WI: Possible Bourbon-Hohenzollern Union


What if, somehow, Louis XV only has a daughter living and has her marry Frederick II or one of his brothers as a way to preserve the Bourbon Monarchy. Is such a thing possible? If not, why? Bonus if you can find a way to avoid the French Revolution from this theoretical union.

EDIT: you can make this union earlier than proposed here, just please give an explanation.

Would love to hear explainations from you and your ideas.

At your service,

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The only possible way such an union could happen is via the Bourbons inheriting from the Hohenzollerns through a female Hohenzollern.
If Louis XV dies without heir, IIRC the next line is that of the Spanish Bourbons, never mind breaking the treaty of Utrecht.
The only possible way such an union could happen is via the Bourbons inheriting from the Hohenzollerns through a female Hohenzollern.
If Louis XV dies without heir, IIRC the next line is that of the Spanish Bourbons, never mind breaking the treaty of Utrecht.

Though if one wants to continue to acknowledge the treaty, the next in line after that is the House of Orleans, of whom the current head is this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Philippe_I,_Duke_of_Orléans
The biggest question is when this happens- if it's after the War of the Julich Succession then the Bourbons stand to inherit Julich Cleves Berg on the Rhine, to say nothing of the electorate. There is also the matter of cadet lines in IIRC Ansbach and Hohenzollern who will also need to die out for this to happen.

This will absolutely spark a war as that is a lot of power and territory and France in the latter 17th century was already scary enough to prompt several coalitions.

In terms of sides I think:

Sweden (promised Prussia and or Pomerania)
Bavaria-could gain part of the Hohenzollern imheritance- one of the cadet territories in Franconia perhaps?
The Ottomans?

Austria (duh, likely claim Brandenburg via right of escheat as HRE)
Britain (also duh)
Poland (former overlords of dual Prussia, probably want it back... may be busy with the Deluge)

Wild card- the Dutch. This is post Glorious Rwvolution and France on the Rhineland isnt necessarily something they want. Then again they dont want the habsburgs in JBC either.

Most likely result is a partition, rhenish territories to France, Prussia to Poland, Bavaria gains Brandenburg proper, though it very much depends on the course of the war, ie France could demand part of the Habsburg territories e.g. Belgium or the Free County i think they would need to offer the Habsburgs something in exchange (say Brandenburg and its electoral vote to a cadet line). There is also the religous angle to consider, the Hohenzollerns are Protestant and France and Austria and Bavaria are all Catholic, likely you'd need a new electorate for the Protestants (Hannover?).