg actually tried to uphold the Weimar constitution, as he understood it. Obviously he was a half-senile monarchist and the eternal figure head of smarter people, so he botched things pretty bad.

He refused to give his blessings to a military coup IOTL and without some earlier PODs I don't see him doing that.

So for your desired military coup you actually need to get rid of Hindenburg.

Lets assume the Reichswehr and the DNVP take over.

They certainly would purge the far left, the far right would most likely be fine though. Instead of killing Hitler, he would probably get a generous pension to sweeten his "voluntary retirement".

Economically this new government would probably enforce a balanced budget and crony capitalism. During the crisis they would probably slash social security and use rearmament as "hidden subsidies" for their industrialist members/friends.

After the worst is over economically, we would see a slower and affordable rearmament, the rejection of Versailles and the attempt to regain German lands.

For more specific stuff we need to know what happens in the rest of Europe.

Só hindenbuHi for agot a braun stroke and he is retired on the mid 20s as the pod.

The rest of Europe continues as otl. Maybe the yerman junta can use the fascists as their main rival, since yhet are weaker than the Soviets, control Austria and the league of nations blocked Italy after the invasion of Abyssinia. What do you think?
It seems to me that this state will be less likely to expand a la the Nazis; it makes more sense for them to, in coordination with their business interests, say that they're building up as a "Bulwark against Bolshevism" and that they have every interest in being a power like any other. They will likely get away with remilitarizing the Rhineland and maybe Anschlussing as a bone towards the more ideologically nationalist factions, but won't have as much incentive to alienate everyone. On the flip side, Hitler's demands for a German ethnostate seem to me to have had a perverse logic towards France and Britain; while we now of course know that he couldn't be trusted that wasn't so obvious in '35-'39. Thus, the French and/or British might have more incentive to give the Germans a strongly worded "No", and conversely the Germans perhaps have more incentive to back down depending on who they need to please and whether they can do so while saving face.

The wild card for me is how the Soviets react, and how everyone else conter-reacts. Most likely I think that Britain is willing to tolerate rearmament but France isn't, leading to Franco-Soviet and Anglo-German blocs emerging. Given historical alliances, I think it's more likely that Japan joins the latter and China the former. Italy, I imagine, would remain neutral, as would the US.

Even then, since no power has an incentive to expand that can't be checked--the Germans by banking interests, the Soviets by the need for a French alliance, a cold war type situation seems more likely.