WI the FN Surcouf used in the Pacific War?

The French Navy's cruiser submarine Surcouf was lost in the Caribbean Sea February 1942 in unclear circumstances on its way to French Tahiti.

One of the worlds largest submarines it was heavily armed with 2 8" guns main arnament plus anti-aircraft weapons. But it was ungainly as a submarine with various engineering problems.

My ATL for the Surcouf has it reaching Tahiti in March 42 and then being repaired and supported by the US Navy but crewed and commanded by the French crew for special missions. What kind of missions?

This vessel was not a typical 1930s submarine. It could have been used as a stealthy half a heavy cruiser to attack oil and gasoline production and storage facilities in Borneo and Indonesia that were out of reach of Allied airstrikes at that time. The idea is to surface at dusk several miles offshore to shell oil refineries, harbour storage tanks and docks with Surcouf's 8" guns.

Fire missions from a submarine would not be very accurate but to shell large static installations such as refineries and tank farms should be productive from an unmoving or slow moving submarine. The shelling is begun at last light for spotting and continued by the light of the secondary fires. This should avoid air attack. After 30 to 40 minutes of 8" shell fire on the storage tanks or refinery the fire mission is completed and the Surcouf begins its slow cumbersome diving procedures before Japanese surface ships can arrive.

FN Surcouf slinks away and sails back to Pearl Harbor for a refurb and reload to further conduct missions to support the oil and gasoline campaign agaisnt Imperial Japan.
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The 203mm/50 modele 1924 (8") guns used on the Surcouf were also used on the Duquense & Suffren class cruisiers - with modifications.

The type was also mounted in a single twin turret aboard the Surcouf, which was designed as a submarine heavy cruiser intended to disrupt enemy supply lines. This flavour of the gun was fitted with mechanically actuated tampions to allow quick dive. These guns could open fire 2.5 minutes after surfacing and fire approximately 3 rounds per minute. Maximum elevation of 30 degrees limited maximum range to 28 km/(17.4mi).
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I've thought of something similiar in the past. Take a USN Gato Class fleet boat and install a launching system for the shore bombardment rockets used in amphibious landings. Say its 100 to 150 rockets. The sub as part of its patrol approaches a Japanese held island with say an airstrip or facilities for flying boats. Surface off shore just after dusk aim and fire them all off. Effective? I'm not sure. But a lot less risk than sending a task force with one or more carriers to do the same job.
this kind of hit and run action would cause a lot of confusion, and make them spread their troops more
There is an interesting fiction book by Douglas Reeman, "Strike from the Sea"
that depicts a fictional sub similar to the Surcouf, the"Soufriere" taken over by the British being used in the Pacific in the early part of the war,


Monthly Donor
There is an interesting fiction book by Douglas Reeman, "Strike from the Sea"
that depicts a fictional sub similar to the Surcouf, the"Soufriere" taken over by the British being used in the Pacific in the early part of the war,

Aye, I first read that well over 30 years ago. I've re-read it several times since then and it's still a fun work. I've just scanned the cover of my old copy:


There was an interesting scene where Soufrière caught a Japanese carrier in port at night and launched a gun and torpedo attack. They also put the aircraft the sub carried to good use in observation missions.

There's some potential to use it in order to cause some chaos, especially in night raids.



Surprised no one has done one with HMS X-1

Surprised no one has done one with HMS X-1, or at least an HMS X-1 with engines that worked well...
