Watching this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCxqJgpejbs&feature=player_embedded got me to thinking.What if HIV/AIDS had never made the leap to humans.What would the impact be on the gay community, American politics,Africa etc?

Well, as a trailing Boomer (our older brothers and sisters got Woodstock and The Pill: We got Disco and AIDS :mad:), I've always been bummed that the sexual revolution died about 1980. "I'm willing to Live For Love, not die for it" became the mantra.

My first guess would be that the current serial monogamy social consensus would never have caught on.
Well, as a trailing Boomer (our older brothers and sisters got Woodstock and The Pill: We got Disco and AIDS :mad:), I've always been bummed that the sexual revolution died about 1980. "I'm willing to Live For Love, not die for it" became the mantra.

Our parents had sex & drugs & rock 'n' roll, we have STDs, war on drugs and Justin Bieber. :(:rolleyes::mad: