WI the Soviet Union and the United States joined Axis Powers?

What if Germany kept their alliance with the Soviets in World War II and the Japanese never bombed Pearl Harbor? Because if they did not bomb Pearl Harbor, they might have gotten the US to join the Axis Powers and the Soviets will also be on their side, and then the allies might not have won the war:(


For the US to join the Axis the POD would have to Be Decades earlier than Pearl Harbor. Its sort of ridiculous. The United States was already, economically, in the war on the Allied side. The Soviet Union could very well have stayed neutral and not fight the Germans until Britain stopped fighting.
What if Germany kept their alliance with the Soviets in World War II and the Japanese never bombed Pearl Harbor? Because if they did not bomb Pearl Harbor, they might have gotten the US to join the Axis Powers and the Soviets will also be on their side, and then the allies might not have won the war:(

...It's ridiculously implausible (Russia as a neutral is just about possible; the US as an axis is pretty out there). That said:

Axis curbstomp. They're up against - what? Britain + Dominions + Colonies? Britain starves down to 50% of it's pre-war population (the Germans don't even need Uboats when the US isn't shipping food anymore) and the US grabs Canada in about 48h. it's not even a contest.
Britain wouldn't even risk a war against a Soviet/US/German Axis it would be suicidal even if they had Italy/Japan/France on there side. The end result would be Britain gets swamped by numbers in the air/land or starved out by a Kriegsmarine/USN blockade.

Though I can't even begin to think of a resonable POD that would have the US joining the Axis, without going back a long long time.