WI: Rastafarianism melded with NoI?

Let's say that instead of going in different directions, Marcus Garvey and Wallace Dodd Ford, AKA Wallace Fard Muhammad (OTL founderof the Nation of Islam) managed to get on the same page for a pan-African pride/nationalist movement. Bonus points for dope smoking militants...
Not to mention Islamists worshiping a Christian king. They have to smoke dope for that. :D Well, reality is the crazy things that do happen so let's run with it.

They would start out as a strange group so nothing much change at the beginning. Then a communist junta overthrow said king. So have the RastaOfIslam declare jihad on the Junta with Cuban support. It will mess up the US counter-culture to begin with. Then the CIA recruit them (and foy uber-coolness Count von Rosen, see Biafran airforce) and they free the king (or was he a emperor?) and Ethiopia turn into a african Afganistan. Communism fall a decade early.