WI the UK and France said Go East, Hitler?

King Thomas

Their plan being that after taking Poland the Third Reich and the USSR would fight each other to the death maybe for decades, and whoever won would be too tired to be a threat to the Western countries. (in this TL assume worse relations with Poland for some reason.)


Their plan being that after taking Poland the Third Reich and the USSR would fight each other to the death maybe for decades, and whoever won would be too tired to be a threat to the Western countries. (in this TL assume worse relations with Poland for some reason.)

They did hope to let the Third reich wages war against communism for them, until their paranoia took over.
That could have happened, although I doubt if France would have been very happy about too powerful Germany and lost of any influence in Central-Eastern Europe. The same could be said about Britain. To make that happen I think we need more dangerous Soviet Union and much less sympathy in the west for Eastern Europeans countries. Perhaps some war in Eastern Europe in 1930s? Then Germany might have intervened claiming they are trying to bring back peace and order in the region.
Anyway,Hitler's chances against Soviet Union are much better. He doesn't have to worry about occupying Belgium, Holland, France, Norway and Denmark, and Germany doesn't suffer any losses fighting there: that already gives Hitler a few hundred thousands soldiers more on the eastern front together with hundreds of tanks and planes. His Balcan flank is also relatively secure, so invasion of Yugoslavia or Greece is not necessary, even if Italian get their butts kicked there. No war in North Africa either, no need. Even if Mussolini had ambitions to make Mediterranean an Italian sea, Hitler might very well leave him on his own against France and Britain in exchange for carte blanche in the east.
OTOH, he can not count on enormous mass of equipment captured during 1940 campaigns, especially French trucks and on French industry working only for German war machine.
However, I wonder how British or French public opinion would have reacted to German atrocities in USSR, and genocide of the Jews (unless Germans instead off killing them only deport them...to Palestine?).
So the Allies drop their commitment to the Poles? What if the news of the 'Germanisation' of Poland came out? Basically it would mean the Allies sacrificed an ally populalation to, what basically amounts to, extermination.

Maybe a Hitler not as hostile to the Poles could ally with them. Somekind of 'We get back Prussian lands and you get bigger borders towards the East if you join us.' If played right the Poles might indeed have been more afraid of an expansionist SU than a Nazi regime that garanties a Polish independent state. On the other hand nazi Germany held low regard for treaties, so you have to get rid of the Chec invasion as well.
They did hope to let the Third reich wages war against communism for them, until their paranoia took over.

No, they did not.
Since you didn't feel the need to support your claim with facts, I'll also skip on those.
If you feel like being more convincing, try putting forth some facts.
... ruling huge amount of natural resources (=making the winner almost impossible to beat in the future). :-/

I think the safer solution for UK/France is/was to keep both nations on the map.


You bet.
And on top of that, nobody thought in the late 1930s that the USSR would be a match "for decades" against Germany. They thought Germany would win in a relatively short time frame, thus quickly taking possession of the raw materials.
Their plan being that after taking Poland the Third Reich and the USSR would fight each other to the death maybe for decades, and whoever won would be too tired to be a threat to the Western countries. (in this TL assume worse relations with Poland for some reason.)

In the late 30s Britain and France were petrified by the prospect of a rapid German conquest of the Soviet Union in the post-purge period.

Even if this was avoided and a war of attrition started Britain and France would soon come to regret it. Having acquisesced in the German domination of Europe it would be hard not to see them being sucked in on the German side.