WI: The Republicans nominate John McCain instead of Bush in 2000

McCain had a reputation as the independently-minded “Maverick,” which could play both ways in a general election. Do you think he would do better or worse than George W. Bush vs Gore? I also wonder who his VP might be. I would suggest John Danforth to burnish his conservative credentials, but I wonder if he’d prefer to pick someone such as Colin Powell to reinforce his moderate reputation and strength on military issues.
McCain had a reputation as the independently-minded “Maverick,” which could play both ways in a general election. Do you think he would do better or worse than George W. Bush vs Gore? I also wonder who his VP might be. I would suggest John Danforth to burnish his conservative credentials, but I wonder if he’d prefer to pick someone such as Colin Powell to reinforce his moderate reputation and strength on military issues.

McCain/Danforth would be a strong ticket. Would McCain defeat Gore? Maybe. I believe that one reason that Gore put in such a weak debate performance was he thought Bush was a lightweight and didn't take him seriously. Maybe if he faces McCain instead, Gore puts in the same quality of effort he showed in his debates with Dan Quayle and Ross Perot. If Gore emphasizes the strong economy, peaceful international situation, and the policy accomplishments of the Clinton administration he'd be favored to win.

But, if Gore does everything he did in his campaign against Bush (lazy debate performance, refusing to campaign with Clinton, running a dull and contradictory message) then not only does he lose but he probably loses the popular vote.
this is a recently began take on this.
If John McCain was elected in 2000, there would still be an Afghanistan War after 9/11, but probably no Iraq War. George W. Bush specifically viewed Iraq as unfinished business from 1991 and brought along Dick Cheney and others to see it through. McCain probably punishes Saddam in a different way, but not overthrowing the Baath Party entirely. That said, with no Iraq War, the Democrats nominate someone other than John Kerry in 2004 (probably Howard Dean).
If John McCain was elected in 2000, there would still be an Afghanistan War after 9/11, but probably no Iraq War. George W. Bush specifically viewed Iraq as unfinished business from 1991 and brought along Dick Cheney and others to see it through. McCain probably punishes Saddam in a different way, but not overthrowing the Baath Party entirely. That said, with no Iraq War, the Democrats nominate someone other than John Kerry in 2004 (probably Howard Dean).

And McCain probably kicks the shit out of him, and Dean would know it. So would they try to curry favor with some group a la Mondale picking Ferraro as VP?
If John McCain was elected in 2000, there would still be an Afghanistan War after 9/11, but probably no Iraq War. George W. Bush specifically viewed Iraq as unfinished business from 1991 and brought along Dick Cheney and others to see it through. McCain probably punishes Saddam in a different way, but not overthrowing the Baath Party entirely. That said, with no Iraq War, the Democrats nominate someone other than John Kerry in 2004 (probably Howard Dean).
Really? I’m inclined to think there would be an Iraq War, it would just have been executed significantly better, since I doubt Rumsfeld and Cheney would have the day they had. I assume Powell is Secretary of Defense or possibly NSA if he can’t get the waiver to be Secretary of Defense here instead of Secretary of State, and a more competent Secretary of State with international political experience such as Thomas Pickering might have been able to get UNSC approval for action in Iraq/
And McCain probably kicks the shit out of him, and Dean would know it. So would they try to curry favor with some group a la Mondale picking Ferraro as VP?

I have a feeling it wouldn’t be Dean in 2004, with or without the Iraq War. If there’s an Iraq War, I think it goes better than OTL, so opposition among even Democrats would be muted, so there’s no demand for his message. If there isn’t an Iraq War, then I don’t think anyone with national aspirations (Kerry or Dean) will run for President. In fact, I could see Joe Biden being the sacrificial lamb with Evan Bayh as his VP.
Fred Thompson and Danforth could be good picks for McCain running mates.
As Liberman declines to run against is good friend McCain, Gore pick his second choice, John Kerry.
McCain could win but he has to keep conservatives votes while stealing liberal/moderate from Gore: a low conservative turnout could handle the election to Gore.
If not, McCain will invade Afghanistan and of course Iraq too (he was always in favor, Maverick Mac had many merits but this is not the case). In 2004 Kerry will be the clear frontrunner among Dems and will lose to McCain.
Under McCain I can see Microsoft breakout and an immigration reform bill passed.
In 2008 McCain VP will be clear and plain the GOP nominee (with an unpopular war and an economic recession I don't see many contenders for the role): probably Obama will be the Dem candidate.
Fred Thompson and Danforth could be good picks for McCain running mates.
As Liberman declines to run against is good friend McCain, Gore pick his second choice, John Kerry.
McCain could win but he has to keep conservatives votes while stealing liberal/moderate from Gore: a low conservative turnout could handle the election to Gore.
If not, McCain will invade Afghanistan and of course Iraq too (he was always in favor, Maverick Mac had many merits but this is not the case). In 2004 Kerry will be the clear frontrunner among Dems and will lose to McCain.
Under McCain I can see Microsoft breakout and an immigration reform bill passed.
In 2008 McCain VP will be clear and plain the GOP nominee (with an unpopular war and an economic recession I don't see many contenders for the role): probably Obama will be the Dem candidate.

I think I agree, Kerry will be VP in 00, but I don’t see him as the presidential nominee in 04, he will have already lost to McCain albeit as running mate and I don’t think he’ll run anyway, he probably wants to wait to 08 here. Also, I could see the war being much better handled (and no water-boarding, mind you), which probably means no Obama rise (especially if he gets butterflied from speaking at 04 convention) so opposition to the war is less prominent as an issue in 08. My thought is 04 is Edwards or Biden with Bayh as VP. And 08 is a 3-way race between Kerry, Clinton, and Dean, all of whom can be beaten if the recession is lessened and the Republicans nominate a Tom Ridge type


I think McCain would have the edge against Gore because of charisma and the infamous beer test. Al Gore would also have to deal with appealing to liberals drawn to Nader vs appealing to suburban moderates. McCain would not have that trade-off though; he would have an edge against moderates due to his maverick reputation and friendly relations with many Democrats like Joe Lieberman. It would also be very awkward for Gore to pick Lieberman as his running mate, which may force him to go for Kerry or Graham (better option due to the closeness of Florida). McCain could also pick Cheney due to his conservative appeal and shared aggressive foreign policy views. McCain would have to overcome issues concerning his age and previous infidelity, which he could wave away with an apology.
I think McCain would have the edge against Gore because of charisma and the infamous beer test. Al Gore would also have to deal with appealing to liberals drawn to Nader vs appealing to suburban moderates. McCain would not have that trade-off though; he would have an edge against moderates due to his maverick reputation and friendly relations with many Democrats like Joe Lieberman. It would also be very awkward for Gore to pick Lieberman as his running mate, which may force him to go for Kerry or Graham (better option due to the closeness of Florida). McCain could also pick Cheney due to his conservative appeal and shared aggressive foreign policy views. McCain would have to overcome issues concerning his age and previous infidelity, which he could wave away with an apology.
How do you think Pat Buchanan would perform under this scenario?
McCain was a poor campaigner and I campaigned for him in 2008. He would have lost to Gore who was an average campaigner for high office as modern Presidental candidates go.