WI: Real Life Ghostface Killers

Mickey had no business getting away with killing Maureen, really. Especially considering what happened with James Holmes, who perpetrated a far worse and more bombastic crime in what was essentially the same setting, and was apprehended very quickly.

Strange to contemplate how the motives of the various killers wound up being highly personal ones for the most part (I have an argument that Mickey's attorneys might attempt to paint him, if he was apprehended, as a mentally ill pawn of the vengeful Mrs Loomis - what success this might have is open to debate of course).

Which begs the additional question - just what was it made those after Billy and Stu invariably ALSO opt for the Ghostface costume as a disguise? The more superstitious might speculate that the very character/icon itself is cursed in some way and worsens the existing grudges and murderous impulses of those who don the mask.
They can be justified in some capacities.

Roman's is the most obvious, Scream 3 revealed he kinda egged Billy and Stu into their murderous rampage (Hell, it could have been his idea).

The others all seemed to base their plans around Sidney, in essence, they were making a sequel.
Yeah, the entire family ties and drama in the Ghostface killing will make him something of legendary like Jack the Ripper, with someone that always will affirm that not every killer have been catched or that the real mastermind was someone else.
Plenty of conspiracy fodder here, and the Manson comparison becomes especially relevant.

To this day, there are those who argue (quite plausibly, I feel) that a number of unknown, unnamed Manson Family members and associates remained at large after the capture of the principal ones, and might still remain alive and uncaught.
Plenty of conspiracy fodder here, and the Manson comparison becomes especially relevant.

To this day, there are those who argue (quite plausibly, I feel) that a number of unknown, unnamed Manson Family members and associates remained at large after the capture of the principal ones, and might still remain alive and uncaught.
That's certainly an interesting rabbit hole to go down.
As for what it would result if Billy and Stu were apprehended instead of killed?

I imagine Billy would probably become some kind of Ted Bundy like figure in pop culture. Stu, I'll admit I'm more stuck on.
As for what it would result if Billy and Stu were apprehended instead of killed?

I imagine Billy would probably become some kind of Ted Bundy like figure in pop culture. Stu, I'll admit I'm more stuck on.
I envision them becoming the Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of their time, although the Ted Bundy comparison is sort of valid given that Billy did turn out to be the wolf in sheep's clothing for poor Sidney.
I expect wearing the Scream mask will be seen as suitable justification for the police and civilians to open fire. I can see gun sales rising, and lots of stuff about bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Bit metafictional, but to extrapolate from this I can see youths of the time possibly becoming much more streetwise, alert and safety conscious, less inclined to behave like the stereotypical 'dumb teenagers in a slasher flic' going like lambs to the slaughter.
I envision them becoming the Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of their time, although the Ted Bundy comparison is sort of valid given that Billy did turn out to be the wolf in sheep's clothing for poor Sidney.
That's probably also a valid comparison, though there probably would be less misconceptions about them.

With the Columbine shooters, there's this false belief that they were these mentally ill victims of bullying, when in fact they were just psychos.

Comparatively, you couldn't spin that kind of narrative with Billy and Stu because they weren't outcasts.
As an aside, I have to believe there'd have been some kind of early me too movement if the events of Scream 3 really happened.
Mickey had no business getting away with killing Maureen, really. Especially considering what happened with James Holmes, who perpetrated a far worse and more bombastic crime in what was essentially the same setting, and was apprehended very quickly.
Just something to note there: while, yes some could argue that it was unbelievable, there is the fact that everyone else in the theater was going absolutely insane.
That's probably also a valid comparison, though there probably would be less misconceptions about them.

With the Columbine shooters, there's this false belief that they were these mentally ill victims of bullying, when in fact they were just psychos.

Comparatively, you couldn't spin that kind of narrative with Billy and Stu because they weren't outcasts.

Klebold was mentally ill, but that's no excuse. I'm mentally ill and you don't see me shooting up my school.
I agree, I was simply stating that there's a narrative that's been pushed about them over the years that simply isn't true.

In all disclosure, I fell hook line and sinker for it until a few years ago. It's hard to wrap your head around kids committing such an act, so any rationalization will do. When I found out that they (Eric mainly) were the bullies all along, I was honestly shocked.
In all disclosure, I fell hook line and sinker for it until a few years ago. It's hard to wrap your head around kids committing such an act, so any rationalization will do. When I found out that they (Eric mainly) were the bullies all along, I was honestly shocked.
I bought to for the longest time as well, but back to the subject of Scream, I was simply saying that Billy and Stu wouldn't have those types of myths pushed about them simply because they weren't outcasts, if anything they were kind of the popular ones.
By the way, I misspoke when I said I think the films implies there's a moratorium on slasher films because of the Stab franchise. I meant to say that I think those movies imply slashers are thriving in universe.
Figured I'd revive this thread given that it's getting close to Halloween, anyone else have any thoughts?
Ghostface killers would be seen more of like a trend just like the creepy clowns back then in the mid-2016 so it would be harder to crack down on it since it would be individualized/de-centralized rather than a cult or a group.