WI: Portuguese-Galician Pact of 1105

So I recently found about a Succession Pact, that may have been agreed upon in 1105, between Count Raymund of Galicia and his cousin, Count Henry of Portucale.

On it they decided on how to deal with the partition of lands after the death of Alfonso VI of Leon. Raymund would become King of Galicia and Leon, with Henry's help, while Henry would get Toledo, and the lands around, plus a third of the Toledo treasury. If the Toledo transfer failed, then Henry would get the Kingdom of Galicia, it's unclear if he would get the title of Count of Galicia or if Raymund would transfer the Kingdom to him but I'm more incline in believing that Raymund would keep the Kingship while Henry would get the lands.

Now the pact failed because Raymund died in 1107, and his son, Alfonso Raimúndez, future Alfonso VII, got the Kingdom of Galicia when his father died, which prompted Henry's isolation at court, for protesting against this decision during a meeting of the Curia Regia, which would end up with him being banished from court in 1108.

My POD is a simple one, what if Raymund Survives long enough to see Alfonso dead?

If the original treaty is kept, then Henry of Portucale basically blocks Leonese, and to a lesser extent Castilian, expansion south, which would favour both the Count of Portucale and the Kingdom of Aragon, but that would, no doubt, cause friction between Leon and the other two Christian powers in the peninsula, which could help the Almoravid dynasty in holding, and hinder the progress of the Reconquista.

If the transfer of Toledo proves impossible then the Count gains Galicia, which could cause internal problems as the nobility bellow the Minho, Portucale, and above the Minho, Galicia, would end up fighting for power at some point, that would work in favour of the nobility from the County of Coimbra, the city itself was better located than Guimarães or Santiago to southern expansion, with the three counties united southern expansion would be the logical path. Now with the extra men and money from Galicia, that would make southern expansion happen faster, which could mean a faster capture of the Algarves (Badajoz could also be captured by the Galician-Portuguese County instead of having Leon capture it, but that isn't my main focus in this), which could mean that they capture it before Leon captures Seville, opening that path to the heirs of Henry, meaning future problems with Leon and Castile.

So instead of the kingdom of Portugal, there will be a kingdom of Galicia. I doubt León and Castille want to let go of the 'imperial capital' Toledo and the prospects of further southern conquests. Sure they may start out of counts, but undoubtedly at one point they will claim the kingship with support of the Galician and Portuguese nobility and clergy.