WI successful Fifth Crusade, Andrew II takes Jerusalem

The Hungarian king doesn't fall ill during his campaign and leads the Crusaders to victory by defeating the Ayyubid armies and taking Jerusalem alongside with other forts.

What are the consequences? What happens next?
I was thinking of making a Fifth Crusade thread myself, but then i found this one and decided to revive it before it goes cold.
I hear that the Georgians were planning on sending troops to the Crusader effort, but such plans were cancelled due to the Mongol invasion. Wikipedia claims that the Georgians could have more than doubled the ammount of troops available to the crusaders. Is this true?
If so, then could the Georgian Crusaders' leader gain the most influence in the mission, if the Mongols either don't come or are beaten back? If the Hungarian king gets Jerusalem, could the Georgians get Egypt, thus?
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Meanwhile, I was reading a bit about this crusade. Andrew's army had ~10 000 men, which was relatively small for the task, but if this number is slightly higher and the Georgians do join him, then together with the crusader orders, an army of 30 000 men is possible to raise.

I don't think Egypt could be taken though. In the longterm, maintaining the Crusader States would be still close to impossible imo. The future implications regarding Andrew however is very interesting. What do you think?
How does he keep it
Same thing could be said for all Crusader states, honestly.
Albeit i think Egypt could be held by the Crusaders if they play their cards right and ally with the local Copts. Fatimid religious policy was pretty lax, which might be what resulted in Egypt still having a large Christian minority in 1200 AD.
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