WI:Phillip II/Alexander chose to stike west.

IWhat would have happened if Phillip II or his son Alexander would have struck west? How far would they have made it? Would he have had the same success against the barbarian hordes? Would his Macedonian (Yugolslav?) phalanxes have been able to face up to the Franks, Gauls, Nordics and Huns? Could he have set up a Roman-style empire, but hundreds of years before them?
Phaeton said:
IWhat would have happened if Phillip II or his son Alexander would have struck west? How far would they have made it? Would he have had the same success against the barbarian hordes? Would his Macedonian (Yugolslav?) phalanxes have been able to face up to the Franks, Gauls, Nordics and Huns? Could he have set up a Roman-style empire, but hundreds of years before them?

Have you reposted this from the old board? I remember the thread, and I remember specifically pointing out that there wouldn't be any Franks or Huns for several centuries....

Ah, yes, just checked: this is quoted from the old board, complete with dated ethnic terminology - "Nordics", hah. Originally posted by Nonny, I see.

Hmm. I still think what I thought the first time round.
Why the hell should he? To the east there's an ancestral enemy, masses of loot, and an excellent way of gathering panhellenic support. To the west...
Prunesquallor said:
Why the hell should he? To the east there's an ancestral enemy, masses of loot, and an excellent way of gathering panhellenic support. To the west...
Agreed. The real POD would be Phillip surviving the assassination attempt. In this way, Alexander could get a bit more stable before he becomes king. I think Phillip would attack Persia in any case, but I doubt he would go beyond Phoenicia and Anatolia